
Eiryia's Winner Oneshot Collection


for Patti


It weren’t that Jinwoo was particularly fond of baked goods, but the faint smell of newly baked bread, cakes and cookies always made him smile these days. A few of the other shop workers on the street often complained that such sweet smells in the morning made them nauseous, but Jinwoo worked in a flower shop and had become immune to such things a long time ago.

There was another thing about the smell of the bakery across the street that helped bring a smile to his face. One of the bakers, a guy named Seunghoon. He had this really pleasant aura about him and his smile always made Jinwoo's heart skip a beat whenever he went over there to buy lunch. The way Seunghoon smiled, leaned on the counter and always met Jiinwoo's eyes when talking. He was smitten, there was no denying it.


Jinwoo had just finished arranging all the flowers in front of the shop when he saw him. Walking out of the bakery while ing the top button of his white baker’s uniform. He was carrying a glass of water and a newspaper along with him and sat down on one of the chairs outside the bakery.

Walking inside the flower shop Jinwoo made sure to take one last peek as he turned to shut the door. What he saw then made his stomach jolt as Seunghoon was staring directly at him not even bothering to hide behind his newspaper.

He weren’t sure if it was his imagination, but it had looked to him like Seunghoon had given him a small nod and a wave as well. 

Sorting out the flower seed section he thought about that one more time. Seunghoon had always been really friendly when he stopped by, but lately had he seemed to be looking out for him as well. Jinwoo felt slightly uncomfortable about that. He had enjoyed his little moments of sneaking glances from his spot beyond the shop counter. Now that Seunghoon was looking back? Aish it was simply too embarrassing!

He had to admit that he disliked how shy he was, but it couldn’t be helped now could it? It was just how he was and there weren’t anything to be done about it. He often envied his best friend and fellow shop worker Seungyoon who in stark contrast to himself was the epitome of outgoing. He made friends with anyone within minutes and seemed to never become nervous about anything.

Glancing over at the clock Jinwoo wondered what he was going to eat for lunch today. He and Seungyoon used to meet up three times a week in their lunch break to eat together. They had frequented many different places since starting this habit together, but over the last few months had the bakery across the street become their number one spot to pick up lunch.


When lunchtime finally arrived had Jinwoo found himself peeking through the shop front shrubs several times. It was his turn to go buy lunch before heading to the park at the end of the street to meet Seungyoon.

Even though he had made this walk many times already was his heart beating faster than ever before. He might have read too much into Seunghoon’s stare this morning, but still, he couldn’t let it go.The little bell rang as he entered the shop and the low buzz of peoples voices, the familiar smell of bread and cakes and that heart melting smile behind the counter was enough to make him more than a little overwhelmed.

Clutching at the shop counter for balance he glanced at the different options lined up before him. He had told Seungyoon that he really wanted croissants the last time they had met. Seunghoon moved closer to the counter and met his gaze even if Jinwoo was trying hard to focus on the food.

Senghoon had this playful glint in his eyes and the way he carefully adjusted his uniform without breaking eye contact made Jinwoo's palms sweaty.

"So what can I tempt you with today?"

Seunghoon said playfully while motioning slightly with his head towards the baked goods. Jinwoo blinked slowly a few times to buy himself time to think. He wanted to say something cool, but the words wouldn’t come.

"Want me to recommend you something?"

Jinwoo’s eyes traveled from the food back to Seunghoon’s face and then back to the food.

"Yes, that would be lovely. I like trying new things"

He finally managed to say. Feeling good about his response for a few seconds he realized that he had said exactly those lines the last time he was there as well. Seunghoon didn’t appear to notice and went behind one of the huge shelves to pick something out for him.

"Did you like the one I picked out for you last time?"

Seunghoon asked as he wrapped it up neatly for him. Jinwoo only nodded. He was watching Seunghoon's slender shoulders and his long neck. That smooth skin of his looked to be almost glowing in the warm daylight that was shining in trough the shop windows. He wouldn't be lying if he said that he had been more than a little mesmerized by the sight.

He paid for the food and their hands brushed ever so slightly as the box switched owners. Seunghoon smiled kindly, but he was feeling his shyness become too much to handle and so he looked down and mumbled his good bye. 

"Have a nice day!"

Seunghoon called after him and Jinwoo stopped at the door giving a small nod in response before hurrying on his way.


