Striking Bright Dyed Hair


Taehyung and Jungkook sit side-by-side inside the hairdresser, sharing jokes and snapping pictures. The two of them left the thought of their afternoon and evening classes behind and simply enjoyed the city as it got darker and lights lit up the streets. 

It wasn't late yet, the time reading only 4:15 when Taehyung finally got to take the foil out of his hair. 

Jungkook watched as the hairdresser worked, looking through his own mirror as Taehyung's now orange locks fell about his face. 

He laughed out loud when Taehyung made a face as the smell from the dye wafted in front of his nose. Taehyung's face expression quickly changed into one of pleasant surprise as he took a proper look at himself. 

The hairdresser removed the last piece of foil and Jungkook's eyes widened, making sure to keep his mouth shut and swallow before he drooled on his clothes and on the chair. 


He really looked stunning


With his breath caught in his throat, Jungkook thought he might need an inhaler as all oxygen left him when Taehyung turned to face him. 


"Jungkook! Do you like it? You were the one who chose this colour, anyway. What do you think?" Taehyung questioned, looking pretty pleased with the new look. 

Jungkook just nodded with wide eyes. 

"Ye-" he coughed as his voice cracked. His face flushing as he turned away, embarrassed. 

Taehyung laughed loudly, clapping as he leaned back into his chair. 


"Yeah, it looks good.. I mean..." Jungkook said belatedly, glaring at himself through the mirror for making a fool out of himself. 

Taehyung stopped laughing and smiled. "Yeah, thanks." 

The hairdresser sprayed something onto Taehyung's orange hair and applied something else Jungkook couldn't really see. 


Soon enough, it was time to reveal Jungkook's new hair colour and by then, Taehyung had gotten up from his seat and was standing beside Jungkook. 

The foil pieces were taken away and Taehyung made an exaggerated face of widenening his eyes and mouth comically. 

"Jungkook, Jungkook, Jungkook, don't you look brilliant!" Taehyung says, throwing his arms up in the air and waving it around. The few hairdresses around them gave him looks but he didn't mind it. 

Jungkook brought his gaze to Taehyung and turned to look at his hair after judging his roommate's expression. 

"Looks good?" he asked, relaxing when he saw Taehyung grin at him. 

"Suits you and I love it." Taehyung says. 


Jungkook's eyes visibly brighten and after the hairdresser sprays his hair and does what she did to Taehyung's hair, Jungkook is glad to finally leave the shop. 

They both pay and exit the store and by now it's 4:30pm. 


"Jungkookie, wait." Taehyung grabs onto Jungkook's arm and takes out his phone, the camera app already open. 

Jungkook's heart rate increases as he sees that Taehyung isn't moving his hand away from his arm. He's not about to complain though. 

Instead, he makes a bold move and moves closer. When Taehyung starts to look around he doesn't let go and Jungkook starts to wonder what he's looking for. 

He then removes his hand from around Jungkook's arm and reaches out to catch the attention of a woman walking past. 

"Excuse me, would you mind taking a picture of my friend and I infront of this hairdresser?" he asks politely as Jungkook touches his forearm where Taehyung's hand had been. 

He quickly straightens himself and stops smiling to avoid looking suspicious. 


The woman looks at Taehyung irritably, but she stops and her frown falters as Taehyung flashes an apologetic, but nonetheless, handsome smile. 

She nods and takes the phone from his grasp. 

Jungkook eyes her and takes Taehyung's arm, pulling him towards himself as Taehyung gets ready to pose. 

A picture is taken and Taehyung moves to grab the phone from the woman, thanking her. 

She simply smiles at him, looking up at Taehyung. And Jungkook, even though he's gay, can tell what a cute girl looks like. 


And she's definitely one. Which gets him slightly worried of her behaviour to his roommate. 

Like gosh, can he just have Taehyung to himself for the day without worrying that someone will take his attention from him?


He feels slightly relieved when Taehyung just turns away from her after thanking her, and  pulls Jungkook back infront of the shop, changing the camera to the front. 

He holds it up and tells Jungkook to smile. 


Taehyung turns his head to the side, showing off his side profile as well as his new hair, and instead of smiling, Jungkook puckers his lips into a square at the camera, tilting his chin forward as Taehyung clicks the shutter button. 

