More Than Enough Café Gossip


"What are you two doing?" 

A voice shocked the couple apart and whilst Taehyung flushed a pretty pink, Jungkook merely smiled brightly at the newcomer. 


"Hello! Well, fancy meeting you here, Jimin." 

Jimin nodded in response to Jungkook's greeting and he proceeded to grab a spare chair from the next table and sat down with the couple. 

He grinned. 


"Jimin, we're on a date here." Jungkook rolled his eyes, gesturing to the silent male sitting across from him. 

"I can see that." Jimin raised his eyebrows, grinning cheekily. 

"Well, if you do, then leave." Jungkook shooed him away but Jimin just laughed. 

"I'd like to stay and watch." he leaned back in his chair and watched as Jungkook's eyes twitched in annoyance, pursing his lips. Glancing over, he saw Taehyung looking at him with eyes big. 

He called over a waiter and Jungkook groaned. 


"Jimin! You're third-wheeling big time right now." 

He ducked away from Jimin's hand coming up to his head, but he wasn't fast enough and his styled hair was quickly messed up. 

"What are you doing, go play with your boyfriend or something." Jungkook kicked Jimin under the table and proceeded to rearranging his hair. 


A waiter comes to their table and Jimin orders what he wanted to drink. At least it wasn't the waitress from before or Jungkook would have thought up new ways to make her suffer at her job. 

When the waiter left, Jimin turned to the souring couple and laughed again. 


"I'll leave when my drink comes. Promise." 

Jungkook nodded, satisfied. He leaned over and waved a hand close to Taehyung's face. 

"Tae, say hello to Jimin. You haven't said a thing since he came-" 

"-and saw you two doing something that you shouldn't be doing in public." Jimin finished. 

"It was just a kiss." Jungkook rolled his eyes. 

"Which could have escalated into a makeout session in the middle of the café, knowing you." Jimin juts his chin at Jungkook and the said boy makes a shocked expression. 

"What do you mean, 'knowing me'? Knowing you, you'll take every chance you get with Yoongi-" 


"Hey, I see Hoseok hyung!" Taehyung interrupts as he suddenly spots Hoseok enter the café. 

The two of the bickering friends turn to see Hoseok walking up to a table and sitting down with another guy the three have never seen before. Looking over, they started whispering, not that they could hear them anyway. 


"Who's that?" Jungkook asked, pointing a finger at the unknown male. 

"Are they on a secret date?" Jimin says, growing excited.   

"I don't know. But let's say hi to Hoseok hyung. He's been busy so I haven't been seeing him around." Taehyung jumps up from his seat. 

He quickly runs over excitedly to the table where Hoseok and his friend were sitting. 


Jungkook scoffs. 

He's glad to see his best friend too, but he swears it's like Make-Jungkook-Jealous-Day or something. 



"Hyung~!" Taehyung bounds happily over to their table just as the waitress was coming back to theirs with a tray. 

Jungkook drags himself up with a grumble and walks after his boyfriend to Hoseok's table with his friend. 


Hoseok looks up in surprise when he hears a familiar voice. Upon seeing the younger, he straightens up with wide-eyes, surprised at his appearance. 


"Hyung, I haven't seen you in a while. Were you really that busy?" Taehyung simply plops himself down on a spare seat. 

Jungkook catches up and appears soon after, muttering something about how Taehyung should at least be that happy on his date with him.


Interrupting someone else's date and also interrupting your own- Is Hoseok hyung really on a date?


Jungkook's thoughts are cut off by his own voice. 

"Hyung! Who's this?" 


Hoseok looks up to see Jungkook and his gaze flickers over to Taehyung sitting down. He feels his heart drop slightly when he sees them both and comes to the right conclusion that they were on a date. 

"Oh,his is Kiyoung. He's new." Hoseok explains, forcing out a smile but nonetheless happy to see his friend. 

"Hello." Jungkook says awkwardly, lifitng a hand and waving. 

Kiyoung only nods and offers an awkward smile of his own. Then Jungkook steps up to Hoseok and reaches his arms out for a brief hug, only to squeeze his arms tight around the other and make him gasp for air. 


