Chapter Eighteen

The First Step

Chapter Eighteen

            Once they were all seated at the dinner table one could say they looked like the typical fan girls most used emoji’s. The extremely happy Jinyoung, the embarrassed Mark, Jackson the scared emoji and of course the angry as hell Jaebum emoji. Mark could practically see the steam radiating out of Jaebum.

            “So how did even one’s day go, how are my boys?” Jinyoung asked smiling at everyone as he chewed softy.

            “I caught Jackson giving Mark a .” Jaebum said, as serious as one could say such a thing. Jaebum truly did not understand the context of proper dinner table conversation. What was more surprising was the fact that Jinyoung just raised his eye brow as he looked at the two younger boys before saying, “The condoms are in the cabinet behind the mirror.”

            Jackson was practically wheezing when he heard what Jinyoung said while Mark was watching on mortified. They were not discussing safe with his boyfriend right there.

            “Jinyoung! We should be telling them to not be having in the first place. In fact I should take this steak knife and shove it right up Jackson’s-” Jaebum never got to finish his sentence because Jinyoung had started laughing.

            “Jaebum sweetie when you tell children not to do something they only want to do it more and they tend to do it the wrong way. Now Jackson I’m guessing you’re gonna top, no offense to Mark of course so that means you have to make sure he’s comfortable.”

            “Jinyoung!” Mark screeched out, his face almost as red as the apples the decorated the table.

            “What it’s true, now as I was saying lube is very important in the preparation before penetration.” Jinyoung said before Jaebum smacked Jackson upside the head.

            “Keep your away from my baby brother! Jinyoung stop telling him things, Mark if I see one missing I will destroy you both.” Jaebum growled out.

            “Jaebum come on now what they are doing is only natural, besides we did way worse things when we were their age and we weren’t even dating at the time.”

            “Worse things?” Jackson asked, his fight or flight alarm clearly broken.

            “Yea, Jaebum might not look like it but he’s really into some freaky stuff like this one time during a football game we-”

            “Jinyoung if you have any love for me at all you will not finish that sentence. For all that is holy in the world don’t discuss with my brother.” Mark said, finally deciding the best option was to cover his face with his hands and hide. 

            “Oh Mark don’t be such a prude is natural, Jaebum just so happens to be into exhibitionism but don’t worry we never got caught.”

            After hearing that Jackson threw all cation to the wing as he began to laugh, his high pitch laughing only earning another smack from Jaebum. Mark couldn’t take any more embarrassment and stood up.

            “Well this has been completely mortifying and I need to go bleach my skull. Jackson I’ll walk you to the door.” Jaebum didn’t follow them but he must have done something because Jackson ran ahead of Mark yelling, “Thank you for the meal.”

            Once they got to the front door Jackson peered around Mark to make sure Jaebum wasn’t there before kissing Mark quickly. His smile was bright in the dark hallway and it made Mark’s chest ache in the best way.

            “I love you.” Jackson told him before heading out the door and to his car and as Mark watched Jackson drive away he smiled himself because he was really starting to believe Jackson’s words. 

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Chapter 26: At that price, I would be willing to buy your work, and I'd like either Heartstrings or Just Breathe to be published first. ^^ I kind of wish that you'd have paperbacks or something, but I understand that ebooks are easier and more efficient for many reasons.
Mautjezwik #2
Chapter 26: I love all of the a lot, but I think Just Breath is my fav! I hope you can make your Job out of this because you have a lot of potential
NeezDeez #3
Chapter 26: Heartsrings is my fav and i would like to see it published first! :) i wish you luck on your new projects! I'll surely buy when it happens! :)
Alexienst #4
Chapter 24: This story is the best abd the most adorable ever. Thank you so much for writing this!
Alexienst #5
Chapter 18: Thí chaptet is so funny and way too cute. Love all the characters here
Natalie_16 #6
Ahhhh Love your writings so much! Just finished Just Breathe and am starting this one. I've already read all the other Markson stuff you have! Love Love Love
Chapter 24: *stuffs your mouth with cupcakes* oh my god, this story is really beautiful! All your stories are! <3
Thank you so much for writing this :D
MarkSon is so precious *;*
A_Garcia7 #9
Chapter 24: I loved your stories and I hope you can finish writing all of them, you are an amazing author.
ilsandgg #10
Chapter 23: This was really cute. I enjoyed reading it! Good job :)