Chapter 25

Army of Two

I was searching around the area, looking for anyone who was hiring and possibly desperate to get a new employee. I don't know what I'm good at, knowing for a long time in my life I hardly did anything I wanted. Since I was scared of my father, I hardly did anything I wanted. So I never tried to find what I really want to do.

Nobody needed hiring. That's just crazy how every single place I passed by, doesn't need any employees. I find my way towards Seoul University. I go inside the office and ask if they were hiring. The first thing they wanted to know was if I was a student here. I told them that I'll be a freshman when the year starts and they said that they'll see if there were any openings, and call me if so.

I walked back to ChaeMin's apartment, well, our apartment for now, and just laid down on the floor.

"You know we have a couch." ChaeMin says, walking out the kitchen. I sigh.

"I know. But I'm tired. I walked around looking for a job opening and I found none. Nobody was hiring. So I went to the university and they said that they'll try to see if there are any openings and hopefully I get set up interviews." I tell her. I sit up and see her nod.

"Have you decided?" she asks.

"On what?"

"Whether you're going to live with him or not."

I stare at the floor and shrug.

"I haven't told him if he was okay with it." I say. "I mean, I want to see if it's okay with him you know."

She starts smiling like crazy and I tilt my head, a bit confused.

"Ah! You have decided then! You're going to live with him! Well, of course if he lets you." she says with excitement. I chuckled a little, too little that it sounded awkward.

"I'm inviting him over." she says, taking out her phone.

"Since when did you have his number?" I ask, a bit curious.

"Since you left. He gave me it telling me to contact him if you ever wanted help to come back." she says. I chuckle and shake my head. She calls him.

"Hey! TaeHyung. Yeah, do you want to come over? Why? JaeEun has something to ask. Pft, it's more better in person than on the phone okay. Just come. Okay. Bye." and then she hangs up.

"You know I could've told him over the phone." I say. She scoffs and lays on the couch. I roll my eyes and get up, sitting on the couch. She bends her knees, giving me space to sit.

About 20 minutes have passed and I slowly fell asleep. I got so tired from looking around for job openings. I closed my eyes and without realizing, I fell fast asleep on the couch.


I wake up, feeling my head on someone's lap and someone's hand brushing my hair. My vision gets clearer and I look up, seeing TaeHyung there smiling at me.

"You're finally awake." he says. "It's barely 4pm. Why so tired?"

I groan and sit up. He makes my head rest on his shoulder.

"I walked around looking for jobs but found none. The university is looking for openings on campus for me." I tell him.

"You're looking for a job, for the apartment?" he asks. I look at him and nod my head. He smiles and pecks my lips. I chuckle and look down.

"I was also wondering if uhm..." I start off. I start fiddling with my thumbs.

"If?" he asks.

"If it was okay if I can you know, since I'm going to be helping you pay for an apartment and that's way cheaper than paying for dorms in college and-"

"You want to live with me?" he finishes for me. I look at him and slowly nod my head. He smiles and puts his arm around me.

"Of course." he says. "If I can get custody of SooHyung, she would be happy to see you there as well."

I smile and give him a hug. He hugs me back.

"I love you." I tell him. I hear him chuckle.

"I love you too." he says.

"It's cute to hear you guys say it in person." ChaeMin says, walking out of her room. We both turn to her and laugh a little. She smiles at us and asks if we're hungry.

"Yeah but, I have to leave in like an hour." TaeHyung says.

"Where are you going?" ChaeMin asks.

"MinKyu wants me to go over. He wanted to talk to me."

"Oh yeah." I say. "At least for 30 minutes."

TaeHyung looks at me and chuckles. I shakes his head and pecks my forehead.

"Fine. Half an hour." he says. I smile and get up to the kitchen table.


Almost exactly half an hour later, TaeHyung gets a call from MinKyu, reminding him to meet up with him at his house.

"I have to go now." he says. He gets up from the table and thanks ChaeMin for cooking the food. He pecks my lips and says goodbye, walking out the apartment. I look over at ChaeMin and she's grinning.

"What?" I say.

"You two act like you're married, it's so cute. I actually wanted to squeal. It was like he was leaving your guys' house for work." she says. I roll my eyes and flick a piece of rice at her.

