
Friendship of Ryeonggu and KyuKyu
Super Junior had debuted with 12 members and instantly became the super stars. Everyone loved the Juniors and the members got along very well. Ryeowook wasn't so happy though because he was the maknae, which meant he was the target of hyungs to bully. Ryeowook didn't speak in front of his hyungs in order to be polite. However, after suffering for 6 months, his life changed. 
Kyuhyun was introduced as the 13th member of Super Junior. Although it was hard for him to get along with the members, he quickly got adjusted and was accepted by everyone. 
Kyuhyun still wonders if it was because of his accident that his hyungs accepted and loved him the way they did.  

In the dorms: 
All the members are sitting in the living room, telling the newest member about the dorm rules. Kyuhyun sits in the middle of the couch with Ryeowook on his left and Donghae on his right. Kyuhyun doesn't understand why both the members on his left and right have to repeat everything the others say in his ear. 'I understand what they're saying' thinks Kyuhyun for the nth time now. The leader stands up and rubs his hands together. Alright dongsaengs! I hope there won't be any problems tonight, okay? He looks around at each member before stopping on the new maknae. Kyuhyun-ah. There aren't enough rooms for everyone so you can share a room with anyone you'd like. Leeteuk smiles softly before he bids goodnight and leaves for his room, followed by Kangin. Kyuhyun looks around the room and notices everyone leaving slowly. He fidgets around a little nervously before he notices Ryeowook talking to Donghae in front of him. Hyung, Kyuhyun can share a room with us. Donghae looks at Kyuhyun and back at Ryeowook and gives him a little nod. Ryeowook then turns to Kyuhyun and smiles warmly. Hey let's go to our room and he pulls Kyuhyun up by his arm and leads him to his room, followed by Donghae. 

A/n: Please comment and let me know! Thank you~ I promise it will be interesting in the next chapters!

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I'm not sure if this story is finished yet so I'm gonna read it again :D if it's not finished yet... then I really miss your updates! Cause it's one of my favourite Kyuwook fanfics :(
Chapter 14: loved it! <3 very cute story :) :)
Chapter 4: was the fight really abt popularity? :(
Chapter 2: omg love it <3
This story is so cute! :D
Chapter 7 had me squealing over Kyuwook love!
Chapter 14: Aishh Eunhae are so naughty! Kekeke Kyuwook is indeed a cute couple! Happy new year too!~ ^^
Chapter 14: Happy,new.year!
Chapter 14: Aigo lee couple... Theyre so cute kkkk
Ah kyuwook got fans already hehehe
Happy new year
Chapter 14: Aigo lee couple... Theyre so cute kkkk
Ah kyuwook got fans already hehehe
Happy new year
Sweetia #10
Chapter 14: Happy new year