It's OUR thing


When Taehyung entered the dorm room with Jungkook at around 6:20pm, he bounded in happily, tipping out all the new purchases on his bed. 

Jungkook took his time taking off his shoes and moved to put it on the wooden shoe rack, only realising now that it was gone as he was too occupied looking at the back of Taehyung as he walked in front of him. 

"Taehyung, where is the shoe rack?" he asked, turning to the shoe cupboard on the other side which Jungkook usually used for the spare towels. 

Taehyung turned around, before a look of realisation took place on his features. 

"Ah, that. Right. You see, I was in a rush to meet you because there was this one blemish on my face that would not go away no matter how much concealer I put on. And when I was done, I had to run and accidently slipped in my socks. My shoe then tipped to the side, causing a very dangerous and scary fall for me. I fell on it and it broke, so I had to throw it out." he went on, waving his arms about in the air to explain his story, which really was telling nothing to Jungkook who was staring at him in disbelief. 

"So, I had to wait for forty minutes all because you had a pimple on your face." he deadpanned

"No!" Taehyung shook his head. "It's a blemish. Gosh." he rolled his eyes and flicked in bangs to the side, showing nothing but sass as he strolled to his desk and pulling out a drawer.

Jungkook rolled his own eyes. "Oh please. It's the same thing. I can see it from here." he made a show of squinting his eyes in mock concentration and pointing at Taehyung's face.

"Oh shut up! I told you it wouldn't go away. And I know you have some really good creams and cleansers, I saw them in the cupboard on top of the sink." he replied, imitating Jungkook by squinting his own eyes, as if finding out a secret that Jungkook was hiding - which he wasn't - and pointing at him too. 

Jungkook walked to the closet and pulled out some clothes, "Why didn't you just use them then?" 

Taehyung shook his head, opening the wallet he retrieved from his drawer. "No, they're not mine, they're yours and I didn't want to use them without permission." he took out some bank notes and leaned on his elbow across the bed to slip the wallet back into the drawer. 

Jungkook looked over at him in surprise, slightly touched by his answer that he wouldn't just use his stuff, afraid that he wouldn't approve. 

"It's okay. You can share them with me." he told Taehyung, smiling at him 

"Really? Thanks!" he walked over to Jungkook with an outstretched hand, bank notes held out

Jungkook looked down, "What's this? Money for what?" 

Taehyung rolled his eyes and ed the money at his chest, though Jungkook made no move to take it as he returned his gaze back to Taehyung. 

"This is the money I owe you for all the things you bought me just then. Here, take it." 

Jungkook thought about it for a while. The memory of Taehyung looking absolutely ecstatic and happy made him feel bubbly inside. He remembered Taehyung bounding alongside him on the way back, and it made him not regret the amount of money he had spent on the said boy beside him. Not one bit. 

But still, it was $78.50 he had to spend. 

So amongst the multiple bank notes and a 50 cent coin, he took a look and only slipped out a $10 note from Taehyung's hand. He returned the rest of the money to Taehyung by pushing his hand back by the wrist back to his chest. 

He looked up and sent the sincerest smile at him. "Thank you, but this is all I'll be taking from you." 

Jungkook turned around back to face the closet door and closed it when he had his clothes in his hand. 

Taehyung stood, speechless at what just happened. Only snapping out of his daze when Jungkook walked to the bathroom door and closed it, he called out to him, 

"Are you sure? You're treating me?" 

When he got no answer besides a light-hearted laugh, he smiled and said, "Thank you, Jungkookie!" 

He turned away from the bathroom door when he heard the shower turn on and started to put away his things. Looking at the things in front of him, he thought of Jungkook and smiled his rectangular box smile. 

Too bad Jungkook didn't see it because he was in the shower. 







The two boys were lying on their beds, about to go to sleep. 

Taehyung fell asleep first. Jungkook, didn't fall asleep. 

