Scary Encounter

Dangerous Love

It had been a year since I had last saw Zico and now I barley thought about him fully engulfed in me and Loco’s relationship. We had moved in together and were engaged, I didn’t have to convince myself anymore I truly loved Loco. “Here’s your coffee” Loco said wrapping his arms around my waist as I looked out the window into the dark abyss. “What are you looking at” he said resting his head on my shoulder. I looked at the street with an uncomfortable feeling “I feel like someone’s been watching me these last few days” I said. Loco’s grip loosened as his voice became serious “like a . . . stalker” he said. I nodded my head “honestly I don’t know how long it’s been going on but I’ve always had slight feelings but now I’m almost certain.” Loco turned me around to look at him “do you think you have any idea of who it could be?” I looked down shaking my head “I can’t really think of anyone who would do that.” Loco hugged me “don’t worry I’ll figure it out.” I got into my car the next morning and drove to college, Loco was now done with college so I went alone. Once I was finally on the road a sense of relief flew over me knowing that no one could be following me. I happily rode to school stopping for breakfast on the way. When school was over I rushed home, I knew who ever was following me was also in my college. When I got in the house I hurriedly opened the door slamming it behind me. Loco was at work which meant I was all alone. I walked towards the window when I almost fell to the floor, their was someone in all black staring back at me. I couldn’t make out a face because it was covered so I did the only thing I could do, scream. I sat crouched under the window scared to look out of it when the doorknob started to wiggle. My face became full with fear until I saw Loco come in and did a sigh of relief. Loco stared at me with surprise “what happened to you” he exclaimed rushing over to me. I pointed out the window and Loco looked out “there is nothing their” he said. Tears started to fill in my eyes as I half yelled in a panicked voice “No-No he-he was their” I started to rock back in forth, my voice cracking “what is he going to do to me . . . am I going to die?” Loco hugged me forcing me to be still “No, No as long as I’m here he won’t be able to lay a finger on you”, I desperately hugged him with fear going through my whole body, until we both fell asleep. When I awoke I was on the couch and Loco was in the kitchen making breakfast. I slowly got up and walked towards him. He turned to me with a smile “I called your professor so you don’t have to go to school today and it’s my day off.” I sat down at the counter filled with relief as Loco handed me a cup of coffee with a plate of bacon and eggs “take it easy” he said sitting next to me “it’ll be ok.” I smiled weakly as I forced myself to eat and keep down my food. It was about twelve at night when Loco suggested we sit on the balcony. “The view is beautiful up here,” he said as we sat side by side looking at the sky. I nodded drinking the cup of tea he had fixed me. “Let me go get some cookies” he said walking back into the house, I smiled as I saw him disappear into the kitchen. I got up to smell the daises on our balcony when I was frozen with fear. Their in red paint next to the flowers was the words ‘IF I CAN’T HAVE YOU NO ONE CAN -ZICO’. I looked to where I had saw the man last night when I finally saw his face, Zico stood there with an evil smile as he mouthed the words “I love you” then walked away. I screamed in fear as Loco ran out “what’s wrong,” I grabbed his arms in a panic as he knelt next to me “It’s Zico” I yelled pointing to the words. Loco looked at the words as fear slowly crept on his face “stay right here” he said. Then he ran to somewhere unknown, as I hugged my knees crazy with fear. LOCO’S PERSPECTIVE I ran across the street and stopped at a small bush stepping up to the person crouched behind it “Stop it” I yelled “leave Erica alone.” Zico stood up with a smile “what right do you have to tell me that?” I pulled a knife from behind my back “then I’ll just have to kill you.” Zico laughed as he ran down the street, I chased after him running with all my might. It started to rain as Zico ran into a dark ally, I walked slowly so I wouldn’t get tricked. “Come out” I yelled looking at all angles of the ally. “Either you die” I heard him yell from a place not far “or you let me have Erica” he said. I sarcastically laughed as I looked for my target “or, lets make a deal” I walked a little farther into the ally “whoever doesn’t die can have her.” I saw a shadow come from behind a dumpster “I like that deal” he said with amusement in his voice then ran deeper into the alleyway. I ran after him as he jumped onto a building. “Stop” I yelled desperately as we jumped from one roof to another. Then as if by magic the roofs came to an end and there was only a deadly fall to whomever jumped from this one. I smiled as I held the knife up “I’ve got you now” I said, then Zico started to laugh hysterically as He pulled a gun from behind him and pointed at me. We both stared at each other intensely for we knew this fight could be the death for both of us. I thought my last words as I plunged into war, “I love you Erica” . . . THE END

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my friend Maisah told me earlier that this story is going to have at least 10 to 11 chapters so be ready
Chapter 4: my friend Maisah decided to add two more chapters to the story here is one of them she is currently writing the next one maybe there will be more who knows