Chapter 10 - Unexpected Visitor

Magnetic Girl

I arrived home; Caleb was playing with a dog in the garden. Since when did we have dog? “Caleb, Who’s dog is that?”. I walked towards him. “Mine”. Someone said. I jumped from where I’m standing. Shocked. Wide eyes. “JACKSON!!!”. I blurted out. I looked from behind. “I saw Caleb playing basketball on the park; we get well instantly. I don’t know you are siblings though. He invited me here for a snack. You’re mom is nice by the way”. He smiled. – He smiled! I’m going to hate that smile in the next few days, months, years – whatever! Back to the world. Jackson gives me this indescribable feeling whenever he is around. Blocking that feeling but I don’t know how. He is very handsome! Ugh. I just stared at him. He smiled and went to play with Caleb and the dog. “Em’s why don’t change clothes and come back here I made cookies and sandwich”. That’s my mom. “Okay”. I said. “Look at that handsome boy, you like him?” I looked at mom wide eyes. What did I do to her? Is she really my mom? “NOO!” I blurted. “Mother is basketball”. She teases me. – What does “mother is basketball” supposed to mean? I said to myself. I quickly run to the house to go upstairs. I opened my room, change my school uniform into sundress I put a cardigan too. I put little bit of face powder, lip-gloss and perfume. I didn’t put these makeup because I wanted to impress Jackson or whatsoever this is what I’m doing for daily basis. Who I’m kidding? I exhale loudly. Went back to garden they already eating and talking my mom is super giddy with Jackson. Jackson is very polite as well; maybe he misses his mom that’s why he keeps doing warm gestures towards my mom. I sighed. I feel bad for him not be able to live together with his parents. And they notice my presence. Jackson was staring at me – really staring at me. I feel awkward. Did I dress overly? Do I have dirt in my face? Feeling uncomfortable I sat down. “Hey!” I said playing and I ruffle the dog’s hair. “What’s his name?” I ask not looking at Jackson. “He is wangga”. He answered. “Wangga?” I said. “It’s a cute name”. I added. Smiling. “Jackson you can stay here until dinner” says my mom. “Ahh. I want to but I have important meeting later”. He said. My mom looked sad? Why? I sighed. “Next time I will definitely stay”. He smiled. “You are welcome any time in our house”. She added. “I’ll leave you now I have things to do at the kitchen. She stands up. “Thank you for the snacks”. He said to mom. Mom smiled at him. “Emma! Has crush with Jackson!”. It was Caleb. – What the hell! I feel panicky I don’t know what to say. I looked at Jackson only to see his amused look. “Not funny Caleb!”. I said glaring to my brother. “Yes you are! You look red!” Caleb added. Can I kill my brother like right now? I exhale. I was about to hit his head when Jackson said “I have to go back to dorm”. He stands up. “C’mon wangga!”. Calling the dog. He smiled. “Ye.. yeah.. O..of course”. I stuttered. “Bye Emma see you again next time”. He said. I was feeling all so shy I didn’t said goodbye to him instead I said “Goodbye wangga!”. He looks a bit sad. “Bye”. I said silently. He walked toward the gate. Looked back around, one last look like he is about to say something but then he only waves goodbye at us. I waved back automatically. “Caleb! I’m going to kill you!”. Running to the house I chased Caleb down he went inside his room. He locked it. Ugh! I walked into my room also; I lay on top of my bed looking above the ceiling Asking myself “Jackson what are you doing to me?”.

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