As Sweet as a Chocolate Box


Taehyung blinks his eyes wide open and he moves awkwardly sideways to the nearest bed. He sits down on it carefully with a shocked face still straight at Jungkook. 

Jungkook is just about ready to slap him. 


"Oi, Kim Taehyung." he claps his hands. 

Taehyung jolts before uttering incoherent words. Jungkook only rolls his eyes. 

"Are you listening to me?" Jungkook is too caught up in the situation to even bother about thinking through his confession. 


He better damn well say he loves me.

Jungkook scrunches up his nose. 


"I-I think- I-" Taehyung swallows. "Y-yeah, okay. Uhm.. If you love m-me-" 

"Oh just get to it!" Jungkook sassed, flicking his hand impatiently. 

"I think I l-like you." he utters, flushing deep red in the dark room where neither of them the lights. 

Jungkook blinks and then he grins. Like, really really grins until his face was going to tear in half. 


"What did you say?" he teases. 

Taehyung sinks back lower on the bed. 

"I said, I like you." he mumbles. 

"What? Sorry you're a little soft-" 

"I like you, Jeon Jungkook you piece of-" Taehyung grabs a pillow and swings it sideways, smacking Jungkook across the face with such force it sends him to the ground. Only gently though, so Taehyung didn't bother helping him up. 

"Hehehehe..." Jungkook just giggles girlishly on the floor. 



"What.." he mumbles.

"You're not straight, are you now?" 








"No. I don't think so-" 

"Taehyung, after that you can't not be gay." Jungkook sits on the floor with crossed legs while holding the pillow thrown at him. 

"Fine! Can't I at least pretend to be in denial so I don't look stupid for thinking that all this time?!" 

"Well, yeah you do look silly thinking you were, ahem, quote, STRAIGHT." 










"Taehyung~" Jungkook sings. 

It's the next day and Taehyung had just came back from a class after sending his parents off and Jungkook had specifically woke up early, yeah, early, to buy his beloved a box of chocolates. 

"What is it now?" Taehyung spins around in his chair, work spread out before him. 


Jungkook had been calling Taehyung non-stop in the dorm room and during classes on the phone. 

"I bought you something." he says, feeling proud. 

"Weren't you meant to be in class?" was Taehyung's reply. 

"Be grateful, weirdo." Jungkook walks up to him and takes out the wrapped box from his bag, handing it over to Taehyung who takes it, eyeing him. 


"What did you do to it?" Taehyung asks suspiciously, shaking the box. 

"Nothing, oh my gosh it's just chocolates." 

"What's the occasion?" he asks. 

This earns him a hard pat on his back. "Well, it could be that I wanted to get you something special on our first day of dating-" 

"I don't remember you asking me to date you. And it's just chocolates, nothing special." Taehyung teases, turning around and putting the chocolates carefully on the desk. 

He's planning to take a picture of it later on. 


"Taehyung stop being like that." Jungkook says, annoyed and partially upset. 

What a of a boyfriend.

Jungkook thinks in his mind, staring at the back of Taehyung's head. The sun from the window catching the ends of his dyed hair. 

But he's still cute.


Taehyung turns around with a smile across his face. 

"Sorry, Jungkook. I was just kidding." he takes the box of chocolates and hits the other's head lightly. 

"Share them with me." Jungkook says. 

Taehyung blinks and laughs at this. 

"Yeah, okay. Not sure if I want to though- ow!" 

Jungkook punched his arm not-so-lightly and grabbed the chocolate box. 

"I'd have you know that these are my favourite so I'm going to have some since I bought them." Jungkook started picking at the end of the box to open it and Taehyung stands from his seat to snatch it back. 


He still needed a picture of it before it got destroyed. 

"I don't think you understand the concept of giving someone a gift." Taehyung says. 

The older takes out his phone and opens the camera app, then he shoves the box back in the other's hands and holds the camera to his face. 


"Smile." he says, leaning backwards on his desk to get the chocolates in the picture. 

"No one is going to smile if you say it in a straight tone." Jungkook says, making a face and holding it up to look cute. 


Not that he had to try, according to Taehyung. 

"At least something of mine is straight." Taehyung says and at this Jungkook bursts out into a fit of giggles, Jungkook showcasing his adorable bunny teeth shining brightly and Taehyung snaps a picture. 

"Hey! Take another one!" Jungkook reaches out in an attempt to get the other to delete the photo. 

"No!" Taehyung squeals, wriggling out of the other's reach and running to the door. 

"Get rid of it!" Jungkook yells, dropping the box on the desk before running after the other. 



"Kim Taehyung-" 

"Say you love me!" 



The two are running around the dorm room, Taehyung clutching the phone to his chest. He's standing on top of Jungkook's bed with the other standing in the middle of the room on the floor. 


