12. The Truth

Wait for Me [L.Joe Fanfiction]
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“Ladies and gentleman, we’ve arrived to the Incheon Airport. Thank you for choosing us. Have a nice day.”


(P/S : I know it’s wrong and sounds dull . Sorry ><)


Finally, we were back to our home. I smiled to Joohyun, who was smiling at me too. Jungsoo brought his girls with him, side by side to take our luggage.


After we managed everything, our driver – who has been waiting for us since four hours ago – brought us home in Seoul. Joohyun, who was at the back seat, couldn’t get her eyes off of looking at the scenery. I thought she was feeling amazed with her new surroundings. I smiled again. Hopefully she could manage herself here.


One hour later, we arrived to our house – a mansion, to be exact. All of us got out of the car and went in with greetings from our maids. Some of them brought our luggage in. I smiled to them. How I missed them a lot. They were my friends when Joohyun wasn’t with me for years. Besides, why should we treat maids badly? They’re humans, too.


“Madame, is this Joohyun-ssi?” Byul, who was one of the maids, asked. I nodded. “Take her to her room.” Jungsoo, who was standing beside me, commanded. Byul bowed before she brought our daughter, who was still speechless with her new surroundings, to her room. The other maids took her bags and luggage although Joohyun refused of letting them to do that. At the end, the maids still got to bring them to her room.


Right after they left, my phone rang. I immediately answered the call. “Yoboseyo?” I greeted happily while walking to the couch and sat on it. Jungsoo did the same thing, too.


“Minyoung-ah! Have you arrived to Korea?” a lady from the other line asked. It was Bona. I smiled, missing my best friend as well. “Nae. I’m here already, with her, but without her, too.” I replied sarcastically and the guy beside me faked a cough. I glared at him. “And him as well.” I replied, gave this guy a nice death look. Or should I just say it specifically, I wanted him to go away.


My husband chuckled, knew and understood very well with what I wanted him to do. He went away. Well, not away. He just went outside, to the garden.


Bona, on the other line, chuckled. “He left you?” she asked, like she was there. “Yeah. Haha. Very funny. Anyway, how’s L.Joe?” I immediately changed the topic and asked her an important question. I heard she let out a sigh. Uh-oh. I could smell trouble.


“He’s still the same like the few times you called me, cold as ice.” She replied. “Nine years of waiting give him a big impact, I think.” She added. It was my turn to sigh. I felt really bad for her son, who was my daughter’s fiancé. He changed a lot since he was nine years old. I could feel it. I knew. It hurt me too.


“Does he get any friends now?” I gave her another question. “About that… I’m not sure. He won’t tell me anything or talk to anyone in this house with the cold attitude of his.” She replied straight away.


I’m sorry, Bona. I’m truly sorry.


“Minyoung-ah..” Bona called me from the other line. “Hopefully Joohyun can change him back to his normal self. I think he’s got a painful heart which made him an ‘Ice-Prince’.” She continued with another sigh. She must be so stressed about this.


“Yes, hopefully.” I replied, kind of whispering. There was a moment of silence between us. Nobody let out a word. I waited for Bona if she wanted to say anything.


And yes, she wanted to.


“Minyoung-ah, I have a lot of questions to ask you, so please answer them truthfully, alright?” she asked, kind of begging for me to say ‘yes’. And of course, I did.


“What’s bothering you right now, Lee Bo Na?”


“About the engagement thing. Why didn’t you tell Joohyun about this? If she knows it, she’ll remember Byunghun and come back here straight away.”


I froze at my place. There was no way for me to run away from her moment.


She had to know, Park Min Young. She had to.


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I just found your story and had to upvote it immediately ... Fellow Angel and innercircle here
shanalol #2
Hi!! Just started reading your story. And I LOVE IT!!!! Update soon!!! I'll wait for your update whenever you're ready!! Haha!! :D