Stay With Me

Friendship of Ryeonggu and KyuKyu

The maknaes walk out in the courtyard, Ryeowook with his right arm around the other's waist. Kyuhyun still had his left arm around the other's shoulder while Ryeowook was holding on to his hand. They walk until they reach a tree near the fountain where they sit on a bench. Ryeowook pulls back his arm and so does Kyuhyun. They sit in silence and watch the scenery ahead of them. Fall was here and both the maknaes thought that it never looked this beautiful. Perhaps it was because of the presence of the person next to them, but they didn't want to dwell on that thought too much. Nonetheless, the colorful leaves had the feeling of a new life and the slightly cold temperature felt right against the warmth of other. Kyuhyun smiles and he lays his head down on the other's lap as he stretches his body on the bench. Ryeowook looks down at the maknae, surprised at first, but he smiles back and runs his fingers smoothly through the dark hair. "Do you come out often?". Kyuhyun closes his eyes as he enjoys the tender fingers running through his hair, "Umm.. No I don't. It's no fun when I'm alone". Ryeowook smirks, "Oh, so you enjoy when you're with me?". Kyuhyun opens his eyes and looks up at the other, "Of course I do". The eternal maknae blushes slightly and brings his hand to the maknae's face, closing his eyes again. He keeps his hand over the other's eyes to keep him from opening them again. A strong wind makes the eternal maknae shiver a bit, "It's kind of cold, don't you think?" Kyuhyun forcefully removes the hand from his eyes and holds it tightly in his both hands, "You want me to warm you up?", he smirks looking at the other. Ryeowook frowns a little, smacking the other's hands, "How will you do that?". Kyuhyun sits up, facing the maknae and holds out both his arms, "Like this.. You have to get in to be warm though". Ryeowook rolls his eyes and pushes the other's arms away from him, "No thanks.. I'm fine". He pulls his feet up on the bench and hugs himself, pulling the sleeves of his jacket over his hands. Kyuhyun shakes his head and sighs. He moves closer to the other on his left and wraps an arm around his shoulders, "Don't be so distant.. I don't like it". He looks straight ahead at the fountain to avoid contact. Ryeowook's heart skips a beat, he hadn't meant to hurt the other's feelings. He looks at the maknae to his right who had a straight face and was staring ahead blankly. The eternal maknae leans his head against the other's chest and grabs his left hand, holding it in both his hands, "Keep me warm, okay?". Kyuhyun smiles victoriously and laces his fingers through the other's hands. 