"Say it." Taehyung teases. 

"No, you didn't say you loved me, don't get cocky after realising you're gay." 

"I did say it!" Taehyung says. 

"You said you liked me. How could you Kim Taehyung." Jungkook jokes. 

"But I do!" 

"So you don't love me, oh my gosh." Jungkook acts dramatic. 

"You can't expect me to love you in one day after you said you loved me. Plus, I only realised I wasn't straight less than 24 hours ago." 

Jungkook pouts and crosses his arms, acting like a child. 



"But I really really like you! Does that make up for it?" 

"No." Jungkook says, peeking a glance behind him at the boy standing on his bed. 


You better not step on my pillow with your feet. 

Jungkook thinks, half-eyeing his white pillow sitting on his bed. 


"Then what does?" Taehyung asks. 

"Well," Jungkook pretends to think, although the idea is already in his head. "You can go out with me." 

Taehyung almost laughs, "Okay, where to?" 

"No! I mean," Jungkook clears his throat, feeling the heat coming up his neck and ears. "Date me."

"Okay." was all Taehyung says. He's watching the other's reaction carefully. 


Jungkook gets overexcited. 

"Really?!" then he calms himself, "I mean, sure. Okay, cool." 

"Jungkook, you're not swag." Taehyung teases, grinning, climbing off the bed and landing swiftly beside the other. 

After a slight moment of hesitation, he leans over and presses a small kiss to Jungkook's cheek. 








"Just so you know, those choclates are mine." 

Jungkook becomes embarassed and turns away, "I bought them-" 

"For me." Taehyung finishes, wrapping his arms around the other in a tight hug, letting go shortly. 












"You're sharing those chocolates." 

"Not with you." 


"I'm kidding, don't hit me!" 










Just a short update full of vkook. 

Lost a bunch of subscibers but gained more! Thank you for reading and "I'm STRAIGHT!" will be ending very soon

Thank you for all of you who upvoted and subcribed to my story and I hope you enjoyed reading the cringe chapters

But I might be coming out with a new story and I'll post a notice about it here

If you want Hoseok honey to have a pair, you're going to have to tell me because I have no one to ship him with right now. 

Hope you enjoyed the chapter

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peggyw #1
Chapter 34: Lol, funny ending. Entertaining story; ty for your hard work.
Chapter 34: HAahahahah Jungkook is such a child! XD How did he even survive when Taehyung was out of picture? That boy made a soft fluff out of Kookie >u< He even freaking cried! What is he, pregnant? XD I'm surprised that Jimin and Yoongi didn't kick him out of their room and took care of him instead. Such a good friends! *o*
Chapter 33: Awwwww, and I love Taekook! They are seriously so adorable! I love it how they're not afraid to hug in public or kiss and udhsasgujyd the feels ^o^Also, Kookie acting childish is so cute~! :3
Chapter 31: Oh my, it was so cool to end this story with THAT sentence! Thank you so so much for doing this *3*
Oww, why did it end? It was so much fun! Jungkook was trying so hard to make Taehyung fall for him and I'm glad he succeed! ^^ It would be such a pity if Taehyung stayed adamant till the very end on being straight. He would probably hurt Kookie so much :< Thankfully, he didn't (too much haha) >3<
It's such a nice story~! <3
Chapter 30: Poor Kiyoung haha the boys are so mean laughing at his embarrassment and cuteness. But Hoseok started seeing him as a potential partner which is jdvidvjdsvk good! ^^
Chapter 29: He finally said it! Yay!
It was kinda cute how Jungkook was jealous ^3^ But they were just talking so I find his reaction a little too much haha lmao I wouldn't be surprised if she had a boyfriend XD and now Kookie's order is probably a disaster! :D
Chapter 28: Jungkook and Taehyung's relationship is seriously so sweet! I love when they're joking around one second and the next one they're all over each other. Isn't it just jugtdytdlh? Aw. And Kiyoung, he seems to have a crush on Hobi already. He better treat him well! >3<
Chapter 26: Kiyoung is so adorable! I hope he and Hoseok will have something going on between them ^u^ Of course only if Kiyoung is good enough for Hobi :3
Jungkookie is such a brat! Using Taehyung like that, tsk tsk, you bad boy! It's good that Tae is such a gold boy and is not easily angry :D
Chapter 25: I'm squealing so hard, this chapter was so adorable! I can't believe that Taehyung and Jungkook just fought over a box of chocolate for like a whole chapter! It was so amusing to be honest and so like them XD
Chapter 23: Well, indeed. It's finally out in the open. Kookie can't backtrack now. Also, dgtrsngrmd they kissed! Kissed!!! jtfkmfkuhg And Tae likes Jungkook omg my taekook feels *o* <333333