Seungyoon was waiting at their favorite spot on the bench in the park. Guitar at his side and his usual wide smile welcoming him. Jinwoo dropped down beside him and handed him the box of food. Seungyoon gave him the beverage he had picked up for him, freshly pressed tropical juice. They used to switch on picking up food and drinks so it would be fair. Not that Jinwoo really wanted to switch

Sipping on his juice he watched as Seungyoon studied the lunch he had brought.

"I thought you said you wanted croissants?"

Seungyoon questioned teasingly while poking at the huge lunch muffin before him. Jinwoo didn’t respond and hoped his own face weren’t too much of a giveaway.

"I guess you wanted something more filling"

He said it in an innocent way, but Jinwoo could tell by his facial expression that Seungyoon was onto him. Stuffing his face with his own muffin he nodded a bit too enthusiastically and Seungyoon laughed. He was so busted, but what could he do?

They talked casually after that and Seungyoon played a few songs on his guitar before they headed back to work. Seungyoon worked in a record shop down in the city center and so they headed of in different directions.


Seungyoon had a lunch meeting that Wednesday and so Jinwoo had gone on his own to buy lunch. Rain was pouring down that day and had been since early that morning. Deciding to run for it had he slipped and almost gone nose first into the pavement on his way over to the bakery.

He was praying to every deity in existence that Seunghoon had not seen him when he opened the shop door. Not watching where he was walking he walked face first into the softest wall he had ever encountered.

"Are you okay? Did you fall?"

Jinwoo looked up after taking a perplexed step back half in a daze. He had walked straight into Seunghoon’s chest whom had probably come running after seeing his comical display.

"I’m okay, I didn’t fall. It was close though"

He mumbled feeling more embarrassed than ever. Seunghoon let out a small sigh and grabbed his shoulder.

"What a relief, if you had hit the pavement at that speed.."

Jinwoo felt his face burn hotter than ever before and was begging for this awkward moment to be over as quickly as possible. Seunghoon however stood there unmoving and appeared to be studying something. He was starting to wonder if something was stuck on his face when Seunghoon took a step back to let him into the shop.

Pleased to see he was the only customer in the bakery except from an old man with his newspaper he went over to the counter. Seunghoon must have caught on to the fact that he was embarrassed and walked back to his spot behind the counter.

"So what do you want today?"

Seunghoon asked leaning towards him over the counter. Jinwoo didn’t feel as perplexed by this as he thought he would be, but the again he had touched him moments ago.

"Anything is fine, but I think I’ll take something warm to drink as well today"

He tilted his head a little and smiled. For the first time did it seem to be Seunghoon who was a little dazed. Jinwoo didn’t ponder what this meant at the moment, but smiled another wide smile. Seunghoon then smiled a bright smile back and disappeared to the backroom.

"Fresh out of the oven!"

Seunghoon announced as he returned with a bag tightly closed. Jinwoo thought Seunghoon looked particularly pleased with this one and accepted the bag happily while giving it a sniff. It was hard to tell what it could be as the bakery was filled with lots of different smells.

"What kind of coffee would you like?"

Seunghoon asked, Jinwoo weren’t much of a coffee drinker and replied that he would prefer hot cocoa.

Moments later and he was hurrying back through the rain hugging his food and hot drink close to him. When he arrived at the shop and finished putting down his food did he notice that Seunghoon was standing at the bakery entrance. Wondering if he had been checking on him to see if he had made it back in one piece he walked back to the flower shop entrance.

Unsure of what to do he waved hesitantly over at Seunghoon. He waved back. They stood there for a while watching each other and the rain. A customer on his side broke their moment and he gave one last wave before following her inside the shop.


Friday arrived and he would usually be meeting with Seungyoon for lunch, but they were heading out of town after work together. Seungyoon was playing at a festival and he was coming along as support. Seungyoon was stopping by him after work and they would leave directly with the bus that stopped outside the store.

He was a little disappointed that he wouldn’t be visiting the bakery that day, but it was Seungyoon’s turn to pick up food anyway.

Seungyoon came walking into the flower shop  carrying a bag and his guitar. It was still half an hour until their bus arrived. He asked if Jinwoo had eaten anything yet and he told him he packed lunch. Seungyoon just smiled then, left his things by the counter and went with quick strides across the street.

