Chapter 3 - Fresh Start

Magnetic Girl

Monday. The first day of school. The start of living hell. I’m so nervous. I’m panicking inside, my stomach is about to burst out. I inhale. Exhale. I keep repeating this until I’m feeling fine. I saw my mom going out of the guidance councilor office. She winked at me. I roll my eyes. “Em’s, you go inside now. The principal will talk to you in a bit. Be a doll and walk there uh? Smile for god’s sake! I’m going to drop Caleb in his school too.” She said. “Have fun.” She holds my chin. “I mean it.” She added. “Okay.” I said back. “Bye.” She waves at me and made her way to the car. I looked at her way and saw Caleb sticking his tongue out at me. I roll my eyes. “Okay! This is it! I can do this!” I walked inside the school saying this mantra to myself. “Hello! Ms. Emma. Welcome to Seoul International School! We hope you will have fun staying with us.” I assume he is the principal. “Here, our student council president will tour you and accompany you to your designated room.” He said. “Thank you.” I said back. It was awkward! “Let’s go. I’ll show you around. My name is YoungJae. Choi Youngjae. I’m the Student council president. Basically, all students here need my help… very much” He laughed. It was wide mouth laugh. Is he real? Why does he laugh like that? His mouth so big but it’s cute. He lends his hands toward me. I hold his hand back and we handshakes. “So, your name is?” He asked shyly. “Emma.” “You can call me Emma.” I smiled a little. “May I ask you question?” I look at him. “Of course!” He answered. “Are you full blooded Korean or? If you don’t mind”. “Both of my parents are Korean, I only study here because of my friends, and I really want to learn English.” He answered. He is so polite and nice. He looks handsome also. His company is warm and comfortable. I think we will get along well. Wishful thinking. “So this is your room.” He pointed the room 207, I looked inside. Feeling nervous again; “Ahmm.. Ahmm..” I looked away. “Are you okay?” He said. I can only look at him. “Don’t be nervous! Everyone here is friendly.” He added. “Like, it lessens my nervousness buddy!” I kid. He laughs. I was laughing at him also. “Oh Emma!” He said. “Do you want to know something cool?” “Yeah go ahead.” I smile. “WE ARE CLASSMATES!” he shouts. He laughs, wide mouth laugh again. “NO WAY!” I jumped! I can’t believe I did that but okay I did. Cool. “Really?” I said “OH MY!! YES!” I didn’t notice my nervousness ease down a little. “Thank you Youngjae. For being friendly”. He just smiled at me. “C’mon lets go inside.” He walked inside first and then I followed. “You can sit next, to that chair.” He pointed at the chair at the far end. “Here?” I mouthed. “No, beside”. He mouthed too. “Okay.” I sit.

The teacher – Ms. Lee arrived. She was pretty and nice. She asked me to go in front and tell them about myself. It’s nothing too much to say so I just said “Im Emma. I’m new here. Take care of me. And I hope we can all be good friends.” Phenomenal, right? Phew. The day went fast. The classes were over. Youngjae showed me my locker. He also accompanied me to the school cafeteria. He tours me around library also. He said, “I will tour you in advance so you wouldn’t be lost if I’m not around – he corrected himself. If I’m absent or something important came up.” He is the sweetest!

Mom arrived to fetch me. I kissed her cheeks. “Something good happened?” She teases. “Nah! But it went fine.” I smiled at her.  “Hey little dude!” I ruffle Caleb’s hair. “Do not touch my hair Emma!” He scolded me. I laughed.

At the car on our way home I was wondering why there are lots of empty seats in our classroom? Why there are no students seating there? Is it allowed by school that those chairs are empty? Will there be actual students there next time?


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