Chapter 14 - A little bit stronger

Magnetic Girl

“Emma!”. Someone is screaming my name. I won’t look back. I did not look back I just want to go outside the venue. I am so confused. Hurt. Angry, all at the same time. I don’t have the right to be mad at Jackson. I know. But I just can’t help it. I want to run away as far as I can… away from all this confusions, away from him. I feel like a fool! He has all the time telling me who he really was but he didn’t say anything! That’s why I’m so mad at him right now! “Emma!.” “Emma!!!”. He was a bit closer to me now. I can’t look back and I’m pretty sure I’m crying also. I don’t want to embarrass, the already embarrass me. I sighed. “Let me explain”. He said pleading. Holding my arms he stopped me from walking. I wiped those streaks of tears that were flowing nonstop from my face. I breathed. Facing him. “What is there to explain?” I said. “A lot of things.” He added. “I’m sorry, if you feel betrayed for what I have done.” He was looking directly at me. “Im sorry I made you look like a fool; you and I both know I don’t mean it.” He said. Why must he look that handsome? I haven’t met someone who asks forgiveness as handsome as Jackson. What the hell am I thinking? “I don’t know”. I said. “I totally understand you. I’ll give you time to think thoroughly. But promise me one thing. Don’t let me stop treating you as friend. Ok?” I was about to say something when a bunch of fangirls saw our direction. It was chaos in instant! I was alone in the hallway feeling dumb as I watch people fade away. I wanted to cry more. Jackson was looking at me until he was drag by the security team towards the dressing rooms. “Hey! What’s wrong?” It was Clara. “I want to go home already. If you guys want to stay a bit more I just can grab a taxi.” I said quietly. “No! Hana and I will bring you home now. Don’t worry. Come on!” I hold hands with Hana. We went directly to the parking. I ride in the car as soon as possible, I want to go out of this place. “Are you alright?” It was Hana she was ogling with her huge glasses at the rearview mirror. “Yes of course I’m just tired that’s all” I answered back. “The concert was so much fun!!! Right? Right?” Clara said while clasping both hands to her chest. She looks so dreamy. “Yes it was really fun!!! Have you seen Mark he looked at my direction! Oh my god! I was dying! I swear to god”. Hana said, If I feel normally I would join their conversation but I don’t so I just nod and smile timidly at them. I know they don’t deserve my coldness but I have issues going on with me right now. So I kinda hope they understand even I don’t explain what’s going on with me exactly. I just looked outside the car window, the street lights were pretty tonight but I don’t seem to mind it. I kept thinking about Jackson. I just can’t stop thinking about what’s going to be next time we see each other. Would I feel differently? Perhaps should I avoid him? Or ignore him? Or don’t ever talk to him. I am so confused! Right now I just wanted my soft bed and my comfy pillow. I just wanted to sleep it off my feelings. I closed my eyes over thinking about this. 

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