He couldn't no matter how much he tried to and he didn't know why. His thoughts kept drifting back to the sleeping boy next to him and his smiling face. He realised it was the first time he had seen Taehyung have so much fun in the small frame of time he had been there. 

Jungkook just lay in bed, stopping his aimless rolling around. He smiled. 

It was a cold night and Jungkook remembered his new Rilakkuma hoodie. He sat up and shuffled his way across the floor to retrieve it on his desk. 

He slipped it on and walked back to his bed. Looking over at Taehyung on his own bed, he stared a little more than necessary and decided to walk over to him. It was then he realised what he wanted to remind himself about earlier. 

Deciding to just give up on sleep for that night, he walked over to his desk and the small lamp. He glanced back to see if the small light was disturbing Taehyung. He didn't move so Jungkook turned back to his desk and pulled out some file paper. 

"Hmm.." he thought as he took a pen from his pencil holder.

He listed down questions he wanted answers to. Jungkook stopped at 10 questions and decided that it was enough. 

Reading it over, he placed it in the middle of his desk and walked over to his bed after turning of the lamp. Feeling his body become slowly tired, he decided it was a good time to try to fall asleep. 

He closed his eyes and fell into a light but peaceful sleep. 




Taehyung opened his eyes to the morning light, squinting, he turned over to his side immediately again. Realising that today his classes didn't start until late that day, he was relieved and wanted to get some more sleep. But he had enough and couldn't fall back to sleep. 

So instead, he got up and started to wash up. He used a cleanser of Jungkook's after he got his permission the night before and examined his skin in the mirror. 

Ugh. The blemish is still there. 

He walked out of the bathroom after washing his face, only to see Jungkook changing and putting some pants on. Taehyung didn't seem to mind as they were both guys, even though he did flip out when he thought Jungkook was staring at his body a while back. 

It was Jungkook's turn to flip out. His eyes widened and he hurriedly shoved his foot into the pants while trying to turn around, he ended up losing balance and falling over. 

Taehyung moved to help him, but Jungkook only held out a hand with a red face and ordered him to turn around. 

"Don't look at me! Face the other way!" he pointed a finger in the direction of the wall behind Taehyung. 

"Jungkook, it's fine there is nothing to be-" 

"Oh just shut up and turn around!" he screeched, bringing his knees close to his chest and shutting his eyes and he pointed harshly at the wall behind Taehyung

Taehyung, shocked, just obeyed him and faced the wall. He heard shuffling and Jungkook stood up. 

"It's okay now. You can turn around." he huffed, avoiding eye contact and he walked over to his bed behind Taehyung and making the blankets neater. 

"You could've told me you were going to leave the bathroom. As usual, you were standing in there for ages and you just had to choose this time to leave." he rolled his eyes with pink cheeks and straightened out his bed. 

"Sorry. It's not like there's anything to be afraid about. We're both guys you know." he raised an eyebrow

Jungkook cleared his throat before speaking,

"Right. Says you who freaked out completely when you came out of the shower. You were even wearing a full robe!" he pointed an accusing finger at him

"That was because you were so checking me out!" he defended himself and waving his hand off in a sassy manner. 

"What? Okay, no no no. You have so gotten the wrong idea." he shook his head in disbelief 

"You so were." he said

"I was not." Jungkook walked past Taehyung and sat by his desk. He saw the 10 questions he listed down yeserday night, or more like super early morning. He picked it up and turned to Taehyung who was sitting down on his bed, holding his phone. 

He was about to speak when Taehyung beat him to it. "What are you doing up so early anyway. I mean, it's not early but it is for you." he showed the time displayed on his screen. 


