The 17th Handful of Love

A Handful of Love


I’d spent the past 2 hours researching about Kim Hyoyeon and her murder case because Jaejoong refused to tell me anything because it’s against his job to reveal details from the Police but he told me that everything he knew was already on the internet, nothing more and nothing less.

Kim Hyoyeon was the leader dancer of an idol group formed two years ago by SM Entertainment and was at the peak of their career in Korea and Japan. She was found dead on September 27th, a month and few days ago, at 6.07am in her kitchen. She was discovered by her manager and group members when they came back from a schedule. Forensics said the time of death was approximately from 1am to 2am and she died from a stab in the left side of her neck.

Yesung, who was her boyfriend and her members became the suspects but were soon dismissed after two weeks. Yesung was at home and was proven to be there for the whole night as over a hundred anti-fans camped at his home that night and all said he didn’t leave the home until 4am to begin filming for a variety show. Hyoyeon’s members and manager were at the SBS building except for one member who was in Incheon filming for her new drama.

The police didn’t have any concrete evidence to name any suspects until they found out that Yesung lied to them about not seeing her that night because he was busy when he was seen to have left her house at about 8PM on September 26th but was proven innocent. Donghae became the second main suspect when they found his fingerprints around her body and was seen to enter the house a while after Yesung left. He also was unable to provide an alibi and it was revealed today but the defence and prosecutor team lawyers had known before it was out in the news.

Kim Hyoyeon’s family hired Jaejoong as their lawyer because they strongly believe Donghae was the one who murdered their beloved daughter even though the knife that was the cause of her death had still not been found yet even after searching Donghae’s home.

“Do you believe he did it?” Jaejoong asked as he wrapped his arms around my shoulder and sat down behind me on the bed. I placed the laptop on the ground and turned around to face Jaejoong as I unwrapped his arm around me.

I shook my head as my answer and he just nodded. “Eunhyuk’s going to be defending Lee Donghae because they’re close friends. I think he did it though, most of the evidence points towards him.” I shrugged. “Jaejoong, I’m sure you’ve heard of innocent before proven guilty, right?” I said.

To me, Donghae was innocent but if he really wasn’t, he had a reason for his actions. I was sure of it.

“Jess…” Jaejoong said sadly as he played with my hands. “Why didn’t you tell me before that you were friends with Lee Donghae?” He asked and I gulped when he looked me in the eye. “I… I… Ho… How did you… know?” I stuttered. Did he know about everything?

“I saw a picture in Eunhyuk’s office a few days ago and he said you were all friends…” I let out a deep sigh. “Is that all he said?” I asked, and he nodded in response.

“I’m sorry, it’s just… you know about how I was in Korea at that time… and Donghae was just a friend at the time.” I lied. Jaejoong hugged me and buried his head in my neck.

“There’s no need to apologise, I was just wondering… since you never mentioned him before…” He said but it was muffled.


When Jaejoong had fallen asleep, I quietly left the house and called for a taxi to drive me to the house Donghae and I once shared. When I arrived, I looked in the same place to where I left the keys and it was still there. I took the keys and opened the door ever so silently and saw the lights in the kitchen open. I glanced beside me and saw a pair of heels and two pairs of shoes. I took off my own heels and started to tip toe to the kitchen after I closed the door.

I stopped at the wall beside the door to the kitchen and listened to the conversation that was going on inside.

“Why can’t you just say where you were on that night?” I heard a female voice, and it was Yoona’s. “You have a witness to tell the country you did not break the law… you’re ruining your career and practically asking to sit in jail!” She shouted.

“Just tell us who the witness is and we’ll do the rest of it, we only have three days till the first trial, Donghae!” I heard Eunhyuk yell.

“I can’t… it’ll ruin her current relationship.” Donghae calmly said.

“I don’t care about what will happen to the witness; just tell me what you was doing at the time of the murder, at about 1am till 2am on the 27th of September!” Eunhyuk said angrily.

There was silence in the entire house until Donghae finally began speaking.

