Wings 6: Angel Feathers

Guardian Angels

Jaejoong watched as Yunho ran up to Kwon Yuri, watched as he smiled, watched as he kissed her. Unable to take anymore, Jaejoong turned away from the scene and walked home. 3 days after the clash with Kwon Yuri, Jung Yunho confessed to her. '1 more week then.' Jaejoong thought. He had planned to stay until Yunho and Yuri were together, then leave after one week. He would leave the job of killing her to Leeteuk and the rest of the angels. They were capable of that, he knew. Willing his wings to appear, he took off at a secluded place and soon landed at a familiar house.

Pressing the doorbell, a tall male soon opened the door. "Oh! Hyung, come in." he gestured the elder in. "What brings you here, Jae-hyung?" the tall male asked. Jaejoong looked at the surrounding area, thinking about something. Then he opened his wings and plucked out a feather. "I need you to do something for me, Changmin." Jaejoong said. Jaejoong placed the feather in Changmin's outstretched hand. "Hyung, you're leaving us for good?!" Changmin exclaimed, knowing fully well what the plucking of the feather meant.

Jaejoong nodded. Shim Changmin was half angel, half human. Half-angels were usually human, but only with the angels' added ability to fashion things out of thin air. "I need you to make weapons strong enough to wipe out the entire higher-up class of the Black Wings. Make more than 30. Can you do that?" Jaejoong asked. Changmin nodded and said, "You do know who you're talking to, right?" "Shim Changmin, half-angel of the strongest clan." Jaejoong replied. "Once you finished making them, I want you to give them all to Leeteuk. He'll know what to do with them. Now, about my feather..." Jaejoong continued.

Plucking off a feather from an angel's wing to give them to someone could only mean two things, one, the person that the feather was given to was very precious to the angel, or two, the feather was to go to a half-angel the angel trusted. The half-angel would keep the feather safe. When the feather turned to stardust, it signified that about 1 minute later, the angel was going to disappear. The half-angel's job then would be to go to the scene where the angel had disappeared, the stardust unable to be blown away by the wind and invisible from humans. The half-angel knew it was the angel he was passed the feather when the stardust started glowing.

The half-angel would then collect the stardust of the angel, and put it among its relatives' stardust. "You know where my box is right?" Jaejoong asked. Changmin nodded. Jaejoong folded his wings. "Well, I guess I'm done here then." he said. "Wait! Hyung!" Changmin said. Jaejoong, who was at the door already, turned around and said, "Be careful, Changmin. Take care and goodbye. And please, put me next to Kangta-hyung." Then he took off into the sky. Changmin stared at the open door before sighing and walking over to close it.

Jaejoong landed in his room balcony. He opened the glass door and entered his room. Going to his closet, he took out a box that clinked when moved slightly. He opened the box to see a few bottles filled with stardust. Each of them were labelled, and Jaejoong remembered searching for each one in the streets when he was younger. Brushing his hands against each bottle, he thought of the respective angels. 'Umma.' 'Appa.' 'Kangta-hyung.' 'Harabeoji.' 'Halmeoni.' 5 bottles of which were so precious to him. Putting back the box into the closet, Jaejoong took out his spell book.

He didn't use spells until absolutely necessary, but he felt that this was necessary enough. Finding the page he was looking for, Jaejoong started reading on his bed. Soon, he fell asleep reading. In big bold words, the heading of the page that he was reading said, "Memory Wipe Spell."

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It's finally completed! ;w; ~Guardian Angels, author DBSJSHINeEXO


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Elrhumy #1
Chapter 10: Awww cute ending *<* honestly want to smack JJ lol coz did he really will make the history repeat its self with choose to just disappear rather than to fight for his soulmate.. well at least he not let Yunho to remain the dark angles's claw.. wonder what will happen with the human if their angle is disappear..
Chapter 10: it was quiet interesting, your concept n story lines were good!
but u rushed a lot..... u no everything happened little nevertheless it was good ^^
trollolchen #3
Interesting...very interesting indeed...I think I might bookmark this.
Chapter 10: hahaha.. the flight lesson was so cute... ㄟ(≧◇≦)ㄏ
dreamerbb #5
Chapter 10: Seriously,AWWWWWWWW!!! SO CUTE♥♥♥
That was so sweet. Love the ending.
PikaKyuLove #7
nunmuri08 #8
Fantastic and kinda unique ending ^^
lovely ending... :P
Amazing story like a fairy tale!!!!