Jinwoo watched him from the shopfront door, slightly leaning on the door, slightly hugging it. He knew Seunghoon was in there and also knew how Seungyoon befriended every interesting person he met. Would he befriend Seunghoon? Of course he would! What would Seungyoon say? Was he onto him? The more he thought about it the more nervous he got.


Minutes ticked on and Jinwoo started to get more and more anxious. It was only ten minutes left until their bus left when Seungyoon came running back across the street.

"Let’s get going!"

He said and handed Jinwoo a rather heavy bag of different baked goods.

"We can eat on the bus"

Seungyoon said with a smile as they carried their stuff towards the bus stop.

Jinwoo wanted to ask Seungyoon what he and Seunghoon had talked about. He couldn’t bring himself to it however and gnawed away on his croissant. Half way through it was it that it dawned on him. Croissant? Had Seungyoon told him? He looked at Seungyoon and back at the food in his hand.

"Uhm, you didn’t by any chance tell him?"

He asked after another moment of studying Seungyoon’s expression. He didn’t give any clues what so ever.

"Tell him what? That you actually really like croissants?"

Seungyoon laughed as he said it and Jinwoo had a feeling that Seungyoon had done something worse than that.

"Don’t worry, we talked about music. He seemed really nice!"

Jinwoo agreed to that, but he had a feeling there was more to it. They watched the scenery for a while in silence while they ate as the bus left the city. He was therefore somewhat startled when Seungyoon suddenly asked

"You like him don’t you?"

It caught him of guard and before he knew what he was doing had a cheesy grin spread across his face. Suddenly feeling embarrassed because of his honest reaction he hid his face in his hands.

"Yes, yes I do. I have for quite some time now"

Seungyoon patted his shoulder and said nothing until Jinwoo had removed the hands from his face.

"I knew it! I’m so happy for you! It’s been so long since you have shown any interest in anyone" 

Jinwoo smiled now, it was true what Seungyoon was saying. If only he was as outgoing as Seungyoon. Then things might have worked out better for him. Letting out a sigh he looked at his hand contemplating to hide again.

"Don’t worry, I’ll help you think of a plan to seduce this baker of yours"

They both laughed at this, but Jinwoo had a tiny hope that Seungyoon actually would help him think of something. The rest of the bus ride they spent exchanging what little knowledge they had about Seunghoon. He felt that they were a bit like giggly school girls, but it was nice even so. Having kept this to himself for months it was nice to finally talk about the person he had a crush on.

Seungyoon was as supportive as ever and Jinwoo felt more grateful than ever for having such a great friend. They had touched in on the subject of Seungyoon’s love life as well, but he had been as secretive as ever. It was only after Jinwoo had pointed out that he now had told him everything and agreed to accept help that Seungyoon gave in.

"Okay I’ll tell you, it’s only a small crush though. There is this guy at the festival. He is incredible, so skilled! He makes amazing music as well and his lyrics"

Watching Seungyoon talking about his crush made Jinwoo even happier. To be happy together and feeling a similar joy, that’s always a nice thing to share as friends.

"Introduce us this weekend!"

Jinwoo demanded playfully after Seungyoon was done explaining why his crush was such a musical genius. From there had the subject shifted to music and they spent the rest of the bus ride discussing music and the artists performing at the festival that weekend.


After arriving at the festival and finished settling in at their borrowed cabin had they gone out to find dinner. On their way back had they checked out the festival stage and the artists who were opening the festival that evening. 

Sitting on a hill overlooking the stage they enjoyed a drink they had picked up down at the festival area.

"I really would like to give this a try you know"

Jinwoo confessed.

"He is like no one I’ve never met before, yet I barely know him"

He continued, not taking his eyes of the stage. Seungyoon looked at him and nudged him on the shoulder.

"That sounds very cliché, you realize that?"

There was a softness to his voice however and Jinwoo only replied with a hum and a smile. It was the truth and he had months to think about it so there was no doubt there.

"Clichés can be nice"

Seungyoon said after taking a sip of his drink.

"I think it is"

Jinwoo replied and pulled his knees up to rest his chin on his knees.

"Really nice"


It was Saturday evening and Seungyoon was about to go on stage with his guitar. Jinwoo had found a nice spot at the side of the crowd, sitting on one of the smaller stages that weren’t in use to cheer for his friend. He was excited both for the performance as he knew Seungyoon was great and for what came next as Seungyoon had promised to introduce him to his crush.