Jungkook shrugged. "Couldn't sleep last night. I guess I don't really feel sleepy." he answered

Taehyung nodded and returned his gaze to his phone again, but Jungkook called out to him and he looked up

"Taehyung-ah, I have something I want to do with you." he said, clutching the piece of paper in his hand

Taehyung looked suspiciously at him


Jungkook felt his suspicion and laughed

"It's nothing weird. I just wanted to ask you some questions about yourself so I know a bit more." he waved the sheet in his hand

"Oh." Taehyung straightened his shoulders and put his phone away. "Ask away." 

Jungkook smiled and looked at the first question written down. 

"Question 1. When is your birthday?" he looked up, waiting for an answer

"December 30th. What about yours?" he answered and asked back

Jungkook, pleasantly surprised that Taehyung wanted to know more about him as well, answered him, "September 1st."

He nodded his head, "1995?" Jungkook shook his head. "1997." he corrected

Taehyung's eyes went slightly wide in mild surprise. "And here we have the receptionist lady telling me we were the same age."

"Well, I do the classes in your level." he pointed to his brain in mock boastfulness. "I'm smart you know." 

Taehyung laughed light-heartedly and nodded, "Okay then. Next question. Oh, and call me hyung." he smirked

Jungkook blinked at him and raised an eyebrow, "Why? I haven't before, why should I start?" he said cheekily

"Are you disrespecting me?!" he half-shouted, pretending to be angry and putting a hand over his heart dramatically. 

They both laughed and Taehyung called Jungkook over to sit with him on his bed. 

Jungkook walked over and sat himself down opposite Taehyung. 

"Okay, second question." Jungkook said, looking down at the piece of paper. "What is your favourite colour? I like red, black and white." he said

Taehyung nodded and thought, "Black, white and green." he said after thinking

Jungkook looked down at the piece of paper again, "Third question. What are your habits?" he looked up expectantly

Taehyung looked over at him, "Why do you want to know that?" 

Jungkook simply shrugged and smiled, "Just because." 

"Well, okay then. One is biting my nails. I'm attracted to cute things. I like them." he then gave a childish smile at Jungkook

Jungkook couldn't help but smile back. "Okay, question four-" 

"Strawberry!! Jungkookie!!" someone knocked loudly on their door and yelled

They both stopped and looked at each other, "Hoseok?" Taehyung questioned and stood up

Jungkook felt a bit irked at the older's interruptance and rolled his eyes before turning around on the bed to look at the newly arrived and must he mention, self-invited guest. 


"Hoseok hyung!" Taehyung greeted cheerfully. 

"Strawberry! How are you?" he ruffled Taehyung's hair affectionately and Taehyung pushed his hand off

"Don't mess up my hair, thank you very much." 

Hoseok was led inside the dorm room and Taehyung sat back down on his bed. 

"Hi Jungkookie." he smiled and took a look around the room. He spotted the white Rilakkuma jumper folded neatly on Jungkook's bed and went over to pick it up. 

"New things, Jungkookie?" he asked

"Yeah. Bought it yesterday with Taehyung-" he didn't get to finish when Taehyung bounded up excitedly and doing a little run to the closet. 

"Hoseok hyung! Look! I have one too!" he held it up, "Jungkookie and I got matching ones yesterday." Taehyung walked over to Hoseok and took Jungkook's hoodie from his hand

"Jungkook, wear it." he said as he slipped on his own

Jungkook felt happier than he should have showing Hoseok that they both got matching clothes

"Look Hoseok hyung! Don't we look cute!" he said, pointing at his and Jungkook's matching clothing. Taehyung didn't know that he was giving the impression that he and Jungkook were dating each other. 

Hoseok's eyes dimmed and he said flatly. "Yeah, you look cute, Taehyung." he said before adding belatedly, "You too, Jungkook." 

Taehyung's face suddenly became bright as he thought of an idea. He turned to face Hoseok. "Hyung! Do you want one as well? We can go back to the shopping mall and you can get the grey and pink one there too! Or maybe the yellow. You can't get what me and Jungkook have!" he said, half shouting senteces between his speech

"Really?" Hoseok asked, brightening

It was Jungkook's eyes this time that dimmed ever so slightly

He scowled

He didn't like the idea of Hoseok getting the same thing as them. Somehow he felt that it was their thing. He didn't want Hoseok to be part of the Rilakkuma gang. 