"Your hands are really small". 
"No, your hands are just too long". 
"Oh, thank you! That's a compliment". 
"Then thank you too for the compliment"
"That's not really a compliment".
"Yes it is. Small hands look cute".
"Is that so? Then how do long hands look?"
Ryeowook lifts both their hands to his face and examines kyuhyun's hands in his. "Umm.. I'd say they look long". He drops their hands back to kyuhyun's lap. 
Kyuhyun frowns and looks down at the eternal maknae, "Really?". 
Ryeowook nods enthusiastically with a mischievous smile on his face. 
Kyuhyun narrows his eyes at the other, "They looks long, that's all?". 
The latter nods once again as he watches his annoyed maknae. 
Kyuhyun pulls his hand out of the other's grip and looks away, though he doesn't pull back his arm from his shoulders. "Fine. They just look long. Only small hands are cute". 
Ryeowooks bursts out laughing and he pinches the other's cheeks. "Aigo~ you're so cute Kyuhyun-ah!". He grabs his hand again and runs his thumb on the back, "Long hands are pretty". Kyuhyun smirks and leans closer, "I know", he whispers. Ryeowook gulps and moves back a little, but kyuhyun keeps leaning closer. When he was dangerously close, Ryeowook closes his eyes and pushes weakly at the other's chest. Kyuhyun quickly kisses the tip of other's nose and moves back, laughing loudly. The eternal maknae opens his eyes and glares at him, "What the heck!". Kyuhyun looks at him and laughs more, "Why'd you close your eyes Wookie? What'd you think I was gonna do?". The latter blinks and looks away, flustered. "N-nothing! What the heck are you saying..! I-I thought nothing".   Kyuhyun smiles and pokes the other's cheeks, "You're blushing". The eternal maknae smacks his hand away and pulls both his hands back. He moves away from the other's embrace and was about to stand up when kyuhyun grabs his wrist, pulling him back. "What's wrong? Come on Wookie, you know I was teasing you. Don't be mad". Ryeowook takes a deep breath to calm the pounding in his chest, "Don't tease me like that". Kyuhyun nods and brings a hand under the other's chin, turning his face towards him, "I won't. I'm sorry okay? Don't leave please..". Ryeowook looks at the other and he could feel the fear in his eyes. Those dark orbs looked so serious. He nods slightly and points to his wrist, "You're kind of holding me too tight.. It's hurting". Kyuhyun blinks and looks down, loosening his grip, "Oh, I'm sorry..". The eternal maknae smiles a bit and pulls his hand back. "Do you want to go inside now?". Kyuhyun shakes his head, "I want to stay out here for a little bit longer". Ryeowook nods and sits there silently. 
Kyuhyun's P.O.V
! !!! !!!! I'm such an idiot!! What the heck did I do that for!! Man I'm an idiot!! Great going Cho Kyuhyun! Now you've made him mad and he is definitely going to ignore you! Stupid, do something!! I look at my dear friend and he is just sitting there quietly, staring at the fountain. Freaking lucky fountain! Everything gets more attention than me! "Hey Wookie". I called out to him and he didn't even budge. It's like he can't even hear me. He's probably lost in his own thoughts. I don't get it though, why is he still red? Is he mad or is he really blushing? Aish!! "Wookie~" Time to use aegyo!! Finally, he turns and looks at me, "Yes?". Genius Cho Kyuhyun, don't mess up again!! "Let's go on a walk". He looks around and back at me, "You want to walk here?". I nod and stand up, holding my hand out for him to take. Hopefully he'll take it and not let go.. Well at least I won't...
Ryeowook's P.O.V
My mind isn't working right now!! Kyu was so close, SOOO CLOSEEE!!! I thought my heart was going to burst! Oh my god, it's a miracle I'm still breathing! I thought he was going to... You know.. Oh my god, I thought he was going to kiss me... Aish! What am I thinking! Well now he wants to walk around here, I hope that'll calm me down. I take his hand and stand up. I keep holding his hand and he holds mine tightly, well obviously we both don't want to let go. Right? He doesn't want to, right? I look his way and he smiles at me before he leads the way towards a narrow path in the back. "Where are we going?". He keeps walking a little ahead of me while he drags me behind him. "I don't know.. This seems quite beautiful so let's see where it takes us?". I sigh and speed up a little to match his pace. His long legs are really fast for my short ones. "Slow down!! You're almost running..". He laughs and looks at me, his gaze moving down to my legs and back up at my face. "Sorry, I guess my legs are too long that's why I walk faster..?". Aish this kid, he is really proud of his long legs and hands. Now that I think about it, my hand fits perfectly in his... Stop Kim Ryeowook! What are you thinking! Kyuhyun pokes my cheek, "Why are you blushing?". Was he watching me?! Oh god,  can this day get any worse? I frown and look down at my feet, "I'm not!". He just smiles and  looks ahead again, I guess he doesn't want to argue again. He probably thinks I got mad at him for teasing me, but I didn't. I liked the proximity, he smells really good.. WAIT!!! Ryeowook what is wrong with you?! "Why did you stop walking?". Huh? why did I...what is kyu saying? I look up at him and realize he is standing there staring at me. Ohhh I stopped walking all of a sudden. Oh god.. "it's nothing" I smile and take a step forward but he stops me. "Wookie.. What's wrong? You're spacing out a lot.. What happened?". Why Kyu, why are you asking me that! Nothing is wrong, I just feel embarrassed, that's all. I try my best and smile reassuringly, "Kyu, I'm fine. I promise. Let's keep walking, okay?". I give his hand a little squeeze and walk ahead of him pulling him with me. He follows me but now he's looking at me, "If it's about earlier, you know.. Then I'm sorry". Why is he worrying a lot? I look sideways at him and smile warmly, "It's not that, please don't worry. I'm not mad at you". His eyes lighten up a little and he smiles charmingly, "you're not mad?". I shake my head. He sighs, relieved I guess. "That means you don't hate me, right?". I turn my head sharply his way, why would he think I hate him? Omo he looks so scared waiting for me to reply him. Should I ? I turn my head away from him without replying and sure enough, he stiffens in place. His eyes wide open, he walks in front of me, "Y-You hate m-me?". I want to laugh!! But no, control yourself Kim Ryeowook! I look down and bite my lower lip. He gently lifts my chin and makes me look in his eyes, "please wookie.. I'm sorry, don't hate me..". I can't take it anymore! I burst out laughing right in his face. He looks so confused! He narrows his eyes at me, realizing he was being pranked. He lets go of my hand and walks past me. Oh ! I run after him and grab his wrist, "Wait! Stop kyu.. I was joking". He doesn't move and keeps standing still. I walk in front of him and grab his other hand as well. I smile at him, "I don't hate you silly! Why would I hate you?". He remains silent, his head bent down. And let me tell you this, his face is red as a tomato. This is fun. I let go of his right hand and bring mine up to his cheek, caressing it softly. I lean forward and kiss his left cheek. His eyes widen and he looks at me. I shrug and move back a little, "Pay back". He was about to reply but stops when there's a sound behind him. I jump and tighten my grip on his hand. He slowly turns around, keeping me behind him. He turns back to me and pulls me closer, "there's nothing.. It was probably some animal or something". Damn my heart beat! I stay close to him as he starts heading back to his room. I look up at him, "what, don't want to walk anymore?". He shakes his head a little, "Some other time. I have to take my medicine at 3". Once in the room, kyuhyun lays back down in the bed and I hand him his medicine. Then he motions for me to get in the bed with him and I do. Finally, it's so warm now! He wraps an arm around my shoulders and I lean closer to him. I pull the blankets up to our stomach and lay my head on his shoulder. I don't know when but we both fell asleep quickly. I hope no one came in the room and saw us cuddling. 

A/N: Thank you guys for all the support <3 I hope I'm not boring you ^^ 
Silent readers, thank you so much!! 
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I'm not sure if this story is finished yet so I'm gonna read it again :D if it's not finished yet... then I really miss your updates! Cause it's one of my favourite Kyuwook fanfics :(
Chapter 14: loved it! <3 very cute story :) :)
Chapter 4: was the fight really abt popularity? :(
Chapter 2: omg love it <3
This story is so cute! :D
Chapter 7 had me squealing over Kyuwook love!
Chapter 14: Aishh Eunhae are so naughty! Kekeke Kyuwook is indeed a cute couple! Happy new year too!~ ^^
Chapter 14: Happy,new.year!
Chapter 14: Aigo lee couple... Theyre so cute kkkk
Ah kyuwook got fans already hehehe
Happy new year
Chapter 14: Aigo lee couple... Theyre so cute kkkk
Ah kyuwook got fans already hehehe
Happy new year
Sweetia #10
Chapter 14: Happy new year