Wings 9: Shim Changmin

Guardian Angels

Once said, Hyoyeon immediately launched herself towards Jaejoong, quickly landing strong punches. Jaejoong growled at the impact against his shield and quickly fought back. Yunho was safe now, which meant that Jaejoong could fight as ruthless as he wanted to. Swords clashed, shields blocked. Spears were thrown, shields deflected. As they fought, Jaejoong vaguely registered footsteps approaching. "Jae-hyung!" A familiar voice shouted. 'Changmin,' Jaejoong thought. Knowing that Jaejoong was too busy to reply, Changmin yelled, "Catch!" He threw a brand new sword towards Jaejoong.

Changmin, being worried for his hyung, had fashioned one more sword for Jaejoong. This sword was made out of titanium, of which Black Wings avoided like the plague. Angels were okay touching titanium, but turning into a Black Wing made them vulnerable to titanium. Changmin had forged this sword to better suit Jaejoong's fighting style, sharp, long, swift and precise. Jaejoong quickly caught the sword before turning back to the fight. He smiled at the way the sword moved fluidly through the air. It was as if he wasn't using any strength at all to move the sword. Changmin had really overdone himself.

Hyoyeon, recognising the titanium for what it was, backed off slightly. Titanium was extremely poisonous to them, deadly, even. Jaejoong moved forward to decrease the distance between them. Growling,  Hyoyeon launched herself at Jaejoong again, shield on at maximum strength. Quickly, Jaejoong dodged her attack and punched her in the stomach. Grunting, Hyoyeon stumbled a bit from the impact. Taking the oppurtunity before Hyoyeon could recover, Jaejoong quickly stepped forward and dealt her a final blow with the sword. Immediately turning into a pile of black dust, no other sign of Hyoyeon's existence was left.

Jaejoong stared at the pile of black dust before turning to the other angels and Changmin. He was about to say something when he out. The angels quickly rushed forward, but Changmin was already checking what was wrong with him. "Leeteuk-hyung, where did you put Yunho?" Changmin asked. "At his house, why?" Leeteuk replied. "We have to bring Jae-hyung there now."  Changmin said. Handing the unconcious Jaejoong to Leeteuk, Changmin said, "I'll go back to my house to bring my medical supplies so I can help you all with your injuries. Come pick me up in around 20 minutes." With that, Changmin quickly left.


Laying Jaejoong beside Yunho, who had fallen asleep, it was then that Leeteuk saw how pale Jaejoong was becoming. Changmin quickly entered the room once he had figured out where the two were. "I need you to go out first, these two will need some medical attention." Changmin said. Leeteuk nodded and left the room. Changmin surveyed the two men on the bed and sighed. Then he quickly set to work.

When Changmin left the room, Leeteuk approached him. "So how are they?" he asked the half-angel. "Yunho will be fine,  just that he needs a lot of rest because he used up a lot of energy to fight the hypnosis. Jaejoong, well, he overworked himself again, so he collapsed due to the exhaustion. He'll need a lot of rest too. Oh, and please ensure that the two of them are in the same room at all times." Changmin said. "Why must they be in the same room at all times?" Leeteuk asked. Changmin sighed. "Jaejoong has spent a long time trying to fight the soulmate's call, as he felt that Yunho was not ready to handle what he was. Then when Yunho and Yuri got together, Jaejoong was unable to stay close to Yunho, and we all know what happens after a long period of time not staying close to your soulmate. So we need to keep them close to each other so Yunho can help Jaejoong heal faster, and also because the first person Jaejoong and Yunho would want to see would be the other." Changmin explained.

Leeteuk nodded. "I'll remember that."


Yunho woke up in his room, and realised that there was someone else on the bed. Turning his head, he saw Jaejoong and what had happened that day hit him in the face. (not literally, of course.) Just then, someone entered the room. "Oh, you're awake." the tall guy said. "Who are you and why are you in my house?" Yunho asked. "I'm Shim Changmin, half-angel. I'm here as healer to help Jae-hyung and the semi-concious you." the tall guy, now known as Changmin, said. "Oh. Thanks, I guess." Yunho said, turning back to Jaejoong.

Changmin checked Jaejoong to make sure he was okay. Before he left the room, he said, "Hey, Yunho-hyung, if you don't mind, I'll need you to remain in the same room as Jae-hyung at all times to help with his healing. Is that okay?" Yunho nodded. Fixing the bed, Yunho covered Jaejoong with the blanket and fell asleep again.


Before any of you kill me I would like to apologise for the long wait. I'm busy like, 6 days a week and Saturday's my sleep-in day so I don't really have the time to update....... ;A; Anyway, I'll be closing up this story soon! A BIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIG thank you to all my subscribers and silent readers out there! Saranghaeyo!

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It's finally completed! ;w; ~Guardian Angels, author DBSJSHINeEXO


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Elrhumy #1
Chapter 10: Awww cute ending *<* honestly want to smack JJ lol coz did he really will make the history repeat its self with choose to just disappear rather than to fight for his soulmate.. well at least he not let Yunho to remain the dark angles's claw.. wonder what will happen with the human if their angle is disappear..
Chapter 10: it was quiet interesting, your concept n story lines were good!
but u rushed a lot..... u no everything happened little nevertheless it was good ^^
trollolchen #3
Interesting...very interesting indeed...I think I might bookmark this.
Chapter 10: hahaha.. the flight lesson was so cute... ㄟ(≧◇≦)ㄏ
dreamerbb #5
Chapter 10: Seriously,AWWWWWWWW!!! SO CUTE♥♥♥
That was so sweet. Love the ending.
PikaKyuLove #7
nunmuri08 #8
Fantastic and kinda unique ending ^^
lovely ending... :P
Amazing story like a fairy tale!!!!