Seungyoon had just stepped on stage when someone poked his shoulder from behind.

"Is this seat taken?"

It was a huge empty stage floor, of course it weren’t. He turned to see who it was only to almost fall of the edge of the stage in surprise.

Seunghoon was standing there sporting a very different look then what Jinwoo was used to, but he looked amazing. He was wearing bright colors from his shoes to his snapback, but it was his face that caught Jinwoo’s attention. Trying not to stare he scooted over even though the stage had all the space in the world for Seunghoon to take a seat.

"He did this, didn’t he?"

Jinwoo asked while shooting a few accusing glances towards the stage where Seungyoon was.

"He mentioned the festival yesterday and told me he would be playing"

Seunghoon explained happily.

"I love live music and was already contemplating coming here, so I figured why not"

Jinwoo nodded, it sounded fair enough and Seungyoon could be rather convincing when he wanted to.

"Do you know any of the other artists performing here tonight?"

Jinwoo asked after watching Seungyoon sing another song.

"There is this one guy who is pretty great, I’ve known him since high school. I think he is up next"

Seunghoon explained keeping his focus on the stage as well.

They watched and cheered for Seungyoon as he finished the last song. They then decided to head down to the stage to meet up with him. Seunghoon took longer steps than him and walked around him much to Jinwoo’s confusion.

"So did you enjoy the croissants?"

Seunghoon asked casually as they approached the stage. Jinwoo tilted his head wondering to himself how much Seunghoon knew. He didn’t get to reply before Seunghoon said.

"I’ll remember for the future that it’s your favorite"

Before giving him a small wink. Jinwoo could feel his entire being turning hot from a mix of embarrassment and happiness. So Seungyoon had told on him after all.

Seungyoon didn’t look at all surprised when they met up with him.  Jinwoo pretty much got his suspicions confirmed when Seungyoon and Seunghoon exchanged glances that to him only could mean that they must have met before that evening.

It was too crowded so that he could speak much with either of them. After walking around for a bit did they find a spot to watch the next performer. Jinwoo felt Seungyoon nudge him as the guy stepped on the stage. So this was who his best friend fancied and he was watching him with the guy he had a crush on? Life was full of strange coincidences.

The guy was tall and well build with a warm slightly darker skin tone. His voice was really something else; deep, yet stable and the crowd went wild as the intensity of his rap increased.

"I didn’t know you liked rap music this much!"

Jinwoo exclaimed as Seungyoon cheered loudly along with the crowd. Seunghoon was cheering just as enthusiastically and it were surprisingly catchy and so he found himself by the time the second song was over. 

When the performance was over had they all headed back towards the stage. Seunghoon had explained to Seungyoon on the way how he was an old friend of this deep voiced rapper.

"This is Song Mino"

Both Seung’s explained as they met the guy moments later. He was completely different of stage than on and Jinwoo had to admit he was a little surprised. On stage was he the most masculine, badass rapper yet off stage.. super cheerful and very humble. They talked for a bit and it was obvious that Mino and Seungyoon had met before. As both Seungyoon and Mino were part of the performers did they have access to the backstage chill-out area.

When Mino wanted to show Seungyoon one of his other friends guitar collection that was in a trailer next to the stage had Seungyoon followed along happily. Not thinking twice about how he leaving Jinwoo alone with his long time crush was all Jinwoo could do to send a few begging glances in Seungyoon’s directions as he left.

"I guess it’s just the two of us for a while then"

Seunghoon said happily before taking a sip of his drink. Jinwoo hesitated for a moment. His heart was racing away ahead of him and he felt his breath catching in his throat. He followed Seunghoon’s example and took a large sip of his drink. A few more and he began feeling a little tingly.

After that had the chat gone better. Jinwoo was still nervous, but at least he could speak normally. They talked about all kinds of things from where they grew up to what schools they had gone to and what music they liked. The time showed 02:00 in the morning by the time they decided to head back to sleep. There had been no sign of neither Seungyoon nor Mino, but Jinwoo weren’t worried. Seungyoon knew how to take care of himself.