"You~didn't~call~mee~!" Jungkook swung the other from side-to-side and Hoseok thought he was going to pass out. 

"J-Jungkook-!" Hoseok taps on Jungkook's arm around his chest that was practically forcing the air out of his lungs. 

Jungkook lets go and smacks the back of his hyung playfully. He giggles to himself, showing a bright bunny smile and jumping. Up. Down. Up. Down. 

Hoseok thinks Taehyung is giving him some of his weirdness, though remembers Jungkook had his own weirdness of his own. He would laugh if he wasn't too busy trying to get some much needed air into his lungs that Jungkook had unknowingly or knowingly shook out of him. 

"Oh my gosh, air." Hoseok leans over the table and rests his head flat on the table, his cheek pressing against the polished wood. 

Taehyung grins as he looks at the elder and pulls Jungkook's arm towards him. Jungkook places himself comfortably on the other's lap about to ask a question when a light laugh is heard. 


The three boys all turn to Kiyoung who immediately shut himself up and went still. Looking away and clamping his lips tight, he avoids all three pairs of eyes. Make that four pairs of eyes. 

Jimin was now at the table with two drinks in each of his hands. When he sees them staring at the newcomer, he too starts to stare. Then, unable to see why they were staring, he said,

"Excuse me." Jimin cleared his throat, and everyone turned to look at him instead. 

Jimin held out both his hands to Jungkook and Taehyung and the couple accepted the drinks he was holding. Looking around he says, "Hi Hoseok hyung! How's it going?" he waves as he looks around for a chair to sit on.  

 Hoseok said, greeting and answering Jimin with a question of his own. "What brings you here, Jimin?" 

The said boy pulled a spare chair from a table nearby, pulling it up to the small table where they were all seated. 

He sat down and leaned back, "Well, I wanted to buy a drink for Yoongi." When all he got as a response was nods, he grinded his teeth before asking, "Why is everything so awkward right now?!" 

Hoseok laughed, "No it's not. It's just you." 

"What? No way! No one is talking right now. And who're you?" Jimin states and points out the new kid. 

"That's Kiyoung." Jungkook says before the other could respond. "And it's a comfortable silence. You're just too used to noise, since you make a lot of it daily." Jungkook teases and Jimin turns to him and jabs him playfully in his sides, poking his ribs until he's squirming on Taehyung's lap and about to fall off. 

"Stop it, you're going to knock the table!" Taehyung says, securing his arms around Jungkook's waist to make sure he stays put. 


Jimin watches the two with a smile and turns to grin at Hoseok too. 

"So, Hoseok hyung, what's up?" 

"What's up with you, though?" he eyes the other, having a weird feeling. Jimin continues to smile at him pointedly. 

"Hmm.. care to tell us who this is?" he gestures to Kiyoung again. 

Hoseok lets out an exasperated groan. "I told you already. Well, Jungkook did but- whatever. It's Kiyoung. Nam Kiyoung." 

Jimin doesn't respond and continues to look at him, as if he's expecting something else. Hoseok raises an eyebrow. "What?" 

"..AND?" Jimin questions. 

"And what?!" Hoseok throws his arms up in the air and Kiyoung can be seen stifling a laugh. 

"Aren't you going to tell us, or me, your relationship status?" Jimin asks, tilting his head to the side. 

"Uh.. single?" he bites out, half annoyed at Jimin, wondering why he wanted to know that and half annoyed by the actual fact. 

Jimin's face expression turns confused in a second. "Then, who's this?" he points to Kiyoung. 

"NAM KIYOUNG, how many times do you want me to say it?! Nam Ki to the freaking Young." Hoseok makes a motion of strangling the other in the air as he can't actually do it. Not that he wanted to though, but Hoseok was getting irritated. But he could most definitely say he missed the company of his friends. 

"No but, that's not it." Jimin looks around as if he's trying to put pieces together. 


"What isn't?" As soon as the question leaves Hoseok's mouth, the entire table turns to the source of the sudden laughter to see Kiyoung shutting up once again. 


Well, isn't he drawing unexpected attention today. 


"What's so funny?" Hoseok changes his question and Kiyoung just shook his head. 