“Do you remember that day? It was the day Jessica had surprised you guys with her return and boyfriend… Taeyeon called me straight after and told me there was a big surprise waiting for me at Tiffany’s so-called gathering, I nagged her to tell me what it was and she told me Jessica was back. At that time, I was at Hyoyeon’s house and she was threatening me that she’d reveal the images of me and Jessica when we were married in exchange that I didn’t tell Yesung that she cheated on him. After that, I immediately left for the hotel the party was held at but I was obviously late.”

The silence returned and I recalled that day where we kissed. He must have known in some way that Jaejoong was my boyfriend, and also the opposing lawyer and he didn’t want to ruin our relationship so he never told the police anything about seeing me.

“I left Hyoyeon at about ten past one… the rest of the time till 2am, I was with…”

I took a step at the door and the three people’s eyes widened when they saw me. “He was with me, but I’m not going to be a witness.” I said.

Jaejoong once said something to me that only now did I feel it was true. He said, “When you walk away from someone, they should let you go. Your destiny never ties to people who you leave. It doesn’t mean that you’re a bad person, it just means your part of their story is over.”

I walked into Donghae’s life again after leaving it, and right now I was the only one to save him, yet I was being selfish. I didn’t want to lose Jaejoong.


Thanks to leeplay, RainStormRaider, jaslyn92, xoWardaxo, JaesicaIsReal, and naydsbeb for subscribing~!

wookietaemin: Awwwww, thank you, I feel honoured! Haha <3! Haha, fanfics also made me a Haesica fan too~ ROFL, but yeah... writing about Donghae has made my love for him grow much more, lol.

choki2lovejessi: Hehehe, Sica faces it in a completely different way... rofl. Sica practically ignores Donghae's feelings, lol.

JaesicaIsReal: Ohhhhhhh! Hellllloooooo there, haha~! Yeah, it's the battle that's finally begun, rofl. Jaejoong has a sad reaction to knowing that Sica was friends with Donghae and not having her tell him, haha.

sweet_selina: Hehehe, it really is Donghae! Jaejoong doesn't lie!

sicabias: Awww, thank you <3 Haha. Donghae really is innocent but it's impossible for him to be proven innocent without the help of Sica, the help Sica doesn't want to give, rofl.

haestarr: Haha, it was a simply too great of a moment to not end it there to leave ya'll hanging there, rofl. Donghae does deserve to know about Nicole, and if he does... oh boy oh boy is Sica in trouble for not letting him know anything.

leeplay: Hey, thank you veeeeeeeeeeryyyyyyy much <3

supershineegirls03: Donghae really did fall for Sica, rofl.

mar5122: No one thought that he would be up for murder, but with the idea of Jaejoong as a lawyer - we have to have some of it like so! Haha~! Prosecutor's (Jaejoong) job is to put Donghae in jail, meaning... Jaejoong is playing the bad guy. Eunhyuk is the one saving Donghae, haha.

peachmacaroon: Nahh, I like people who comment on every chapter~ makes me happy having loyal readers like you, rofl.

lalagrl:  Teehehehe, Jessica is beginning her talking now...

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Chapter 22: Jessica died
Agnst tag please
--Moonie #2
this was cute!
Chapter 22: Great story... What a sad ending
ILuv_U4Ever #4
Chapter 22: Good story I think and so emotional that touched my heart.... Lol.. :P
But please write another donghae and jessica fanfic again if you can :)) And with a happy ending... :) Keke~
I like fanfic that the words in it are so emotional ;)
And your fanfic is one of my favorite
Chapter 22: WHY JESSICA MUST DIE??? Sequel please :( make anothe Jessica/ Sooyeon for Donghae author-nim *bow*
ILoveAnimeCouples #6
NOOOOOOOOOOO I thought you were going to make Jess come back to Donghae as a spirit and have her tell him how much she loves him and that she's sorry D; but it's still a great story! I cried so much D:
rubyxx #7
I love this story so so so so so much! You made me cry so hard at the end. My heart ached so much for Sica and Donghae. :( Thanks for being such a good writer.
Jazzy101 #8
OMG!! This chap made me cry! Amazing job!
I almost cried reading this. :(
I love this.. I'm crying because of the scenes.. :((((