Seunghoon had intended to crash with Mino, but as they couldn’t find him had Jinwoo in his lightly drunken state suggested he could borrow Seungyoon’s bed in the cabin. Seunghoon had refused first saying he didn’t wish to intrude, but Jinwoo had honestly explained how he would feel safer with Seunghoon around.

Crawling into each their bed they both passed out within minutes and didn’t wake until noon the following day.


What woke them was Seungyoon knocking on the door, he brought breakfast and Jinwoo half expected Mino to be with him. He came alone however, but seemed cheerful enough. Seunghoon left after accepting some of the food Seungyoon had brought explaining how he wanted to say his goodbyes to Mino before heading back to the city.

"So how did it go last night?"

Seungyoon asked enthusiastically after Seunghoon was well out of earshot.

"You ended up bringing him back here, that’s not very like you? Did something happen?"

He wiggled his eyebrows as he said the last part and Jinwoo laughed a little feelings from yesterday coming rushing back at him

"You left me behind, I’ll tell you if you tell me what it was I got left behind for!"

Switching focus away from himself felt nice and he really wanted to know. Seungyoon’s reaction weren’t anything like he had expected however.

"Oh I’ll tell you, I told Mino about you two and we ended up hiding to watch how it went. You drank a lot, I was starting to get worried"

Jinwoo had to admit that he was feeling a little nauseous and his head didn’t feel too good either.

"After watching you leave I ended up brining my guitar up to the lake together with Mino, we even wrote a song. I didn’t sleep at all!"

He exclaimed happily and Jinwoo felt like he had not slept at all either. They could sleep on the bus home, it would be fine.

"So how about you? Did you tell him how you feel?"

"No I didn’t, but he knew about the croissants"

"Oh, well I only said they were your favorites because it’s the truth. I bought you some remember?"

"How much did you tell him?"

"Not much"

Jinwoo stared out on the green lawn outside the cabin. He trusted Seungyoon, but it all felt a little out of his hands right now.

"I’m just giving you a little push, don’t worry I didn’t tell him that you like him. I do think you should though, he likes you too I believe"

Not quite believing what he was hearing he turned back towards Seungyoon.

"What makes you think that?"

He questioned while trying to keep his voice steady. A feeling of pure happiness was overtaking him and it even managed to push his ever growing nausea out of his mind for a while.

Seungyoon arched an eyebrow at him while taking a big bite of his breakfast bagel.

"Well for one, he came here and spent most of the evening with you. He even came and found you in the crowd"

He stopped talking to take another bite. Seeming rather amused about the situation he laughed that signature infectious laugh of his, but Jinwoo didn’t laugh along this time.

"Second, he said you were cute"

The piece of food in Jinwoo’s mouth almost fell out.


Seungyoon shrugged and stuffed more food in his mouth before replying.

"Ohn Fridahy at teh bakry"


It was Monday morning and Jinwoo was back at work. The rain was pouring and he was alone in the store which meant no lunch meet up with Seungyoon.

He was done with the flower arrangements and had begun cleaning the floors when the first customers started turning up. The morning went by quickly as many seemed to brave the bad weather to get their late summer flowers.

When things finally calmed down had he made himself a cup of tea in the backroom. Deciding to let in some fresh air had he opened the shop door and was leaning on the doorframe listening to the rain. Thinking about the weekend he smiled into his tea. Meeting like that and talking, it meant that they were one step closer right? At least to being friends. If anything would be nice if they could be friends.

The phone started ringing in the backroom and he hurried to get it. It was a bride to be wishing to schedule an afternoon consultation for flower decorations. He must have spent a good half an hour explaining and discussing details only peeking into the store every once in a while to check for customers.

When he finally returned to the counter was it to find a small neatly folded box with a note attached to it.

"To keep you warm this rainy summer day"

Was written on it and when he opened it was it to find still warm out of the oven croissants. He smiled to himself and felt so much joy he had to do a small spin around himself to celebrate. He finished eating unable to remove that huge cheesy grin that had appeared on his face the same moment he had read the note. 

His heart sank a little thinking about how Seunghoon had been there, yet he had missed him. He could have seen him today and now all he had was the note. Jinwoo kept wanting to go over there to thank him, but he didn’t know what to say so he resorted to peeking through the shrubs in the shop window again.


