Chapter 8

Friends and love
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"So, my journal, today VIXX made a new MV called Voodoo doll. We filmed for more than 3 hours...I think. I didn't check my watch! Also, Hyunnie came Sun and Fany. One question, why does this necklace on my neck represent? Leo oppa also have it too, so how am I related to him?" I wrote in my journal, asking that one question in my head. Now I'm really going to sleep! 

Next day was so stressing.

"Semin-Shi, please come over here to see whether their clothes are okay!" the producer hollered.

"Semin! Please check the wiring of the boy's cells!" the VJ shouted.

"Min~ah, why are you running around like a girl being chased by a mad dog?" Hakyeonie asked.

"Or by N-hyung when he is slicing off our heads." Hyuk snickered, just to be chased by N. "Miain N-hyung! Hongbin-hyung help meeee! Get me away from killer N!" 

I wanted to tell Hyuk Hongbin is not here. Just like Leo and Ravi. At that same time, Ken walked away to do his filming. 

"Hyuk! You're by yourself with my cuz! Annyeong!" I waved, going towards the voodoo cells. "Noona! Ish! Betrayerrr! N-hyung, miain, miain!" Hyuk shrieked to N. 

I went towards Leo instead of going to the cells. The reason was simple. I would like my questions to be answered, and Leo gave me that necklace and he should know why. Before I could ask him, N took over him with VIXX TV. So there goes my chance. I was thinking, if I can't remember my past, I should not be here. I really should le

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JungLeo17 #1
Chapter 8: I choose d) I dunno!
MyLion92 #2
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