Wings 5: The Past and The Present

Guardian Angels

Choi Kangta left the flower shop happily. Today was the day he was going to propose to his 'person'. He made his way back to the school where she was waiting for him. When he got there, he saw no one. Where was she? He then spotted a letter on the ground. He picked it up, and having read the contents, promptly dropped it and took off into the sky. Desperate, he went to her house, but she wasn't there. Her parents told him that she had gone for a holiday. Quickly, he flew to the airport, but her flight had already took off.

Staggering, flowers still in hand, he flew to his home in Heaven. He collapsed at the door, where his cousin found him. "Kangta-hyung? What's wrong?" he asked. "She's gone, Joongie. She's gone. Someone threatened to hurt me if she didn't and she listened. Oh god, she listened." Kangta sobbed. Jaejoong looked at him and said, "C'mon, hyung, let's get you in your room." "She didn't know, oh god. I should have told her, then she wouldn't leave me. Oh god, I should have told her from the start!" Kangta broke down completely. Jaejoong carried his hyung into his room. "Rest, hyung." Jaejoong said.

Kangta never smiled again. Within one week his wings had started to fade. Jaejoong looked on helplessly. There was nothing he could do but to watch his favourite cousin fade away. Two weeks, he was translucent. The reality of his cousin leaving him forever then hit him hard. "Oh, hyung, don't leave me, please! Don't leave me... You're the only one I have left!" Jaejoong cried. Kangta looked at his dongsaeng. "No, Jae, you still have your person. Remember that and protect him or her always. Don't end up like me, Jae, I don't want you to." "Hyung, andwae!" Jaejoong sobbed. "Promise me, Jae... Promise me." Kangta whispered.

Two weeks later, Jaejoong woke up to an empty house and a pile of stardust on his cousin's bed, signalling that another angel had faded away...




Jaejoong shot up. He hadn't had that dream in such a long time. Why now, of all times? Sighing, he looked at the clock. 4am. Three more hours before he had to wake up to prepare for school. Jaejoong groaned. He didn't really want to face Yunho and Leeteuk. He rolled over in bed, trying to make himself fall asleep once more.


Jaejoong messaged Yunho before he left the house.

To: Yun~
From: Boojae

Who do you like?

Within minutes he got a reply.

To: Boojae
From: Yun~

Jae? Oh, thank god, you're finally replying! Me? Kwon Yuri! Heard of her?

Jaejoong sighed. Of all people it just had to be her, didn't it? Kwon Yuri, third-highest command of the Black Wings. He had sparred with her a number of times now. Oh, and did he mention her specialty was seduction? Just great.

Jaejoong was intercepted by Leeteuk on the way to school. Before Leeteuk could get a word out Jaejoong snapped, "Shut up and don't say a word. He likes Kwon Yuri." Leeteuk immediately closed his mouth. Kwon Yuri was not someone weak. This was the third-highest command they were talking about. The whole school day was spent avoiding Yunho. Then after school, Jaejoong and his group was attacked by Kwon Yuri herself.

"What do you want, ?" Jaejoong snarled. "Nothing. I was bored, then I saw you. We haven't sparred in such a long time." Yuri said sweetly. "You want a fight? You get a fight, ." Jaejoong growled and launched himself at her. Within minutes Yuri was on the ground, Jaejoong towering over her with sword in hand. He was breathing harshly now, his mind and heart arguing with each other while he stared her down. His mind told him to kill her, but his heart told hin not to. "Damn it!" he cursed, slamming the sword down inches away from her head.

"You better thank your lucky stars I'm not killing you, ." Jaejoong snarled. As he walked away, Yuri called out, "Because of that human isn't it?" Jaejoong turned around and glared at her. "Guessed as much. Cheh, guess you're just as bad as your cousin." Yuri snorted. "What did you say?" Jaejoong roared. "Ha, you didn't know? I was the one who sent your cousin's pretty girlfriend running away with the letter." Yuri laughed. Jaejoong growled. His cousin had always been a sensitive subject for him.

"Jae! You'll get to kill her another day! We have to go!" Leeteuk yelled at him. Growling, Jaejoong turned away and the angels flew away.


"Oh, I'll make sure she gets killed by me. Don't worry about that."

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It's finally completed! ;w; ~Guardian Angels, author DBSJSHINeEXO


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Elrhumy #1
Chapter 10: Awww cute ending *<* honestly want to smack JJ lol coz did he really will make the history repeat its self with choose to just disappear rather than to fight for his soulmate.. well at least he not let Yunho to remain the dark angles's claw.. wonder what will happen with the human if their angle is disappear..
Chapter 10: it was quiet interesting, your concept n story lines were good!
but u rushed a lot..... u no everything happened little nevertheless it was good ^^
trollolchen #3
Interesting...very interesting indeed...I think I might bookmark this.
Chapter 10: hahaha.. the flight lesson was so cute... ㄟ(≧◇≦)ㄏ
dreamerbb #5
Chapter 10: Seriously,AWWWWWWWW!!! SO CUTE♥♥♥
That was so sweet. Love the ending.
PikaKyuLove #7
nunmuri08 #8
Fantastic and kinda unique ending ^^
lovely ending... :P
Amazing story like a fairy tale!!!!