Chapter 4: The Golden Tickets

We Are One, We Are EXO
I spent the whole day sleeping because of jet lag, even though I slept on the plane.
I woke up the next morning, in other words today, super excited. I'm going to see EXO.
"Mi Na. Mi Na. Wake up."
Mi Na was still sleeping. how could she even fall asleep on such a day!
"Yah! Wake up. We're meeting EXO today."
"Omo!" She shouted sitting up. "Eun Ri, go get dressed, I'll be ready in exactly,"she looked at her imaginary watch, on her wrist," 45 minutes."
I ran to my bag and got out some clothes:
1. A grey tee
2. Black high-waisted zipper shorts
3. A tall white vest
4. High-heeled half-boot.
And no, I'm not that rich, Mi Na's parents bought me that outfit on my 17th birthday. Her family and her are really generous, aren't they.
After I got my clothes on, Mi Na got out of the bathroom wearing:
1. A pink blouse
2. A floral blue-black shorts
3. A pinkish-red short kimono
4. Pink TOMs.
"Omo! You look amazing!" I said.
"So do you," she said carelessly. "Now, for the big news," she started to sound excited.
"What big news?" I asked as excitedly.
She got out two golden tickets.
"We are going to exclusively meet EXO after the concert."
She squeeled.
"We are.... What?!" I shouted
"We're meeting EXO, we are meeting EXO," she started doing her victory dance.
"Omo! I cannot believe that! I need to call Mr. And Mrs. Park to thank them for all of that!" I started searching for my mobile phone in my pockets.
"Hold on, hold on, hold on," she said in her fluent English accent. "That's my part of the gift," she continued in korean.
"Stop lying," I said while dialing her parents' number.
"Aish. Yah!" she shouted while pulling my phone out of my hands. "I'm not lying, I paid for these tickets from my own money. Besides, have I ever lied to you before?" she smirked.
"Well you lied that time when you told me that your mother...."
She cut me off.
"Okay, just once."
I was about to remind her of another time when she lied but she said,"okay, I lied a lot, but I'm saying the truth this time, I promise."
"Araso, I believe you. Komsamnidah, Mi Na," I grinned.
"No need, Eun Ri," she then hugged me. "Now the cab is waiting downstairs, let's go meet our bias," she raised up her fists.
"Nee, lets go," I mirrored her by raising my fists, too.
We then went to the cab.
"Wait a minute," I said as soon as the driver started the engine, but that didn't stop him anyway.
"What's wrong?" Mi Na asked.
"I didn't prepare to meet EXO personally after the concert."
"What do you mean?" Mi Na looked puzzeled.
"Look at what I'm wearing," I gestured at my clothes.
"Yah! I bought that for you on your 17th birthday and you think it's not EXO-worthy?"
"You bought me a teddy bear on my 17th birthday! Your parents bought me this outfit, not you."
"Tsk. Still, I chose it."
"Aish. Anyway, it's not that bad, righ?"
"Nee. Of course!"
"It's EXO-worthy, right?"
"They won't say that I've got a bad taste in clothes when they see me wearing this, right?"
"Ne.... Wait. What did you just say?" Mi Na glared at me.
"Don't worry, I'm just joking."
"Aish. For a second there I was going to kill you."
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xNarya #1
Chapter 12: How come you have 12 chapters but no comment yet ? Well, This is crazy in a good way, it reminded me of EXO next door I don't know why but I like it. Plus the fact that this is EXO with 12 members. Fighting and thank you for the cute storyline ~