confused feeling

All My love for you
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“buy it or not “Jessica send a dead glare to Taeyeon .

“errr aishhh ok “

After Taeyeon left …

“Yah Tiff ….why ….Taeyeon ……is so good toward you “ she still have and same look to tiffany .

“Yah how can I know …you should ask Taeyeon not me “ Tiffany start to annoyed .

“YAH I thought you know that why I asked “

“YAHHHHHH why are you jealous “

meanwhile Sooyoung sat infront of them ………wanna die already

some student look at them ….and some grossip about them …Sooyoung has her hand cover her face from embarrassed.

“ahhh this is  a reason..that why you don’t want to help “

help ? …it’s look like they have a lot of secret  …this two is….hard to know – Sooyoung

“what are you talking about ? “ 

“you love Taeyeon  TOO? “ Jessica is abit loud and she start to get up from her seat . make a lot of attraction from other .

oh my god …..taeyeon ahhh come back fast ..your girls is fight – Sooyoung

“WHAT? “ she start to get up too .

“yah yah yah …Aren’t you two bestfriend ?” Both of them look at sooyoung and then look at each other .

“that right…… “ they both say the same thing and the same time .

“SO sit down…why are you talk so loud “ Sooyoung make a sign for them to sit down and they do what sooyoung tell .

Heolzzz Daebak..they both are scary  – Sooyoung

“Sorry “ Jessica apologize .

right she is my bestfriend who always take care of me …how about Taeyeon…she love taeyeon what should I do – Tiffany

“me too , I’m sorry “  Tiffany play with her food .

“owww why taeyeon take too much time ……..ahhhhh there she is …Handsome girl is coming “ Sooyoung said with smirk .

“ HANDSOME GIRL ?” they both said the same time again .

“uhhh uhh silent ….yes handsome girl for me ..don’t you think so “ they giggle .

“hooo did I miss something here “ she get in her seat and didn’t forget to smile at tiffany ,her love but eyes smile princess didn’t return it .

“You miss a lot , This two almost fight each other “ The two bestfriend send dead glare to Sooyoung .

“WHAT ?  “TAeyeon make a shock face.

“ahhh no no I’m kidding “ Sooyoung shut up and eat her food .

“here your “ Taeyeon rolled her eyes as she put down Jessica drink.

“wahhhhhhh thank you Taeyeon ahhh are the best “Jessica smile and cling toward Taeyeon .

Taeyeon just act normal and eat her food with her free hand , on another side someone watch them….she want to tell her bestfriend to take her hand off Taeyeon But she can’t . she can’t do anything expect watching them .

she only take a bite and already full from watch them . she get up make everyone surprise .


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Jang91 #1
Curious about what happens next
iCass14 #2
Chapter 35: yay so happy to know that there'll be a season 2 ^^
I love you autor-sshi
Thank you
iCass14 #3
Chapter 34: Autor-sshi we need more. I got the kiss but Tae got a heartbreak ottoke? At least she heard those 3 words from Fany.
I can't wait for more, please season 2!!! I love this story
TaeNysmith22 #4
Chapter 34: It end already? :( you know we can wait for your next update
Chapter 34: Yes please do continue if you can author shi :) Thank you
iCass14 #6
Chapter 33: OMG poor Ta, Fany that was a low move but c'mon just kiss already
TaeNysmith22 #7
Chapter 33: WOah! A sudden change from Tiff, what will happen next? Haha update ^^
TaeNysmith22 #8
Chapter 32: Haha you left us hanging lol he he I miss you author~nim :")
iCass14 #9
Chapter 31: C'mon Taeyeon-ah you should go after Fany-ah. I hope Fany realize that she's TF so they can become a couple for real