SJ Dorm

Friendship of Ryeonggu and KyuKyu

A/n: Hey readers! I'm goig to color code Kyuhyun and Ryeowook so it's easier to understand! :D Thank you for subscribing<3




Ryeowook and Donghae's room: 

Kyuhyun enters the room that he will be sharing with Ryeowook and Donghae. To his surprise, there are only 2 beds and he wonders where he'll sleep. As if on cue, Ryeowook speaks up. "Can you sleep on the floor?" Kyuhyun and Donghae both look at the blunt member in surprise. "I'm going to take a bath" says Donghae before he could be talked into sharing the bed, and went to the bathroom. Kyuhyun clears his throat and mumbles softly "Sure I can sleep on the floor" he looks around the room "but where?" Ryeowook points to the only space that is enough for a person in between the two beds. Kyuhyun raises his brow at him "You want me to sleep there? What if you fall on me or accidently step on me in the dark?" He spoke so seriously that Ryeowook had to hold back his laugh so he wouldn't offend the maknae. "that's the only space you'll fit in. Up to you now~" Ryeowook smiles at him before getting in his bed near the window. At this time Donghae has come back and was starting to get in his bed when he noticed the maknae on the floor. "Ya! Ryeowook-ah! You're making him sleep on the floor?" The question surprised Ryeowook and he turns to his hyung "That's the only space in the room". Donghae shakes his head and mumbles to himself "Aish this kid! I thought he was just playing with the mankae.. Great now I have to be nice". He walks to the maknae on floor and pokes him. "Hey you can sleep with me if you'd like". Kyuhyun's eyes widen in surprise and he looks at his hyung "Jinja?! I can sleep on the bed with you?!" Ryeowook frowns at the two and turns away from them. Donghae nods at kyuhyun and motions for him to get up. When both settle in bed, kyuhyun turns to Donghae and smiles happily "Thank you hyung!" Donghae ruffles his hair before he turns to the other side and closes his eyes, falling asleep soon. Kyuhyun turns to face Ryeowook and calls out his name, "Ryeowook". He waits for a reply but receives none. He wonders if the other has already fallen asleep but notices the blankets shift and calls out again. Ryeowook had been pretending to be asleep so he could avoid the maknae who was apparently sharing a bed with his hyung. To be honest, he felt jealous why his hyung had offered to share a bed with the new maknae. No body was this nice to him when he was the maknae. Ryeowook sighs and without turning around, he answers a little harshly "Don't be so informal with me! I never gave you permission to be informal". This had caught Kyuhyun by surprise because he had thought they were about the same age and it would be okay to be informal but he was wrong. Kyuhyun apologizes quickly and stays quiet. Ryeowook pulls the blankets closer to his body and falls asleep, unaware of the maknae staring at his back. After a while, Kyuhyun lays on his back and stares at the ceiling, unable to fall asleep. He wonders why Ryeowook had been nice at first by offering his room and now he had suddenly changed. Only one thing made him happy right now and it was that Donghae had been nice all along and had even offered him his bed. Kyuhyun knew if no one else helped him, surely Donghae will be with him. 
In the morning: 
All the members were up by 9 in the morning except for the youngest. The members were sitting at the dinning table, talking. Leeteuk started the conversation by asking about the maknae, "Where did Kyuhyun sleep?" At this, both Ryeowook and Donghae look at him. "In our room" say the two in unison, making the leader smile. "That's nice of you two to offer him your room. I suppose he slept on the floor?" Now Ryeowook grunts, making the leader and other members look at him. "Hyung made him sleep on his bed with him!" says Ryeowook, clearly showing his jealousy and anger. The whole table was now looking at Donghae. He shifts a little and looks down at his hands to avoid looking in the eyes of other members. "I felt bad about him sleeping  on the floor when we were all in the bed". Leeteuk nods and pats Donghae who is sitting to his left "That's sweet of you Donghae-ah". Ryeowook rolls his eyes at that and starts mumbling incoherent words under his breath. Yesung, who was sitting in front of him, notices his dongsaeng's unapproval of the last night's events and laughs softly. "Aigo, uri Wookie is jealous" Everyone turns to look at Ryeowook who looks down in embarassment. Sungmin pokes Ryeowook and asks him "what happened?" Ryeowook looks up a little shyly and pouts. "Everyone is treating him so nice but he is the maknae. When I was the maknae, nobody did that for me". He pouts more and looks down. Leeteuk walks to his dongsaeng and takes the emty seat next to him. "Ryeowook-ah.. It's not like that.. Donghae is just being nice because that's his nature. He didn't offer you a bed because you already had one". He lifts Ryeowook's chin and smiles. "Even though Kyuhyun is the maknae now, you'll always be our precious maknae too. To be honest, you look more like the maknae type than him anyway". The