"I like this." Taehyung states, changing the photo to his wallpaper on the spot. 

Jungkook can't help but smile brightly, stealing secret glances and looking away before Taehyung caught what he was doing. 



"We're here for the whole day, right? Let's go do something else!" Jungkook starts walking onto the street alongside Taehyung, both with bags in their hands. 








It's now night in the city and the street is lively with lots of couples on night dates. The two colourful-headed boys walk next to each other, eating a roasted potato with more bags in their hands. 

The decide to sit down and rest their feet. Taehyung finds a table for the two of them inside a café and they both sit. 

Jungkook feels eyes on him after a while and he brings his gaze up to find Taehyung looking at him. 

When they meet eyes, Jungkook blinks and he feels he heat creep up his neck and to his face as Taehyung just smiles. 


"I really like your new hair." he says. 

"I like yours too." 


The two sit down and enjoy the night. Though it's cold but the two have hot chocolates in front of them. 

Someone buys Jungkook coffee and he spots a student from Bangtan at the city as well with a bunch of friends he recognises. They wave to him, the one in the middle looking particularly flirty and Jungkook turns away, not particularly interested. 


"Admirers?" Taehyung says, following Jungkook's gaze from earlier. 

"It's nothing." Jungkook mutters. 

Taehyung turns to look at him and says, "You ever got yourself a boyfriend?" 

Jungkook's gaze travels up to meet Taehyung's and he shakes his head. "There's been a few I've liked before, but then I just became uninterested." 


The conversation ends there and Jungkook doesn't like coffee, so after a sip it goes cold and untouched on the table. 

Taehyung starts fiddling with his bags, as if searching for something and Jungkook calls him out on it. 

"You looking for something?" 

Taehyung just nods and pulls out a small bag that was hidden inside one of the bigger ones. 

"Found it." 


He proceeds to take out two boxes, handing one to Jungkook. 

"A present." 

Jungkook takes it and opens it, half-expecting a ring and he almost laughs. 


A ring? Please, Jungkook get a hold of yourself. Not all boxes contain rings. 


Taehyung opens his own box he's kept for himself, but leaves the object inside and looks across the table as he watches for Jungkook's reaction. Jungkook opens the box and is taken by surprise. 

Inside lay a very pretty phone charm with a flat piece of silver at the end. He brings it closer to his face upon seeing an engraving on each side. 

There, on one face of the silver is his name and on the other side is Taehyung's. 


"Do you like it? There was a shop selling these and if you paid a little extra they carve stuff for you." Taehyung explained. "Look! I bought one for myself too!" he adds. 

Jungkook looks across and sees a similar phone charm in his hand. 

"I thought we could keep these as a special memory of our first time here in the city together." Taehyung says, turning embarrassed as Jungkook doesn't say anything and continues to stare at him after looking at the phone charm in Taehyung's hand. 

Jungkook feels touched as he brings his gaze down to the gift he's holding. He looks at the engraving of the names on the silver and a smile spread  across his face. 


"Thank you, Taehyung. I love it." he tells the other, taking it out of the box and reaching for his phone in his pocket. 

Taehyung lets out a relieved breath and grins. "That's good. I was worried you wouldn't like it. I saw the store selling these on the street when you went to the bathroom." 

Jungkook attaches the phone charm to his phone and looks at it. Then, he reaches for Taehyung's phone sitting on the table as well as the phone charm in front of him still inside the box. 

Wordlessly, he attaches the phone charm to his friend's phone and hands it back to him with a grin. 









Jungkook and Taehyung take the train back to the school building. By the time they leave the train station, it's already 9:47pm, according to Taehyung's phone. 

Taehyung nudges Jungkook's shoulder while they make their way up the slope to Bangtan. The streetlights have been changed and it's much brighter now. 


"Remember when I scared you after that group dinner?" Taehyung says. 

Jungkook pushes him lightly. "You really got me shocked back then. What were you thinking?" he says as they continue walking in the cold. 


Despite the hoodie Jungkook has on, the cold still gets to him and Taehyung can feel himself shivering when a breeze blows past, chilling him through his jacket. 