Wow Jungkook really? Rilakkuma gang? How gay are you really? Rilakkuma and gang so do not go together. 

He rolled his eyes at those thoughts. 


"Yeah! I don't have class until late today so we can go now. Jungkook! Come with us too!" he waved his hand and Jungkook, in a sour mood for an unknown reason to all three of them, just turned his head away and stood up from the bed. 

"No, you two can go frolic together." he said

Hoseok somehow seemed excited and tugged on Taehyung's sleeve

"Come on, Strawberry! Let's go now." 

Taehyung turned to Hoseok and nodded, "Yeah, in a minute." he looked back at Jungkook who was now seated, or slumped, over his desk. 

"Jungkook, come with us. It'll be fun. You can help Hoseok pick out one." 

As Taehyung said this, Jungkook frowned, I don't want to help him pick out one. I bet he would look horrible in one.

"No, I'm fine here." he shook his head and took out a book

"Strawberry, come on! The shops have just been opened. Let's go quickly!" he tugged on Taehyung's sleeve again, eager to leave as quickly as possible for some odd reason

"Oh, okay." he said, a bit sad that Jungkook didn't follow them. 


When the two left, Jungkook slammed his head onto his open book, groaning. 

"Why do I even care, honestly. It's just a hoodie and it's not like Hoseok will look good in one anyway. Why does he have to follow us and get the same thing?" he grumbled before lifting his head and flipping his page rather harshly, ripping it. 

"Well that's just great." he said, now in a worse mood and shut his book, preventing his anger from harming it anymore. He walked over to his bed and sat on it. He plugged in his earphones and listened to music on his playlist with his eyes closed. 

"Yeah, this time is definitely too early for me to be awake." 




"Hoseok, that one looks really bad, no offence." Taehyung cringed, looking at the yellow Rilakkuma hoodie on his friend. 

Hoseok frowned, "You said the grey one didn't suit either." 

"It didn't. Sorry, hyung, I guess you'd have to find another thing. These don't fit you." Taehyung shook his head

Hoseok scrunched up his nose. He walked over to the rings after taking off the yellow hoodie and brought Taehyung there. "Here, wear this. We won't get the hoodie, let's get one of these each then." he held out a silver ring with the character Rilakkuma on it

It was a bit childish, but it was nonetheless cute to Taehyung and he accepted it. He put it back saying, "I like this Purin one better." he picked up the other ring and put it on

"It looks good." Hoseok commented, nodding his head and putting the Rilakkuma ring back in it's place. 

"Hyung, I think you'd suit..." he scanned the ring box and smiled when he saw one that caught his attention, "This Pekkie ring!" he held it up for Hoseok to see

He took it and put it on. "Looks good." he nodded, approving of it himself

He was about to say that they should go buy those now, when Taehyung reached out for another ring. "I like this one." 

Hoseok looked over and nodded, "Okay, get it then. Let's pay." 

Taehyung looked at Hoseok, "Okay. I want to get this Cinnamaroll one for Jungkook. He suits this." 

Hoseok turned back to Taehyung, "You're getting that one for Jungkookie?" 

"Yeah! We can all have one!" 

He then walked to the counter, "Hoseok hyung! If you want me to pay, then hurry up! Let's go back, I need to get to a class later." 

Hoseok walked over to Taehyung, his mood falling down slightly and he didn't know exactly why, though he had an idea why he was feeling this way. 







"Jungkookie! We're back~!" Taehyung sang loudly as he entered the dorm room. 

Jungkook opened his eyes from his bed. Spending the last hour and a half on his bed listening to music, his got cramped and he shuffled on his bed to the edge. 