"Shut up." I say, and we both laugh.

"Well, it's almost a year that you two have been together so it's okay." she says. "Just a few more months to make a year."

I chuckle and continue eating.


I sit on my bed, staring out the window just because I couldn't sleep. It's almost 10pm and I stare at the tree near my window and at the very little people who are passing by on the sidewalk. Then, I hear a knock on the door. I get up and quietly walk to the door. I open the curtains a little to see who it was and I see TaeHyung. I open it.

"Hey." I say, my voice sounding a bit tired. "What are you doing here?"

He walks in and sits himself down on the couch. I close the door and go to sit next to him. He has his hands on his forehead. He scoffs and shakes his head.

"I knew that's what MinKyu wanted to talk to me about." he says quite loud.

"Shh." I say. "ChaeMin's asleep."

He apologizes and sighs.

"I just knew it. And now he thinks I'm trying to get his girlfriend. Like he knows I'm dating you, he even knows that I love you. And he's getting mad at me for his girlfriend, well ex now, making a move on me." he whispers. "We had a fight again and I tried to tell him that I didn't kiss her, she kissed me. He asked if you knew about it and I said of course, I told you. He still blamed me for it. Gosh, I know before I didn't really care that MinKyu wasn't my friend, but we've been friends since we were small and just over a girl..."

I scoot closer to him and put my hands on his shoulders. I chuckle a little and rest my chin on his shoulder.

"I'd probably be this upset if this happened with ChaeMin and I." I tell him. He turns his head towards me and sighs.

"Gosh, I don't know if I can go back to foster place right now." he says. "They think I'm sleeping right now and I don't know if I should sneak back right now or wait 'till early morning to leave and go back."

"Well, if you decide to leave early morning, you can sleep here on the couch." I tell him. He smiles at me a little.

"Okay. I'll wait 'till early morning." he says. I chuckle and nod, getting up and going into my room to get a blanket and pillow. I walk back out with them and hand them to him.

"Goodnight." I say. Before I walked away, he grabs my wrist. I look at him.

"Sleep with me tonight?" he says. I raise an eyebrow. "The couch is big enough for two. Or we can sleep on the floor if you want space."

I chuckle and shake my head. I grab the pillow and blanket and start walking back to my room.

"Where you going?" he asks me.

"Come on. I have a bed you know." I say. I turn and look at him and I chuckle, seeing his puzzled face.

I put the extra blanket in the closet and my pillow back on the bed. I go on it and lay down. I see him walk in the room and he slowly walks to the bed. I chuckle and just make myself comfortable, and close my eyes.

"Sorry if I woke you up though." he says.

"I wasn't able to sleep. It's okay." I tell him. "But maybe now I will."

I feel him get on the bed, and then he hugs me from the back. He pulls the blanket and covers our bodies fully.

"Wake me up when you leave in the morning." I tell him. He chuckles and kisses the top of my head; well more like the back.

"Goodnight." he says. I smile and make myself go to sleep.

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Jeon_Sumaiyah #1
Chapter 30: update please
Dukiepoopie #2
Chapter 30: Please update and I hope you get your laptop fixed soon!! Hwaiting authornim! ;) <3 ^_^
Dukiepoopie #3
Chapter 6: I was laughing so hard during the whole chapter since touch my body was playing and all I could picture was j-hope and jimin dancing >_< :)
LilyClover #4
Chapter 30: Plz update soon!! I hipe your laptop are fixed too!! Good luck with school (if you still havr them >.< )
Raghad123 #5
Author nim.. It's been sucha while (3 months maybe) i decided to pass by and tell you that i miiss this tory .. Please update soooooooooooooooon
Raghad123 #6
Plleeeeeease update soon
Maglikeexo #7
Raghad123 #8
Chapter 30: I thought you really left the story and left us... Soooooo excited to know that you are going to update soon, i miss this story alot. Please take care and update as soon as your time allows you
Chapter 30: Ahh omg so excited!! Thanks for your hardwork!!! ♥ We will be waitinggggg
JeonMinyoung #10
Chapter 30: My brother's laptop has broken so many times it's insaaaane
As long as I know you're not abandoning this story, it's all g :)