Taehyung moves closer to Jungkook and their shoulders touch. Jungkook turns his head to the side to see Taehyung plastering himself to his side with his hands in his pockets. 

"If we walk closer we can keep warm. A little bit, at least." he says. 

Jungkook doesn't say anything and grins, a warm feeling spreads through his chest and he steps close to Taehyung, pushing against him lightly and they both walk back to the front of the school like that. 


Taehyung speaks to him as they enter. 

"Thanks for taking me out to the city today." 

Jungkook decides to joke, "We are in the city." 

"No~ I mean the other side of the city." Taehyung whines, cold and not in the mood for joking when all he wanted then was to get under the covers in his bed. 

Jungkook just laughs and they both enter the lobby. 


The receptionist looks up and it's a different receptionist from the morning when they left. 

"Hello boys. May I have your names please?" she asks as they near the front desk. 

"Kim Taehyung and Jeon Jungkook." Jungkook speaks for the both of them as he feels a shivering Taehyung step away from his side. 

She marks something off a piece of paper and clicks on different things on the computer. 

Jungkook waits patiently by the desk as she works. He sees Taehyung jumping up and down in the corner of his eye and he's about to turn and look over when the receptionist speaks. 

"You two boys have missed a class today." she says, looking up at them before letting out a small laugh. "Skipping for the city?" she said as she sees at the bags in their hands, recognising some brands of stores. 

Jungkook tries to hide the bags behind him in a playful manner, laughing sheepishly before replying. "Yeah, sorry. We lost track of time." 


Liar. You were so skipping. 

Jungkook thinks to himself as he tries to convince the receptionist with his eyes to let them off. 


The receptionist waves a hand at them, dismissing them as she says, "I'll be sending a note to your class teachers and we'll see what they decide to do." 

Jungkook and Taehyung bow to her and Taehyung adds, "Please make us sound like... not bad and we'll be there for the next time we have that class." 

The receptionist nods with an amused smile, "Okay boys, off you go. It's late and I hope you two don't have early classes tomorrow. It's nearing 10:15pm." 


Jungkook and Taehyung head to the elevator and when they go inside, Taehyung realises how tired he actually was. 

"I need a good sleep tonight." he says, leaning his head back onto the wall of the elevator. 

Jungkook laughs, "You'll get a good sleep, I'm feeling tired myself." 

Jungkook feels like he's laughing a lot recently, and he likes it. He doesn't seem to realise it's always with Taehyung that he smiles more than often. 




Exiting the elevator, Jungkook and Taehyung make their way to their dorm room. 

They didn't expect to see Hoseok sitting on the ground outside, wrapped in a thick jacket and waiting for them. He gets up immediately upon seeing the two boys and rushes to them. 


"Taehyung! Jungkook! Where did you guys go? I thought you were going to go shopping!" Hoseok says as he halts in front of them. 

He pauses as he takes in their new appearances. 

"We did, hyung. We went shopping on the other side of the city. We had to take the train." Taehyung answered. 

Hoseok points to their new hairstyles. "You changed your hair!" he exclaims. 

"Yeah, isn't it great? Jungkook here looks so good in red." Taehyung compliments, pushing Jungkook forward. 

Hoseok turns to look at him. 

"Wow, this is a nice change." he comments, smiling. 

Taehyung steps up next to Jungkook, bringing his face closer to his. "Hyung, don't we match? Red and orange look pretty good together, don't you think?" 

Hoseok's still smiling, but he nods slowly. 


"What are you doing here, anyway? Shouldn't you be in your dorm room?" Jungkook says. 

"I was waiting for you guys. I didn't see you guys in the mall and it took you a long time to get back." Hoseok answered, looking at their shopping bags. 

"Right. Anyway, your jacket is inside our dorm room." Jungkook walks to the door and unlocks it. 

Turning on the light, Jungkook and Taehyung enter with Hoseok behind. They place their bags on their beds and Taehyung fetches the black fleece jacket on the side of his bed. 

"Thanks hyung.  I slept warmly it in last night." Taehyung says, poking at the jacket in Hoseok's hands. 

This seems to brighten Hoseok's mood and he slings an arm around Taehyung's shoulders, stepping up next to him. 


