Stage Ten: Conversion

Stages of Love

30 hours: 8 minutes: 50 seconds

That's how long Myungsoo had been away from Sungjong, even counting the seconds. Sunggyu came knocking on Myungsoo's front door soon, panting wildly even though he'd taken his car. He shoved Myungsoo aside and rushed inside the house uninvited.

"What the hell are you thinking?!?!" Sunggyu screamed, still winded.

"I'm protecting Sungjong," Myungsoo said softly.

"Oh~ so that's what you call it? Well, I call it abandonment. I heard from Sungyeol that after you left and they came home yesterday, Sungjong was lying in bed , crying his heart out, calling out your name. Hoya tore the room apart. When they asked Sungjong how long he'd been there, he said since 5am until the time they walked in, which was at 11pm. That's 18 hours, Myungsoo! Eighteen ing hours where Sungjong didn't eat, sleep, get up, drink, or anything! He'd lain there and cried ALL DAY LONG! You abandoned him, Myungsoo."

Myungsoo shut his eyes tightly and placed a handing over his theatrically bleeding heart. Sungjong had already been affected by love's pain. Myungsoo hadn't left him quickly enough. They were already deep, too deep maybe. It was good that he left before they were too deep to get out.

"Myungsoo... Stop thinking about keeping Sungjong away from you," Sunggyu said.

"But I'll hurt him," he answered.

"Not if you don't want to! Listen... You love Sungjong, neh?"

Myungsoo nodded.

"You'd do anything to keep him from harm, from hurting."

He nodded again.

"You will always protect him, right?"

Myungsoo furrowed his eyebrows.

"You believe in Sungjong's happiness, yeah?"

"What are you trying to say, hyung?"

"I'm saying that Sungjong is only truly happy when he's with you. Without you, you're putting him through pain. You're hurting him. You're too far from protecting him. You're taking away his happiness."

Myungsoo showed no emotion, his poker face instantly kicking in, but inside, he was freaking out, because Sunggyu was right. Why didn't he think of it himself?! He could win this! He could love Sungjong AND protect him!! But....

"Hoya..." Myungsoo said softly. "Sungjong has Hoya hyung... He doesn't--"

"Didn't you hear me just now, you stupid dongsaeng?" Sunggyu snapped. "Sungjong's only truly happy with YOU. Not Hoya. Give him the best happiness, not something that'll come close. Just... Agh~~!!!!!!" Sunggyu just screamed out frustratedly and paced around the room.

Myungsoo pursed his lips and inched forward toward Sunggyu. "Is something bothering you, hyung?" he asked.

"... YES!" he screamed. "You're being a stupid er and not thinking correctly, leaving Sungjong. Jongie is all depressed and... And Hoya is all giddy yet not happy either. Dongwoo is all annoyed because Hoya won't pay attention to him anymore. Sungyeol is all emo and isolated because Dongwoo only notices Hoya. And Woohyun... Oh my... Woohyun!!! That ing ! I swear... He just never stops flirting! I would totally ing cut off his and ship it to America if he flirts with one more guy OR girl!" Sunggyu collapsed on the couch, breathing heavily and seeming more pissed than ever.

Sunggyu rarely ever cursed or got angry. Seeing him in this state made Myungsoo wonder if his precious hyung was under too much stress. Myungsoo stood up, snatching Sunggyu's hand and dragging him out of the house. It was time for the cold faced, warm hearted Myungsoo to come back and calm his group, smoothing out all surfaces and untying the knots.

It was time for Myungsoo to claim what was rightfully his...


A/N: UPDATE~!! ^^ <3 It's a bit short... >< Mianhae~ But i hope you enjoyed it~ ^^ <3

And to answer rainxsky13's question!
"Learning to Love" will be mostly MyungJong-centric, but there will be lots of YaDong too. And "Emotions of Love" being Sungyeol-centric. His pairing... Is a secret!! O.o <3

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Dubiaku #1
Chapter 7: An "instance" is an occurrence of something, like "an instance of charity", not a period of time. You mean "instant", or just "time", or even "occasion". There is no such word as "alright".
Chapter 8: This fiction is really good !! I can't stop reading ! I really want to know how the things will turn out for them !
Thank you author-nim ! <3
Chapter 20: I love your writing ! ^^
I really hate what Hoya did to Sungjong. I hate that scenes. I'm sorry.
turtlejusz #5
wah! So dramatic fic bUt its nice to read at. I want to knOCk MyungsoO's senses when he left SungjoNg and didnt fiGhting for their love. I want to kill hoya becAuse oN what he doNe oN sungjoNg. Its a nice fic. Im going nOw to Sequel. Wait. I miGht hating hoya there. Hahahe
So. I read the description and felt an insane urge to read it. But I won't because your work will probably make me cry eventually. XD I don't like crying.
Aww.....Please do the sequel !