New Beginning

Dangerous Love

It had been three months since I had woke up and my terrible break up accrued. I started college again and called myself forgetting about my past love. I was in a new relationship with a man called Loco, he was a music major. I did care for him but I couldn’t love him, to me he was more of a friend then a lover. I still wanted to try hard in the relationship though, so I could forget about Zico. I walked down the hallway of my college ready for lunch (I was a dance major, and it really worked up an appetite) when I heard someone yell from behind me “Hey, Erica,” I turned to see Loco catching up to me. When he finally came to my side he smiled with deep breaths “Wanna eat lunch together.” I smiled “sure,” then he grabbed my hand as we finished our walk down the hall. We went out for pizza and sat at my favorite spot by the window. Loco and I ate a medium extra cheese pizza as we talked. “I have a big essay to do this weekend so I might not be able to meet up with you” he said. I smiled “it’s ok because I have one too.” He took a big bite out of his pizza talking with his mouth full “you want to go to the movies next weekend then,” I nodded approvingly. Then we ate our pizza quietly while snatching quick glances at each other. When we were done eating, we walked back to the college through the park silently enjoying the scenery. I smiled at the cherry blossoms falling from the trees when Loco wrapped his hands around my waist. “Erica” he whispered sweetly stopping me from continuing my walk. “Hmm” I said to him wondering why he was suddenly acting this way. “I know it’s hard for you to get over him but” he stopped seeming to have a hard time spitting out the words “But I’m here for you and I’ll always be patiently waiting so don’t worry”. Tears filled my eyes as Loco turned me around slowly placing a kiss on my cheek then he hugged me “I love you” he said obviously getting emotional, I nodded my head hugging him back “I love you too”. When school was over Loco walked me home, then I saw him off not going inside until I knew he was safely around the corner. That’s how we were, I was the girlfriend who treated him like a baby, and he was the boyfriend who tried so hard to get recognized as a man. Today was different though, somehow I felt protected by him, and it made me feel happy. I opened the door to my house smiling when someone stopped me “Is he your boyfriend” I turned to the familiar voice, and then was overwhelmed by emotion when I realized who it was. “Zico, why are you here” I said tears starting to form in my eyes. He walked closer to me letting the smell of alcohol fill the air around us. “You already forgot about us,” he said halfway tumbling until he was an inch away from me. I looked at him as if he were crazy “You forgot about us first.” Zico started to cry, “I’m sorry,” he said repeatedly until he passed out in front of me. “Hey” I said shaking him “wake up” but he didn’t say anything and lay their limp. When I woke up I immediately became alert as I saw Zico curled up in a corner “A-are you o-ok” I asked still not used to seeing him. Zico slowly looked up at me “everything went wrong,” he said. I looked at him concerned “what do you mean,” he stood up looking me in the eyes “me and you”, then he looked down “everything went wrong between us”. I moved away from him pained by his words “take a shower then leave” I said trying not to show my pain, then I scurried away into my bedroom closing and locking the door. Twenty minutes later I came out dressed and ready to go to school expecting Zico to be gone but surprised to see him sitting on the couch. “I told you to leave” I said coldly, Zico looked at me with a lifeless expression “please forgive me” he stood up walking towards me “we can try again a-and work on us”. I stepped to the door once again not able to look at him “No we can’t” then I slipped my shoes on, opened the door stepped outside, but but before closing the door said “Leave before I come back”. Then I slowly closed it and walked out. My face was a wreak with tears all over by the time I got to school and I hurried to the bathroom to dry it but was stopped by Loco who looked as if someone had died. “What’s wrong” he said concerned, I hopelessly looked at him then as if by instinct I hugged him letting the sadness pour out of me as my lover hugged me back whispering “It’s ok.” TO BE CONTINUED ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Part 2 is here! The next part will be the last so look forward to it!

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my friend Maisah told me earlier that this story is going to have at least 10 to 11 chapters so be ready
Chapter 4: my friend Maisah decided to add two more chapters to the story here is one of them she is currently writing the next one maybe there will be more who knows