"Where's Hoseok hyung?" he asked

"He went back to his dorm room. He said he needed to finish some work off." 

Jungkook nodded and managed to stand up

"So, did he get it?" he asked Taehyung

"What? The hoodie? No, all of the colours didn't look good on him." 

Jungkook muttered, "Yeah, that's what I thought." 

"What was that?" Taehyung asked, not hearing what he said

"No, nothing." Jungkook walked over to his desk and leaned on it as he continued to listen to Taehyung talk

"We bought some rings though, because the hoodie looked bad on him." 

Jungkook frowned, "Rings?" he repeated

"Yeah! Look! Jungkookie, I picked on out for you too!" he showed of his Purin ring, suddenly excited and reached into his jeans pocket for a small box

He pulled out a small black box that held the Cinnamaroll ring and gave it to Jungkook

"I picked it out myself. Do you like it? I think it'll look good on you." Taehyung said

Jungkook accepted the box and opened it. He couldn't help but smile a bit at the childish ring, but he took it out anyway and put it on a finger. 







"Yeah, thanks. I like it." 











This chapter was okay, I guess. I hope you enjoyed it anyway 

I don't like the title of this chapter right now so like the previous chapter, I might change it later when I think of a better one

I brought back Hoseok guys. Well, he never left anyway


I hope you enjoyed this chapter and it's seriously getting hard toning down the fluff

Well, hope you all like it


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peggyw #1
Chapter 34: Lol, funny ending. Entertaining story; ty for your hard work.
Chapter 34: HAahahahah Jungkook is such a child! XD How did he even survive when Taehyung was out of picture? That boy made a soft fluff out of Kookie >u< He even freaking cried! What is he, pregnant? XD I'm surprised that Jimin and Yoongi didn't kick him out of their room and took care of him instead. Such a good friends! *o*
Chapter 33: Awwwww, and I love Taekook! They are seriously so adorable! I love it how they're not afraid to hug in public or kiss and udhsasgujyd the feels ^o^Also, Kookie acting childish is so cute~! :3
Chapter 31: Oh my, it was so cool to end this story with THAT sentence! Thank you so so much for doing this *3*
Oww, why did it end? It was so much fun! Jungkook was trying so hard to make Taehyung fall for him and I'm glad he succeed! ^^ It would be such a pity if Taehyung stayed adamant till the very end on being straight. He would probably hurt Kookie so much :< Thankfully, he didn't (too much haha) >3<
It's such a nice story~! <3
Chapter 30: Poor Kiyoung haha the boys are so mean laughing at his embarrassment and cuteness. But Hoseok started seeing him as a potential partner which is jdvidvjdsvk good! ^^
Chapter 29: He finally said it! Yay!
It was kinda cute how Jungkook was jealous ^3^ But they were just talking so I find his reaction a little too much haha lmao I wouldn't be surprised if she had a boyfriend XD and now Kookie's order is probably a disaster! :D
Chapter 28: Jungkook and Taehyung's relationship is seriously so sweet! I love when they're joking around one second and the next one they're all over each other. Isn't it just jugtdytdlh? Aw. And Kiyoung, he seems to have a crush on Hobi already. He better treat him well! >3<
Chapter 26: Kiyoung is so adorable! I hope he and Hoseok will have something going on between them ^u^ Of course only if Kiyoung is good enough for Hobi :3
Jungkookie is such a brat! Using Taehyung like that, tsk tsk, you bad boy! It's good that Tae is such a gold boy and is not easily angry :D
Chapter 25: I'm squealing so hard, this chapter was so adorable! I can't believe that Taehyung and Jungkook just fought over a box of chocolate for like a whole chapter! It was so amusing to be honest and so like them XD
Chapter 23: Well, indeed. It's finally out in the open. Kookie can't backtrack now. Also, dgtrsngrmd they kissed! Kissed!!! jtfkmfkuhg And Tae likes Jungkook omg my taekook feels *o* <333333