
Secret that’s solemnly mistaken
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Chapter 12 – Jealous


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Pushing the case files away from his desk, Jinki released a long, frustrated sigh. He gave Minho a withering look. They had been trying unsuccessfully to deal with the messy details of Lee's divorce. Suddenly Lee Taemin wanted another part of an estate that his ex-wife had bought and luckily enough, Naeun was willing to work out a schedule to have a meeting when they both could use it, but turned out Taemin was having none of it. Frankly, right now Minho began to think that Taemin was nothing but just a spoiled pretty-boy who always had his way.

"Let's break for lunch." Suggested Minho, rising from his chair and giving Jinki a pat on the shoulder. "We're going to go insane if we sit here much longer."

"Who says we haven't?" Jested Jinki. A small smile appearing on his face. "I have to take Luna to a doctor's appointment anyway."

Minho nodded. "When do you guys find out what you're having?"

"Oh that...." Replied Jinki, annoyance was evident in his tone. "Pregnant woman is just complicated sometimes. Luna suddenly has decided she wants the baby to be a surprise. She won't even let the doctor tell me what it is and said something about how I can't keep a secret to save my life."

"She does have a good point." Joked Minho, gathering his briefcase and coat. He laughed when Jinki gave him a glare.

"So how's life, man?" Asked Jinki and Minho gave him a nonchalant shrug. Sighed Jinki as he continued, "I have no right to intervene but I hope you stick with your own word Minho that you will try to make everything right. Your kids, most especially Jinri, you owe them a lot."

Minho sighed. "I know and I'm in the process of trying now."

Jinki patted Minho's arm. "That's good to hear it."

As soon as they were outside of Jinki's office, Minho bid him a good luck and turned to walk in the opposite direction only to collide with his mother.

"Mom!" Cried Minho and walked straight to his mom. "What are you doing here?"

Mrs. Choi smoothed her clothes and hair and flashed Minho a bright smile. "Your father and I are heading out to lunch. Is he in his office right now?"

"I think he is." Replied Minho as he turned to glance at the close door of his dad's office.

She nodded. "And what about you? Where are you off to?"

"Same as you." Replied Minho with a shrug. "But Jinki had to take Luna to the doctor."

"Oh, so are you having lunch with Jinri and children?" Asked Mrs. Choi, checking her watch. Minho recognized it as the one that Jinri had bought for her last year.

Minho shook his head, slightly confused. "No. Aren't the kid in school, mom?"

Now it was his mom turn to shake her head. "I called your wife this morning and she said they had today off, some sort of teachers work day I think."

Minho mentally banged his head against a wall because of his stupidity. He had forgotten all about the plan to take his family out to lunch but he messed it up again now.

Minho had been doing well, being there for Jinri when it came to their children. The four of them surprisingly got close so far for these past few days. In fact, Minho made it a point to be home by five o'clock on weeknights unless he had a meeting or something urgent happens in the office. Jinri and him even had been taking turns with the bedtime routine. Like Jinri had said, the parenting thing was getting easier, but Minho was still unsure of how to act around Jimmy and Jaemi at times although they got a little more even closer now.

"Well it's not too late." Said Mrs. Choi, drawing Minho's attention back to her. "Maybe you can head down to Tastila before they leave for lunch, or eat there."

"Great idea mom, thanks." Replied Minho, giving his mother a kiss on the cheek and heading for the elevator.

Once outside in the cold weather, he entered his car and started off the engine to Tastila. Minho watched the busy city as he drove. He checked his watch out of habit every now and then. Without realizing, he already subconsciously came to a stop in front of the restaurant and Minho immediately jumped out of the car and jogged to the door of the restaurant.

As soon as Minho opened the door, his ears were immediately assaulted with laughter. Although at first glance the restaurant seemed to be empty, he could make out a table in the corner with people clustered around it. And once his eyes adjusted to the light, he recognized Jinri with their kids and.... a male figure.

"Daddy!" Said Jimmy, taking notice of Minho's arrival. He immediately went to his dad as Minho gave him a smile.

Jaemi on another hand screeched with a 'daddy' too as she jumped off from her seat and raced towards Minho. She threw her tiny arms around him. As if by reflex, Minho hoisted her into his arms.

Jaemi asked excitedly. "What are you doing here?"

Jinri had risen from the table, a look of confusion marring her features, as did her companion who Minho recognized to be Lee Taemin.

