
Secret that’s solemnly mistaken
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**Many updates for this week and I’m not sure if you readers always enjoying it and I do really know why xD Sorry to cause you fall into extreme frustrated state. I didn’t mean to :D

Enjoy! :)


Chapter 9 – Face-to-face


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6 years ago

Light filtered in through curtains and the birds chirped outside of the window. This was one of those perfect early mornings to the sweet eighteen Jinri, when the entire world seems to be in place.

Jinri eventually finished high school and in three months she was going to pursue her business degree in US as a scholar. To celebrate their only daughter's success, Jinri's parents surprised her with a small party last night, inviting some of her friends and a few families of her parents' closet friends and of course one of them was Minho's family.

Shifting slightly, Jinri felt the weight of something on her stomach kept her mostly stationary, but comforting nonetheless.

Jinri frowned. What happened last night? Just in a second when she turned and saw Minho's peaceful sleeping face, to Jinri's world which she thought was being in place a moment ago, crashing down instantly.

Jinri shut her eyes momentarily, trying to recall the event last night.

"Oh God, what have I done?" Thought Jinri as bit by bit every unbelievable image entered her mind. Jinri quickly grabbed her clothes and headed for the bathroom. Even before she could get dress, her knees wobbled and instantly she let herself fell down on the cold floor.

Unfortunately, she just lost her ity to a one night stand. OMG! Jinri didn't know if it was the alcohol or the hormones but it shouldn't have happened at all.

It was started when they stumbled into each other in the drunken state outside the bathroom, Jinri didn't really remember how it all happened. They kissed down the hallway, she let him kiss her up against the wall, willing to be prisoned under his arms, having his hands touched her everywhere they could reach. Drunkenness totally consumed their consciousness as thing continued to happen passionately and no one of them would be willing to stop until one point they stumbled all the way down to her bedroom as they climbed into bed. Minho again began kissing Jinri, touching her and before thing could possibly turn back, he was already pounding her, ruining Jinri's innocence that night.

Clutching her chest tightly, Jinri cried quietly alone. How could she let something stupid like this happen? Minho wasn't even her friend or someone nearing her ideal, they just merely knew each other because of their parents' connection. Although they had grown up together as children but that was all, nothing between them was clicked, nor she ever developed crush toward him as much as him to her.

Jinri stepped out of the bathroom after she got dress decently and found Minho was buttoning his shirt. Their eyes fell onto each other. Judging by Minho's awkward reaction, Jinri assumed he also realized the fooling event last night between them.

Minho was just staring at her and making Jinri squirm uncomfortably under his scrutinizing gaze.

Much to her naive, Jinri had always thought situations like these only happened in the movies/dramas when people were drunk. Oh god! What a mess that this was turning out to be real in her life.

Minho seemed to notice as he heaved a deep sigh at Jinri's obvious puffy eyes.

"For what it's worth, I am sorry for what happened last night. I knew it was a mistake and I didn't manage to stop it." Said Minho.

Jinri jerked her head, quite surprise. "You don't mean you were all sober while doing 'it', do you?!"

Minho remained silent for a minute and took a deep breath before responding, "I didn't mean it's you Jinri. I couldn't also control myself and I...."

"Oh shut it jerk!" Yelled Jinri as she glared at him with hostility but the next word she asked him were spoken softly, almost inaudible as the deep emotion got all the best of her. "Did you have with me because I was vulnerable?"

"What?" Hissed Minho. He turned, facing Jinri completely. "May I remind you that I'm not the one who lost it? Look Jinri, I know you were drunk but I was too, I wasn't able to control my mind but alcohol got the best of me."

"But you were still a little bit sober right? Why in the hell you didn't stop it?" Asked Jinri.

Minho had a slight angry look in his eyes, "Are you serious Jinri? You're going to blame this on me alone? For all I know, you enjoyed 'it' too!"

Right then, Jinri slapped Minho on the cheek harshly. "Bastard!! How could you even say that to me? Am I looking like a cheap , easy lay to you for fooling around?"

Minho groaned and fell back onto the bed, rubbing his face in frustration. Jinri looked at him with tears was b in her eyes and he only looked back at her, eyes hollow.

Minho was seriously pissing Jinri off. Why not just say what he needed to say and be over with it? The longer the silence dragged on, the more Jinri began to believe that she had been used in her vulnerable state.

Jinri turned to her closet and picked her clothes out, began towards the bathroom for taking a much needed shower. A shower that was needed to escape the world for a few minutes of bliss.

"Jinri..." Said Minho helplessly.

Jinri just gave him her back and turned her head slightly, only to respond, "Forget about it, we both need to erase this mistake. Now go home Minho. I don't want to see your face any longer."

Salty tears danced with the now cold water as time crept continuously forward. Fear of Minho still sitting on bed hung like a bad illness in her head. Images of last night constantly flashed through her mind. She said it without difficulty but trying to get rid of those images was not at all easy.

Cracked the bathroom door open slightly, Jinri mildly surprised to see that Minho had actually done what she said and left.

Sleep was all Jinri really wanted at that moment and climbing into bed, she smelt a foreign scent. Of course it was Minho's, how could she not catch it? It was so distinct. The smell of his sweat, peppermint because of the gum he chewed, and his cologne, a certain kind that either his mom or any girls he had been fooling around with had gotten for him.


- - - -


"The flight to USA, The New York City, now is boarding." Called the voice over the intercom.

Jinri gathered her things and presented her ticket to the flight attendant. The hallway leading to the plane was lit dimly and reflected how she was feeling right now, alone. When the plane was in the air, it was for the nth time that Jinri thought about everything that had happened that night and one shocking moment once after she found out she was pregnant.


After gathering her bag at the baggage claim, Jinri walked out of JFK airport and hailed a cab to head down Park Avenue to Victoria's apartment. Once arrived, Jinri was more than happ

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Apriliadwika #1
Chapter 19: Oh my godness this story was beyond amazing i love it authornimm
nana4ever #2
Chapter 19: Just re-read this story.... I love all of your stories and just want to say thank you for all of your effort and time writing them...

I hope all is well with you and your family...take care my dear.
Asifaa #3
Chapter 19: just finish reread this story again,I love minsul authornim..I just pretend that nothing happen to sulli,just imagine sulli is still single.coz I just want sulli to be with minho,nothing else.just Minsul.forever
jhanehojas #4
Chapter 19: just finish reread this story again tnx authornim
Fairyness #5
Chapter 19: And ohhh, they still my otp..so whenever and whatever story you write about minsul will still be my favorite ^^
Fairyness #6
Chapter 19: Its a sweet surprise to see this update. Not complaining tho..kekeke~
Your story is like a medicine to my sadness..yes, she had her own live and we need to respect that. But, same with you for me f(x) is forever five..coz like they've said before, f(x) is a function that consist of fix member in my heart.. All my support to f(x), vic-luna-sulli-krystal-amber
Thanks again and be happy authornim ^^
purnamas #7
Chapter 19: thanks for your update
so amazing story
happy ending ..... >_<
whatever happens now, i always to support minsul
Froggyoppa #8
Chapter 19: Ini sangat indah.....minsul bersatu selamanya dan tidak ada yang bisaa memisahkan mereka diff ataupun kehidupan nyata...aku tetap percaya minsul selamanya.....
zangsia1 #9
Chapter 19: love your stories authornim
pls keep writing