Chapter Eleven

The First Step

Chapter Eleven

            Youngjae asked BamBam where his next class was as he continued to walk with the boy but BamBam just said that they were going in the right direction. When they came across Youngjae’s class he moved his arm from the boy’s shoulders before saying bye, but BamBam just followed Youngjae into his English class.

            “BamBam…you do know that this is senior English right? As in seniors take it?” Youngjae said, staring at the boy confused.

            “Yea I know but I tested into senior English when transferred here, I guess we have the same English class.” BamBam said smiling, taking a seat beside Youngjae at the black wooden desk that was meant for two students.  

            “Wow I didn’t know that, you must be pretty smart then?” Youngjae asked, curious of the boy’s abilities.

            “I guess so, my parents owned that library you went to with Mark so I stayed and read a lot there when I was young.” BamBam said, a frown growing on his face.

            “When you were Young? You are still a little kid in my eyes.” Youngjae said pinching BamBam’s cheek, trying to cheer the boy up.

            “Please if I’m really as young as you keep saying I am that just makes you an idiot for having class with me!” BamBam said swatting at Youngjae’s hand. “Stop calling me a baby, I am sixteen ya know! I’m a junior in high school.” BamBam yelled, earning a few looks from students entering the classroom.

            “You sure act like a baby,” Youngjae said, earning a hit from BamBam. “Look your hits don’t even hurt because you’re so frail. Don’t worry BamBam I’m protect you from the boogie man.” Youngjae said cutely, earning more small hits from the smaller boy. BamBam stopped his attack on Youngjae when the teacher finally walked in, writing her name on the board as Mrs. Jones.

            “Hello class today is the start of our literary adventure!” She said. Youngjae mostly blanked out after that, no one actually said anything important for the first few days anyway. Youngjae could feel himself falling asleep until he felt something land on his hand. Snapping his eyes open he turned to see BamBam blinking at him.

            “I’ve been saying your name for like five minutes! You and I are partners for the semester and we have our first assignment already. We have to write a short story about our summer.” BamBam said, slowing dragging his hand from the top of Youngjae’s thigh down his leg. The young boy looked curiously at Youngjae as the boy let out a breathy gasp. How could someone look so innocent and do something so…seductive. Shaking his head Youngjae tried to snap himself from his thoughts. This was BamBam, Jackson’s annoying little brother BamBam!

            “Oh okay…when’s the story due?” Youngjae asked the boy, how moved his hands to his notebook, much to Youngjae’s relief.

            “It is due…at the beginning of next week so we should probably start early. We could do it at your house?” BamBam said smiling. “It’ll be easier for Jackson to pick me up that way because he’s trying out for fencing here.”

            “Okay yea sure…” Youngjae said, watching as BamBam bit at the tip of his pen. Thankfully the bell rang, making Youngjae stand up so quick he smacked his knee at the bottom of the table making a yelp fly from his mouth.

            “Are you okay?” BamBam asked reaching out for the boy, but Youngjae just nodded quickly before grabbing his back pack.

            “I’ll see you later BamBam!” He called out as he raced from the classroom. Today was proving to be a terrible day. 

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Chapter 26: At that price, I would be willing to buy your work, and I'd like either Heartstrings or Just Breathe to be published first. ^^ I kind of wish that you'd have paperbacks or something, but I understand that ebooks are easier and more efficient for many reasons.
Mautjezwik #2
Chapter 26: I love all of the a lot, but I think Just Breath is my fav! I hope you can make your Job out of this because you have a lot of potential
NeezDeez #3
Chapter 26: Heartsrings is my fav and i would like to see it published first! :) i wish you luck on your new projects! I'll surely buy when it happens! :)
Alexienst #4
Chapter 24: This story is the best abd the most adorable ever. Thank you so much for writing this!
Alexienst #5
Chapter 18: Thí chaptet is so funny and way too cute. Love all the characters here
Natalie_16 #6
Ahhhh Love your writings so much! Just finished Just Breathe and am starting this one. I've already read all the other Markson stuff you have! Love Love Love
Chapter 24: *stuffs your mouth with cupcakes* oh my god, this story is really beautiful! All your stories are! <3
Thank you so much for writing this :D
MarkSon is so precious *;*
A_Garcia7 #9
Chapter 24: I loved your stories and I hope you can finish writing all of them, you are an amazing author.
ilsandgg #10
Chapter 23: This was really cute. I enjoyed reading it! Good job :)