Walking home he was still on cloud nine after what had happened at lunch time. It had been a while since he had experienced such a great Monday. He wanted to repay Seunghoon’s kindness the next day he was stopping by the bakery. After some contemplation had he decided on a small flower decoration. Something he could put on the shop counter and look at all day. Something that would remind Seunghoon of him.

He spent all evening double-checking flower meanings. He knew them all by heart, but he weren’t so sure Seunghoon did and so he checked them in a few search engines to see what came up. Worried as ever that there could be misunderstandings would he do what he could to prevent those. After deciding on a flower he spent a good few hours thinking about how he would put them together.

Come morning and he had barely slept at all, his heart was beating in his chest and his resolve to go through with this was stronger than ever. In many ways were this a confession. It depended on how the flower was interpreted, but every search online could tell you that gardenias meant either that the giver thought the receiver of the flowers was lovely or as he intended it a symbol of secret love.


Having already placed an order for gardenias for the wedding consultation was there no trouble putting together his little flower arrangement. He wanted to make it fresh and modern and so he combined the white flowers with green before placing them in a small wooden box. He was about to get ready to buy food and to deliver his flower when it dawned on him. Seunghoon might be able to look up the meaning of the flower, but not if he didn’t know the name of the flower.

Leaning against the wall he scratched his head a little wondering what to do. A card would be too much, but he didn’t wish to just write the name on it either.

In the end had he created a tiny handwritten note saying "I’m a Gardenia, this is how you care for me so I won’t die" along with careful instructions. He ended it with "and lots of love" but Jinwoo was tempted to scratch that part. He didn’t as he was already late to meet Seungyoon and he didn’t wish to make another note. 

That day was a bright one, but a cold one for being summer and so he hurried across the street with his flowers. The familiar scent of the Gardenia had a calming effect on him and the reassurance that Seunghoon would need time to figure out the meaning helped as well. He made it into the shop without any accidents and made sure to take one last calming breath before stepping inside.

What met him behind the counter was not what he had expected at all. An old man with glasses smiled back at him but quickly turned into a concerned look as he saw Jinwoo’s expression change at record speed.

"Hello, how can I help you?"

He asked and Jinwoo tried to keep what was left of his faltering smile as he replied.

"I work across the street, I just wanted to drop these off to say thank you for the other day"

Explaining honestly felt like the best option and the old man nodded in acknowledgement at him. He placed the flowers on the counter and looked at his shoes. This shyness really was annoying at times. He wanted to say who they were for, but just saying his name out loud was hard.

"So who is it that you want to thank exactly? There is no name tag on it"


Having finally said the name he had felt heat creep up his cheeks and he had made a momentary decision to buy lunch somewhere else that day. The old man had smiled and told him that he would deliver his message and thank you flower to Seunghoon. Jinwoo had heard the man say the flower name out loud as the door went shut behind him and he wondered if he knew. He might just have read the "how to care for me" note. 

Making a detour to pick up lunch somewhere else he met up with Seungyoon 15 minutes late, Seungyoon didn’t comment on it and they ate like always exchanging news about their day. He didn’t mention the flowers, the embarrassment was still a bit too fresh in his mind. Seungyoon had asked him if he had made any plans for how to seduce him, but Jinwoo told him honestly that he didn’t want such a thing. He had then explained about the surprise food delivery from the other day which Seungyoon had been delighted to hear about.

"There is a fair coming up in a few weeks, which would be fun to go to"

Seungyoon said while sipping on his coffee.

"You could invite Seunghoon to go with you? Or us if you don’t want it to be too date’ish yet? I don’t mind and if you want to be alone you can just give me a sign!"

He began making excited gestures as examples of possible signs resulting in almost spilling coffee on both on them. Laughing Jinwoo thanked him and told him he would think about it. Heading back to work he met his co-worker on the way there. She explained that her daughter had become sick and she had to leave to get her. He hurried back only to find the shop empty.

His co-worker had left a lot of pruned flower pots around the backroom and he busied himself with placing them around the store. An hour passed and things were starting to look like they should. That was when the front door opened and a warm summer breeze flew past him.

Wiping his hands that were covered in damp earth he turned around to welcome the customer.