"Nothing." he says, occupying himself with the menu. When everyone continues to stare, Kiyoung clears his throat rather awkwardly and stands up. "I'm going to order a drink and- uh, at the counter over there- keep talking, hehe." he practically runs away from the table. Only to run back just as quickly. 

"Hoseok sshi, hyung, Hoseok-" Kiyoung has a hard time deciding on what to call Hoseok when he was interrupted when Hoseok spoke, "Hoseok's fine. Yeah what?" 

Flushing red over his pretty face, Kiyoung manages to stutter out, "What d-d-d-do you like to d-d-drink-" 

"What?" Hoseok frowns, trying to make out what he was saying and just as he was about to answer, Kiyoung stutters out, "I-I mean-! What do you want to order- or drink- or-" 

"Hey, what's wrong? Calm down." Hoseok laughs lightly and answers, "Just order anything for me." 


Kiyoung nods frantically and runs away. Now onto his second dilemma. What to order for Hoseok?


As soon as he leaves, they all pounce on him with questions. 

"Hey, isn't he cute?" Jimin questions, leaning into the table. 

"I know." Jungkook says, also leaning in. 

"Jeon Jungkook, you have a boyfriend right here." Taehyung pulls him back, frowning. 

"So does Jimin." Jungkook says, pointing at the said male. 

"But he's not here." Jimin grins. 


Hoseok spots Yoongi just then standing right behind Jimin and snorts. Taehyung and Jungkook also spot him, but they don't inform Jimin and grin secretly to each other. 

As they continue talking, Yoongi leans on the table empty of chairs to hear what else Jimin might say about this new boy. He's located right behind Jimin to practically eavesdrop on what they're talking about with his friends knowing and without his boyfriend knowing. 


"Hoseok hyung, you never told us about him." he gestures to Kiyoung who looks like he's having a hard time ordering. 

"I only knew him today. He's new and his classes are different from mine." Hoseok shrugs glancing back at the boy who was looking at the menu in front and pointing things out to a waitress. 

"He's new?!" Jimin gasps. "I thought he was your secret boyfriend." Jimin slumps. 

"Are you being serious? I said, single." he rolls his eyes. Hoseok slumps too after a moment. "This ." 

Jungkook turns uncomfortable and slides of Taehyung's lap to stand. Earning a questioning look from him, Jungkook just keeps a hold of his hand in his. 


"Hoseok, maybe you should consider the new kid." Yoongi speaks up. 

At the sound of his boyfriend's voice, Jimin spins around so quickly he almost falls of his chair. He stands up a bit too quickly and the chair scapes across the floor loudly. 


"Well, hi." he waves. 

"Want to join us? We're talking about the new boy Kiyoung over there-" he points

With the mention of the boy by the counter, Yoongi looks indifferent and turns his head to the side. "No thanks. I don't want to hear about another guy you say looks-" 

"That wasn't me!" Jimin catches what he was going to say and cuts him off suddenly, running to wrap his arms around the other, picking him off the table and putting him in his chair. "You were saying something about Hoseok dating the new guy, right?" 

Jimin laughs sheepishly and he glares at the rest of his friends who were grinning and almost laughing. He stands behind Yoongi with his hands on his shoulders as Yoongi glances up at Jimin from his spot on the chair. 

Shrugging, he inspects his nails and Jimin looks around for the waiter he ordered from to bring the drink he had bought for Yoongi. 


It's for Yoongi, how long can he take?! 

Jimin grumbles in his mind and turns his attention back to the group. 


"I don't want to date him. Maybe." Hoseok answers as he rests his chin on a hand, leaning on the table as his friends look at him and then at Kiyoung, then back to him. 

"You'd look pretty good together, though." Taehyung says and Hoseok sighs, not really wanting to hear that from the other. 


But he had to say, Taehyung and Jungkook match like cookies and cream and strawberries with chocolate. 

Biting his lip, he glances back at Kiyoung who's just walking back. 


"Oh! Hello, I'm Nam Kiyoung." Kiyoung introduces himself upon seeing Yoongi. 

Yoongi nods, "So, you're new." 

Kiyoung nods, sitting down and quickly glanced at Hoseok who caught his eye. Kiyoung quickly looks away immediately and coughed as he averts his gaze from the handsome male. 