Jungkook turns around and he says, "Hoseok hyung, it's late. We'll see you tomorrow, yeah?" 

It's a clear hint that the two want to get some rest after the long day out together. Hoseok nods at him and turns to go. 

"Bye Taehyung and Jungkook." he says, then he adds, "I can't call you Strawberry now, can I? And I also don't want to call you Orange because that sounds a bit weird." 

Taehyung and Hoseok both chuckle and Jungkook grabs clothes from the closet, not saying much and leaving for the bathroom to change. 


When Hoseok leaves, Taehyung decides he'll take a shower the next day and changes into comfortable clothes while Jungkook is in the bathroom. 

Jungkook emerges from the bathroom after brushing his teeth and settles into bed. He takes out his phone while he talks to Taehyung. 

"You can use the bathroom now." 

Taehyung rolls around in his bed, also taking out his phone and placing it on his bedside table. 

"I'm fine." is all he says and Jungkook turns to him. 

"Not going to brush your teeth?" he raises an eyebrow and Taehyung shakes his head, closing his eyes. 

"I want to sleep. I'm too tired." 

Jungkook blinks, then he lies down and closes his eyes as well. 

"Okay, whatever you say." he mumbles. 






The two remember the phone charm and the memories they made today brings a small smile to their faces. They fall asleep for the night and Jungkook feels his heart jumping around in his chest. 











I hope you liked the update, although it wasn't super interesting

Orignially City Spending 2 but changed the title chapter because I'm always disliking the title chapters


Jungkook's new hair colour is red as most of you voted for it. It's the Boy in Luv red Jungkook had before and it's the Boy in Luv orange for Taehyung too

Because they all look hot in the Boy in Luv era. They do all the time anyway tho

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peggyw #1
Chapter 34: Lol, funny ending. Entertaining story; ty for your hard work.
Chapter 34: HAahahahah Jungkook is such a child! XD How did he even survive when Taehyung was out of picture? That boy made a soft fluff out of Kookie >u< He even freaking cried! What is he, pregnant? XD I'm surprised that Jimin and Yoongi didn't kick him out of their room and took care of him instead. Such a good friends! *o*
Chapter 33: Awwwww, and I love Taekook! They are seriously so adorable! I love it how they're not afraid to hug in public or kiss and udhsasgujyd the feels ^o^Also, Kookie acting childish is so cute~! :3
Chapter 31: Oh my, it was so cool to end this story with THAT sentence! Thank you so so much for doing this *3*
Oww, why did it end? It was so much fun! Jungkook was trying so hard to make Taehyung fall for him and I'm glad he succeed! ^^ It would be such a pity if Taehyung stayed adamant till the very end on being straight. He would probably hurt Kookie so much :< Thankfully, he didn't (too much haha) >3<
It's such a nice story~! <3
Chapter 30: Poor Kiyoung haha the boys are so mean laughing at his embarrassment and cuteness. But Hoseok started seeing him as a potential partner which is jdvidvjdsvk good! ^^
Chapter 29: He finally said it! Yay!
It was kinda cute how Jungkook was jealous ^3^ But they were just talking so I find his reaction a little too much haha lmao I wouldn't be surprised if she had a boyfriend XD and now Kookie's order is probably a disaster! :D
Chapter 28: Jungkook and Taehyung's relationship is seriously so sweet! I love when they're joking around one second and the next one they're all over each other. Isn't it just jugtdytdlh? Aw. And Kiyoung, he seems to have a crush on Hobi already. He better treat him well! >3<
Chapter 26: Kiyoung is so adorable! I hope he and Hoseok will have something going on between them ^u^ Of course only if Kiyoung is good enough for Hobi :3
Jungkookie is such a brat! Using Taehyung like that, tsk tsk, you bad boy! It's good that Tae is such a gold boy and is not easily angry :D
Chapter 25: I'm squealing so hard, this chapter was so adorable! I can't believe that Taehyung and Jungkook just fought over a box of chocolate for like a whole chapter! It was so amusing to be honest and so like them XD
Chapter 23: Well, indeed. It's finally out in the open. Kookie can't backtrack now. Also, dgtrsngrmd they kissed! Kissed!!! jtfkmfkuhg And Tae likes Jungkook omg my taekook feels *o* <333333