Twenty Four

Stay With Me
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Mark takes a sip of the mineral water and lean back against the wall. He close his eyes and just let the cold wind kiss his rosy red cheeks. Sigh and he looks down at the assignment in his hands. "What the hell am I suppose to do this? Mr. Poh is so damn crazy man". Mark hits his head using the papers and sigh again. "Aaah, I'm just gonna put it aside. I'll just ask Bobby to do it for me". Mark got up and strecth his short body. He puts on his jacket and decided to take a walk down the alley of Jinyoung's house. 


"Let me see you want me baby, let me see you do. Let me see you want me baby, let me see you do"

The red haired boy hum softly the melody and grin to himself. And from that moment Mark realized that this going to be a good day for him so he just gonna enjoy it while it last. Enjoy the beautiful cold evening with just himself. Smiling, Mark continue walking around aimlessly while singing nice melody.




His eyes slowly opens as he shivers at the cold breeze of midnight blew through Jinyoung's window. Jinyoung slowly sits up, rub his face and yawn. He looks at the digital clock on the night stand beside his bed and groan. It's 3 o'clock in the morning and he's widely awake for nothing. Giving up trying to sleep, Jinyoung got up and take a walk to the kitchen for a glass of milk to help him sleep again. Pouring himself a glass of cold milk, he took a sit at the kitchen and just calm himself through the night. "Such a cold night"


Jinyoung takes out his phone and frown at the number or texts he recieved from Mark. Its a lie if he said he don't want to go back with Mark. He wants it. It just that he is not ready yet. He do loves Mark so much but he needs some times to gather back his life slowly. Jinyoung took a deep breath and dial on the familiar numbers in his head and hit call. Beep. Beep. Beep. 


That stupid 'beep' is making Jinyoung never and without realizing that he has been biting on his nails nervously. "Jinyoung?", the voice of the man he loves answered and Jinyoung can't help it but to gasp and froze for awhile. "Um..", He is trying to arrange a sentence in his head but it seems like his tongue is completely froze up. "I miss you", the voice in his heart whispers but he can't say it. Not now, not yet.




A sound of something hitted the

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Markjinxane #1
Chapter 27: Hi I'm so attach with your story it's been a awhile but hoping you continue the chapter plssss
Chapter 27: Heiii...are you still here?i am still hping that you will be back.. T^T
ygbbusan #3
Chapter 27: Author-nim. Pls continue this story ;;-;;
Oohmaknae_ #4
Chapter 27: Whuuut? Huhu pls don't leave us hanging. Hope you'll continue this someday...
Chapter 27: Please update this is such a nice story...
Please continue this still waiting for your update.. T^T
kriscasho #7
Chapter 27: Please update this story ㅠㅠ
Chapter 27: update soon
jinnieblack #9
Updates soon