Wings 7: You Really Thought I Didn't Know?

Guardian Angels

The day that he would leave was here, and Jaejoong had given instructions to the other angels. The weapons had been given to them already, thanks to Changmin. He walked down the sidepath to school, pondering about last-minute things. Today was the day he would use the spell that he had studied for nearly a week. The memory wipe spell. He just hoped that he would not regret it. Jaejoong entered the school, watched from the side as other students anticipated the newest and most popular couple, Kwon Yuri and Jung Yunho.


From the side, as they walked in, Leeteuk noticed something. Yunho's eyes were unfocused and blank, like he had been... The thought struck him at one go, and a lot of things became clear to him. He knew there was something wrong when Jaejoong had said that Yunho liked Yuri, because the last time that Leeteuk himself had talked to Yunho, he clearly was in love with Jaejoong. Dark, unfocused and blank was Yunho's eyes, and combined with the fact that the Black Wing of seduction was his current girlfriend and one of the other Black Wings was hypnosis, Yunho was definitely experiencing the two at the same time, seduction and then hypnotism to prevent him from breaking free from the seduction.

It was then when Leeteuk realised that this was all a sick plan to eradicate one of the strongest angel bloodlines in history. Jaejoong was the last remaining descendant, he knew. The Black Wings also knew what happened to his cousin, because they were the ones that had caused him to disappear in the first place. Leeteuk remembered what one of the archangels had told him. 'Have you ever realised that only Jaejoong's family bloodline is decreasing? I hope you do.' Leeteuk hadn't thought much about it then, but now he understood what the archangel was talking about. The Black Wings were aiming to eradicate Jaejoong's family bloodline, then move on to other bloodlines, slowly and undetected. This fired him up, and he sent a silent message to the rest of the angels, excluding Jaejoong.

'Change of plan, we're doing it after school today.'


Jaejoong went through the mental list of steps to perform the spell once more as he listened to his teacher drone on.

Leeteuk did a spell, or to specify, a spell that would allow him to talk to unhypnotised and unseduced Yunho.


'Leeteuk-hyung? Where am I?'

'You're in your conscious. It's hard to explain. Long story short, you're hypnotised and seduced by Black Wings, and because of that, Jaejoong is about to make a very stupid decision.'

'But I can't do anything to help!'

'I just need you to do one thing, Yunho. Just remember that no matter what happens, don't forget that Jaejoong loves you.'

'O...Okay, hyung. If you see him, can you tell him I love him too? I never could say that to him.'

'Tell that to him yourself after today.'

With that, Leeteuk broke the spell.


After school, Jaejoong immediately flew home to get ready. The other angels were making last-minute checks on their weapons.


The fight began. Shindong who was in charge of defense barriers was rapidly forming barriers to protect his friends.


The angels were soon to be overpowered, and Leeteuk quickly sent a mental message to Jaejoong.

'Come here quick! I don't care if you're preparing for that stupid spell, if you don't come now you won't be using it at all!'

Hearing that, Jaejoong quickly flew into battle. "Oh, so you've finally appeared, Kim Jaejoong." Yuri sneered. "Shut up, ." Jaejoong growled, taking in his injured comrades. Spreading his wings, Jaejoong created a barrier so strong that even Yuri hesistated to touch it. Taking the chance, Jaejoong quickly healed his friends. "Okay, everyone?" he asked, looking around. Receiving nods, he turned back to the front. "We have a battle to fight!" Jaejoong roared. Before Jaejoong could drop the barrier, Leeteuk said something to him mentally. Jaejoong flashed a mock-surprise look at him. Leeteuk received the mental message and grinned.

'You really thought I didn't know what they were planning? Oh please, remember who you're talking to. I figured it out a long time ago. I'd noticed his eyes a few days after he found out that I was an angel. Must have happened somewhere in between then. But, I was serious about the memory wipe spell. If I really have to, I will make Yunho forget me. If that happens, I leave it to you to leave him in good care. Or when you disappear and meet me I'll kick your first. Don't hurt him in any way, okay? Only the Black Wings.'

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It's finally completed! ;w; ~Guardian Angels, author DBSJSHINeEXO


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Elrhumy #1
Chapter 10: Awww cute ending *<* honestly want to smack JJ lol coz did he really will make the history repeat its self with choose to just disappear rather than to fight for his soulmate.. well at least he not let Yunho to remain the dark angles's claw.. wonder what will happen with the human if their angle is disappear..
Chapter 10: it was quiet interesting, your concept n story lines were good!
but u rushed a lot..... u no everything happened little nevertheless it was good ^^
trollolchen #3
Interesting...very interesting indeed...I think I might bookmark this.
Chapter 10: hahaha.. the flight lesson was so cute... ㄟ(≧◇≦)ㄏ
dreamerbb #5
Chapter 10: Seriously,AWWWWWWWW!!! SO CUTE♥♥♥
That was so sweet. Love the ending.
PikaKyuLove #7
nunmuri08 #8
Fantastic and kinda unique ending ^^
lovely ending... :P
Amazing story like a fairy tale!!!!