Chapter 5 - Who are they?

Magnetic Girl

In Korea, Hallyu or Korean Wave is very popular. In my school they were talking about different boy bands and girl groups – I don’t remember their group’s names but based on my classmates gossiping they are very popular in the country. – One of my classmates asks me if I know GOT7, I said no. I don’t know them. I even asked her who are they? Are they popular? It was such a wrong question because after I ask her that all of my classmates looked at me weirdly. “Jinjja?” Clara asked. – I know jinjja! It means really. I smiled. I don’t know any Korean words yet and I think I will learning Korean. Back to world. “You don’t know them?” She added. “How many times do I have to tell you guys I don’t listen to Kpop that much. So thus I don’t know who GOT7 is! I only know 2NE1, back in Philippines they are popular but that’s it! Nothing more, nothing less”. Clara and almost half of my classmates looked at me like I’m an alien or something. “What? I didn’t go here to follow those people anyway; I went here to study so what’s the problem?” I am so confused. Are these GOT7 people, important? I asked myself. “YOU ARE MISSING HALF – NO WHOLE OF YOUR LIFE”. Clara said and she looks like she is about to cry. What’s wrong with her? I shrug. It’s Unbelievable.

Mrs. Bang – our P.E teacher asked as to go to the field we are going to run for our P.E. I obeyed very well. During break time, I went to get my bottled water in my bag. I drank it. Today’s weather is very humid. It’s because it’s summer. I looked around trying to find Youngjae, I haven’t seen him since the tour last week. Where is he? I wonder. He is student council president so I think it’s his responsibility to go to school every time. Am I wrong about him? He seems nice though. Mrs. Bang – whistles to gather us in the middle of the field, she said she will going to dismiss the class early because she has important meeting. The boys shouted happily. I smiled. Boys will always be boys. We are going back to school when Clara linked elbows with me. “Are you doing something later?” She asked. “Yes, homework and how about house chores?” I . I smiled this girl is cute. “No Emma! Come with us later after school, were going to the fanmeet of GOT7 in Gangnam”. “I pass, I’m already tired and mom expects me to go home early, I’m sorry Clara”. “Next time though, I’ll come”. I shout. Clara was pouting. I laughed. She is really cute!

I thought about Clara’s invitation on the way home, what if I come with her. I sighed. It’s not like I don’t like to see and meet those GOT7 boys, but I kind feel like this is not the right time to meet them. I took the bus. Mom teaches me everything which bus should I hop in and where is the drop point. She adopts in this country very well. I smiled. I miss Youngjae so much! I forgot to ask for his mobile number before. Where the heck is that boy?



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