"Guys, you're making him uncomfortable." Hoseok states, looking over at him shift in his chair. 

Jimin and Jungkook giggle as Kiyoung lowers his head, then looks to the right, left, to each person around the crowded table and finally landing on Hoseok, sending him a pleading glance. 

Unknowingly, Hoseok's lips start to stretch into a tight-lipped smile and then he starts laughing out loud at Kiyoung's helpless expression. 

The table lights up with laughter and Kiyoung turns embarrassed, covering his face with one hand and lightly hitting Hoseok's arm with the other as he tells them to stop laughing at him. 


"Stop it! This is unfair!" Kiyoung says, swatting at the boys who only laughed louder and smiled wider. 












Kiyoung? Maybe I'll consider, he ain't that bad looking and I'm the only single one sitting at this table. Minus Kiyoung. And plus, just like Jimin said, he's cute. 

Hoseok thinks as he laughs together with his friends at a red faced Kiyoung. 










I hope you enjoyed the update

It was rather short and I thank you for waiting for me to update

You'll be seeing the end in the next one or two chapters and I hope you enjoyed it, loves!


kim_exolover I was reading your comment and it made me laugh! Yes, Kiyoung is an OC and I did type up the name I simply put together Nam Kiyoung in google to see if it gave me something. Just so you know, I'm sure I saw the same man you did! 


I hope you enjoyed the chapter and I'll be updating soon! 

I've recently made my new story! 

A Top Star's Competition

Please check it out! It's another Taekook story! 

I'll be updating one chapter of it and I'll finish this story before the second or third update!

I'm hoping you can support me, thank you!


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peggyw #1
Chapter 34: Lol, funny ending. Entertaining story; ty for your hard work.
Chapter 34: HAahahahah Jungkook is such a child! XD How did he even survive when Taehyung was out of picture? That boy made a soft fluff out of Kookie >u< He even freaking cried! What is he, pregnant? XD I'm surprised that Jimin and Yoongi didn't kick him out of their room and took care of him instead. Such a good friends! *o*
Chapter 33: Awwwww, and I love Taekook! They are seriously so adorable! I love it how they're not afraid to hug in public or kiss and udhsasgujyd the feels ^o^Also, Kookie acting childish is so cute~! :3
Chapter 31: Oh my, it was so cool to end this story with THAT sentence! Thank you so so much for doing this *3*
Oww, why did it end? It was so much fun! Jungkook was trying so hard to make Taehyung fall for him and I'm glad he succeed! ^^ It would be such a pity if Taehyung stayed adamant till the very end on being straight. He would probably hurt Kookie so much :< Thankfully, he didn't (too much haha) >3<
It's such a nice story~! <3
Chapter 30: Poor Kiyoung haha the boys are so mean laughing at his embarrassment and cuteness. But Hoseok started seeing him as a potential partner which is jdvidvjdsvk good! ^^
Chapter 29: He finally said it! Yay!
It was kinda cute how Jungkook was jealous ^3^ But they were just talking so I find his reaction a little too much haha lmao I wouldn't be surprised if she had a boyfriend XD and now Kookie's order is probably a disaster! :D
Chapter 28: Jungkook and Taehyung's relationship is seriously so sweet! I love when they're joking around one second and the next one they're all over each other. Isn't it just jugtdytdlh? Aw. And Kiyoung, he seems to have a crush on Hobi already. He better treat him well! >3<
Chapter 26: Kiyoung is so adorable! I hope he and Hoseok will have something going on between them ^u^ Of course only if Kiyoung is good enough for Hobi :3
Jungkookie is such a brat! Using Taehyung like that, tsk tsk, you bad boy! It's good that Tae is such a gold boy and is not easily angry :D
Chapter 25: I'm squealing so hard, this chapter was so adorable! I can't believe that Taehyung and Jungkook just fought over a box of chocolate for like a whole chapter! It was so amusing to be honest and so like them XD
Chapter 23: Well, indeed. It's finally out in the open. Kookie can't backtrack now. Also, dgtrsngrmd they kissed! Kissed!!! jtfkmfkuhg And Tae likes Jungkook omg my taekook feels *o* <333333