Chapter 6 - He likes throwing heart shape signs

Magnetic Girl

The next day, I noticed two unfamiliar faces in the hallway when I went to school. The one guy is very cute, he keeps acting cutely and he throws heart sign and winks to the girls walking past them, is he crazy? I wondered. The other guy is really tall, he has blonde hair, and his nose is so on point. He only gives those girls shy smile. So good looking! Both of them actually, I’m not quite sure who is older between them but I have idea the tall one is. I’m not sure. The cute boy throwing heart sign nonstop! I smiled. Is this new trend among youngsters? I walked passed them. – I stopped. I can’t believe what I’m seeing in front of me! Who is this person! - “CLARA!!!!”. I shouted. “What are you doing peeking on those boys? Are you out of your mind? You look crazy there!”. I added. Clara is unbelievable! I don’t know why she’s being like this, around our boy classmates she does not behave like this. She linked elbows with me. I think she’s about to pass out any moment. “OMGGGGGG EMMMMMMAAAAAAAAA!!!!”. She squeals. “OMGGGGGGGGGG!!!!”. “Why do you keep saying OMGGG???”. I asked. “Are you running out of words to say? Shall I hit you something hard, like.. for example.. Hammer?”. I laughed. “EMMMMMMAAAAA THEY ARE MEMBERS OF GOT7!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!” She squeals louder than earlier. I had to put my hands in both of my ears. I looked back at where they were standing. WOAH REALLY? “Really?” I asked. “YESSSSS THEY ARE GOT7!!!” She’s giggling. “They attend same school with us?”. I asked. “YESS EMMAAA.” She talking at me but she’s looking at their direction. I looked at them also. “Ahh that’s why I heard, the cute one -. “which one? BamBam” Clara interrupts. “let me finish what I’m telling you, yes the shorter one, his name is BamBam? – what name is that?” I laughed. Clara looked pissed at me because I tease that BamBam’s name. “Oh. BamBam is a cute name”. I changed what I said. “What are you saying earlier?” Clara asks. “It was the cute one.. He looked at me weirdly when I pass their way earlier, I over heard him say why I didn’t look and fan girl at them?” “YOU ARE EVIL EMMA!!! I CANT BELIEVE YOU!!!”. She shouts at me. “WHY?” I feel so confused I didn’t know anything. I didn’t know that kids are popular! Oh gosh! “It’s not my fault I don’t know them.” I leave Clara hanging. I hurriedly went inside our classroom. Then there was sitting the boy I’m looking for the past days. I can’t help myself. I shouted to the top of my lungs. “CHOIIIIII YOOOOOUUUNNNNGGGGJAEEEEEEE!!!!!!”. He was startled. “Aigoo. Who was that? Emma?? Emma!!!!” He hurriedly went to me. “Hey! How are you?” I looked around when I saw Clara walking inside the classroom; she stopped a bit and looked at me wide eyes. “Everyone looks weird today!” I muttered. “Youngjae, where have you been? You’ve been absent! Is it okay to be absent when you are student council president?” I asked. He laughs. Oh I missed that wide mouth laugh. I smiled too. “Oh something important came up, I was away for awhile, and I asked principal formally that I will be absent, so don’t worry. Yes, the vice president is in-charged whenever I’m not around.” He answered. “Ahh alright”. “Do you know that popular boy group went to our school? They are GOT7! Do you know this? Girls outside have gone mad!” I burst out. He looked pale and startled when I mentioned GOT7. “Ah really? Don’t mind them, you will get used to it.” He said. “Okay.” I went back to my seat after me and Youngjae talks. Clara is still looking at my way. I muttered to her “WHY?” She only looks at me like she’s going to kill me. What’s going on here? 

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