Chapter 9: He Smiled!

We Are One, We Are EXO
—-The Next Day—-
I woke up the next morning at 2 pm, prepared to give back the contract to Lee Soo Man as soon as possible.
I called umma yesterday, and she said.....
"Listen, Eun Ri. You are going to turn 18 after less than a month, and I won't be able to keep you home forever. Do whatever you want. I won't hold you back, any more. Live your life! But, know that home will always be welcoming you, so whenever you need help, just come back, and umma will always be waiting with her arms wide opened."
Every time I remember that, tears start to flow down my cheeks.
I signed the contract with Mi Na squealing behind me, after that phone call.
I am now in the lobby of SME waiting for my appointment with Lee Soo Man, with Mi Na.
"Ms. Lee, Mr. Lee Soo Man is expecting you now," the receptionist said.
I got up from my chair and headed to the office door, along with Mi Na.
"I never noticed that you had the same family name as Lee Soo Man," Mi Na whispered.
I just shook my head and we went straight into the office.
"Ah. Eun Ri. Hope you made a wise decision," Lee Soo Man said as soon as we entered.
"Sure she did, how couldn't she!" Mi Na said.
"And, who are you?"
"Park Mi Na."
"Ah, you're the daughter of Mr. Park. Send him my greetings."
"Anyhow, the contract?" Lee Soo Man said while looking at me.
"N-nee," I said, giving him the contract.
He looked through it but, of course, Mi Na had to say something as soon as he placed the contract on his desk.
"Mr. Lee, can I ask for a favour?"
"What is it that you want?"
"I want to be Eun Ri's dance instructor."
Lee Soo Man stayed silent for a while.
Then, he said," sure, why not! But, you need to give me something in return."
And he smirked, again. This smirk is a signature sign!
"What could I possibly own to give?!" Mi Na laughed.
"Double what you asked for. No, let me correct that. What you asked for times 13."
"I don't understand."
"N-neither do I," I said. I finally had the guts to speak!
"Well, I want you to be Eun Ri's and EXO's dance instructor. Which, also, means that Eun Ri will be training with EXO."
"O-omo! Nee, nee! I agree!" Mi Na cheered.
"It's a hard job, though."
"I'll do my best, sir."
"Araso, here's the contract, sign it."
Lee Soo Man got out a contract from his desk drawer and handed it to Mi Na.
Seriously, though, does he have a contract for every occasion in his drawers?!
Anyhow, back to our story.
After Mi Na read the whole contract, and called a lawyer, which took nearly an hour and half......
"Now, you can both call me SM-nim, welcome to the SMT Family!" Lee Soo.... I mean SM-nim said, while smiling for the first time!
God, my death must be near. I saw Lee Soo Man, the Lee Soo Man smiling!
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xNarya #1
Chapter 12: How come you have 12 chapters but no comment yet ? Well, This is crazy in a good way, it reminded me of EXO next door I don't know why but I like it. Plus the fact that this is EXO with 12 members. Fighting and thank you for the cute storyline ~