For some reason, Minho couldn't wrap his mind around, he felt something weird, warm in his stomach and frowned. "I came to take the three of you out to lunch."

"We are just on our way out." Said Taemin pleasantly enough, though Minho felt like that it was a cover for how he really felt.

"Way out? To where?" Asked Minho stupidly. He couldn't understand what Taemin was doing in the restaurant. Hadn't he already reviewed it once? Was there still anything he has to do in here again?

This time Jinri stepped in. "Taemin offered to take us out to lunch since the kids didn't have school today. But you are welcome to join us." Jinri finished with a genuine smile and suddenly the weird and warm feeling returned to Minho's stomach and he felt inclined to smile back if he hadn't seen the look of annoyance cross over Taemin's features.

"Sure. I will join." Said Minho. He released a small smile upon hearing his kids were cheering. Jaemi clapped her hands in delight and wrapped her arms around his neck tightly.

"Okay, the more the merrier." Said Taemin, the big smile back on his face, but Minho knew that he was less than merry, which made him smile inwardly.


They had selected a very small restaurant not far from down the street. Minho was unsure why they had chosen a run-down diner for lunch, but Taemin had insisted that it was simply one of the best diners in the city. Of course Minho didn't even try to fight his strong urge rolling his eyes, while Jinri undoubtedly gave her consent with a little giggle that drove Minho crazy. What was she? A teenager?

Jinri on the other hand, secretly loved the obvious tension between Minho and Taemin. She couldn't help but goad it on by openly flirting with Taemin. She had specifically requested a booth so she could sit next to Taemin while Minho had to sit with Jimmy and Jaemi.

Sighing, Jinri rested her head on her hand as she looked at the menu. "I really don't know what I should order for the kids. What do you think Taemin?"

"Well." Started Taemin, flashing Jinri a smile. "Since it is a diner, superb lunch couldn't find in here. And regular Korean side dishes are good but I think your kids will like it more if it is grilled pork belly."

"Thanks." Replied Jinri sweetly, sliding her gaze over to Minho who was focused on his menu, she could tell that his jaw was tightly clinched and his eyebrow had a slight tick. Jinri smiled as she decided to add a little bit of fuel to the fire. "But I think I might just get a beef noodle since I'm watching my weight."

Minho set his menu down forcefully and pinned his gaze on Jinri. "What for?"

Taemin also set his menu down as well and shook his head. "Jinri, you don't need to watch your weight. In fact, you are way too skinny. I think you should make it a double serves of the grilled pork belly."

At the cheesy line Taemin tried to feed her, Jinri almost let out a bark of laughter. The scowl that formed on Minho's face just sent Jinri over the edge and she ended up emitting a few titters.

Jimmy suddenly burst out of laughter too after Jaemi whispered him something.

Minho furrowed his brows and looked at Jimmy on his side.

"Daddy." Said Jimmy when he managed to stop laughing. "Jaemi just told me that there is a worm under your skin."

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Apriliadwika #1
Chapter 19: Oh my godness this story was beyond amazing i love it authornimm
nana4ever #2
Chapter 19: Just re-read this story.... I love all of your stories and just want to say thank you for all of your effort and time writing them...

I hope all is well with you and your family...take care my dear.
Asifaa #3
Chapter 19: just finish reread this story again,I love minsul authornim..I just pretend that nothing happen to sulli,just imagine sulli is still single.coz I just want sulli to be with minho,nothing else.just Minsul.forever
jhanehojas #4
Chapter 19: just finish reread this story again tnx authornim
Fairyness #5
Chapter 19: And ohhh, they still my whenever and whatever story you write about minsul will still be my favorite ^^
Fairyness #6
Chapter 19: Its a sweet surprise to see this update. Not complaining tho..kekeke~
Your story is like a medicine to my sadness..yes, she had her own live and we need to respect that. But, same with you for me f(x) is forever five..coz like they've said before, f(x) is a function that consist of fix member in my heart.. All my support to f(x), vic-luna-sulli-krystal-amber
Thanks again and be happy authornim ^^
purnamas #7
Chapter 19: thanks for your update
so amazing story
happy ending ..... >_<
whatever happens now, i always to support minsul
Froggyoppa #8
Chapter 19: Ini sangat indah.....minsul bersatu selamanya dan tidak ada yang bisaa memisahkan mereka diff ataupun kehidupan nyata...aku tetap percaya minsul selamanya.....
zangsia1 #9
Chapter 19: love your stories authornim
pls keep writing