members nod in agreement in hopes of trying to cheer up the sad maknae. Leeteuk hugs him and speaks again. "You'll be the eternal maknae even if Kyuhyun is the maknae. We will have two maknaes, okay?" He looks at his dongsaeng and smiles warmly. Ryeowook smiles back and blinks back the tears before nodding. "Thank you Hyung!" He hugs his leader once before standing up. "I'll go wake up Kyuhyun". This catches everyone by surprise because a minute ago the eternal maknae was complaining about the new maknae but now he wants to be nice to him too. Leeteuk nods and goes back to his seat at the head of the table while Ryeowook walks to his room. The members look at each other in confusion. "Maknaes stick together, I guess" says Donghae while the rest just shake their heads.
Ryeowook, Donghae, & Kyuhyun's room:
Ryeowook opens the door and walks to Donghae's bed, looking at the sleeping maknae. He wonders why he felt so angry at him when all Kyuhyun had been trying to do was get along with him. He shakes his head as a disapproval to his actions and sits on edge of the bed, poking the maknae. "Hey Kyuhyun-ah.. Wake up. Everyone is up and waiting for you at the table". The maknae just turns away from his fellow member and pulls the covers up. Ryeowook frowns and pulls the covers now. "ya! I said wake up... It's already 10 now". Kyuhyun lays on his back  and rubs his eyes. "m.. Okay hyung" he mutters before yawning. Ryeowook blinks his eyes twice before thinking 'h-hyung? What? He called me hyung!' He looks at the maknae and slaps his arm lightly. "ya! We're about the same age! Why are you calling me hyung?" He was pouting at the maknae with narrowed eyes. Kyuhyun sits up and looks at his roommate. "You told me to not be informal with you". Ryeowook looks away from him in embarassment and gets up from the bed. "y-yes.. I.. I-I said that but y-you don't have to call me hyung" he says softly before looking down at the startled maknae. "If I don't call you hyung and I don't call you Ryeowook, then what do I call you?" he asks with confusion plastered on his face. Ryeowook frowns and starts walking towards the door. "I don't know.. Just call me whatever you want" he says before leaving the room. Kyuhyun stares at the now empty room and wonders what his roommate really is like. He puts the thought away before walking to the bathroom and taking a quick shower. He then joins everyone at the table. 
Dining room:
Kyuhyun takes the empty chair beside Ryeowook and greets everyone politely. The members nod their heads at him before starting their breakfast while Kyuhyun waits for everyone to fill their plates first. After Ryeowook was done with filling his, he passes the bowls to the maknae on his left. Kyuhyun takes them and thanks his roommate. After about half an hour, the members finish their foods and leave the kitchen, some getting ready for their activities during the day. Kyuhyun finishes his food and was about to leave when Ryeowook pulls him back down. Kyuhyun looks at him with questioning eyes and looks down at their hands. Leeteuk who had just finished his food looks at the maknaes. "You know Kyuhyun-ah, as the maknae you have to do the cleaning". Kyuhyun could tell by looking at the leader that he was somewhat annoyed at him. He looks at Ryeowook who gives him a slight nod and Kyuhyun bows to the leader "ne hyung, I will". Leeteuk nods and leaves the two maknaes in the kitchen. Ryeowook lets go of Kyuhyun's hand and starts cleaning up. "I'll help you just this once". Kyuhyun looks at him and smiles "Thank you Ryeowook-ah". Ryeowook looks at the maknae, noticing that he called him Ryeowook-ah. He doesn't know why he got mad at him earlier because right now he actually smiled hearing the maknae call him with that name. He starts cleaning up again without saying a word. When the dishes had been piled up in the sink, the maknaes stood in front of it and looked at each other. Ryeowook points to kyuhyun, "you wash the dishes and I'll dry them". Kyuhyun nods and picks up a plate almost dropping it. He laughs nervously and looks at his bandmate "I've never washed dishes before". Ryeowook sighs and pushes him out of the way before handing him the towel. "Fine, we'll switch". 

A/n: Please tell me what you guys think? If i get at least 2-3 comments, I'll update another chapter^^ color code or no? ><
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I'm not sure if this story is finished yet so I'm gonna read it again :D if it's not finished yet... then I really miss your updates! Cause it's one of my favourite Kyuwook fanfics :(
Chapter 14: loved it! <3 very cute story :) :)
Chapter 4: was the fight really abt popularity? :(
Chapter 2: omg love it <3
This story is so cute! :D
Chapter 7 had me squealing over Kyuwook love!
Chapter 14: Aishh Eunhae are so naughty! Kekeke Kyuwook is indeed a cute couple! Happy new year too!~ ^^
Chapter 14: Happy,new.year!
Chapter 14: Aigo lee couple... Theyre so cute kkkk
Ah kyuwook got fans already hehehe
Happy new year
Chapter 14: Aigo lee couple... Theyre so cute kkkk
Ah kyuwook got fans already hehehe
Happy new year
Sweetia #10
Chapter 14: Happy new year