"Hello, I just"

"Welcome how can I"

Both of them stopped mid-sentence and Seunghoon laughed one of those hearty laughs of his, closing his eyes as he laughed. Jinwoo took advantage of the moment to take in the sight; Seunghoon weren’t wearing his work uniform but tight jeans, a striped t-shirt in white and blue together with a pair of very green sneakers. His hair was slightly windswept and he had a shoulder bag held by the strap in one hand. Finished laughing Seunghoon said

"Thank you for the flowers, they were lovely"

He put emphasis on the word lovely and Jinwoo knew. Slightly panicky now he took a step away without thinking. Why had he not considered that he could end up cornered like this. He had yet to decide what to say or how to explain himself. Seunghoon took a step closer so that they again were at normal speaking range again.

"I think.."

Seunghoon continued not taking his eyes of Jinwoo’s face while taking another step closer. He was smiling still, but his eyes were conveying something more than happiness. 

"That you"

He gently dropped the shoulder bag to the floor. Before taking the last step so that they were up close, feeling the others breath on their faces.

"Are equally lovely"

Jinwoo having begun screaming internally when Seunghoon took the first step didn’t fully grasp what happened before several seconds after it was over.

Their lips had met and it had been a kiss like no other in Jinwoo’s life so far. Seunghoon’s gentle hand on his waist, the other lightly touching the side of his face. All Jinwoo had done was to sigh and let himself be kissed while his mind went blank and his hands travel on their own grasping lightly at Seunghoon’s shirt pulling him closer.  

It must have gone on for a minute or so and when Seunghoon pulled away was there nothing Jinwoo wanted more than to follow after him. Blinking half dazed couldn’t he quite take his eyes of Seunghoon’s lips. It took another minute until he realized what he was doing and let go of his grip on Seunghoon’s shirt. Looking at his feet feeling shyer than ever he laughed a weak laugh.

He didn’t know what he should say or do, but Seunghoon appeared to be simply beaming so he figured that everything must be okay.

"When do you finish work?"

Seunghoon asked looking around the empty shop.

"Two more hours"

Jinwoo told him after checking his watch.

"Do you perhaps wish to grab dinner afterwards?"

He replied with an excited nod, dinner would be great. More than great. Jinwoo even didn’t mind where they went to eat. He would probably have to fight hard to overcome his shyness, but it would be worth it for this.

For him.   


Authors Note: So I got pneumonia on both lungs and I'm stuck in bed as I can't breathe very well. To fill my time have I taken on a few prompts for a few lovely incles and this was the first one of them. I appologize for strange English and all that, it's unbetaed and edited while running a fever so xD I hope I did your prompt justice Patti, I tried! The title might seem inspired by my choice of flower, but it's really inspired by a song by the same name made by Malice Mizer. There is a quote in that song that I really like: 

"Your innocent eyes, all of you, so dear to me. 

I take you away with me, softly, just like this, embrace me so we might never part"

I think it fits this pairing well even if it doesn't go that well with the story. Don't you agree? Ah well thanks a lot for reading! I hope you liked it and that you will be back here soon! Got two more prompts to go!

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Chapter 13: I think I should read this again on a rainy day with a coffee on hand. I miss rainy days. The pizza makes me remember the horror of watching Mino cook  in Naturally....glad he could actually make decent  food here lol. I actually got surprised when Mino got kissed for real, I thought Yoon was just going to >_< This story makes me calm ^^
Chapter 13: MinYoon stories = my happy pill :)
Sunny_Yoon #3
Chapter 13: MinYoon stories you’ve written made my heart flutter.
Sweet, cute, soft
JerryCloud #4
Chapter 13: Minyoon is my dose of happiness thank you ❤❤❤
moon_swan #5
Chapter 13: It was sweet and cozy! Thank you!
AnnoNiji #6
Chapter 13: Their relationship evolves really smoothly and is so cute that i'm melting. Feels so real ♥ MinYoon is a pairing i am so weak for keke
AnnoNiji #7
Chapter 8: Wow it's a really good AU~! I love MinYoon, their relationship is really well described and feels so real i'm in love *^* i also understand everything they feel thanks to your well chosen words :3 and it's cute too, the way they are clingy and feel peace thanks to each other ♥ the end is just what it should be, it's good!!
AnyaBang #8
Chapter 13: Loved it <3 it's really well written it's so sweet :)
Chapter 13: I love this kind of fluff, makes me all fuzzy inside
Chapter 13: my precious good thing i came to stop by i think the other day were just talking about them and here you got a sweet fluffy story its good as always..think its been so long since you wrote again fighting!