
Friendship of Ryeonggu and KyuKyu

Hey dear readers.. so I color coded the members too.. all of them will be in THIS COLOR. Kyuhyun is blue, and Ryeowook is purpleENJOY!!



Ryeowook didn't understand why he was being kidnapped by his hyungs. And worst, he didn't understand why they had to hold him tightly and cover his eyes. He stopped fighting after a few minutes because he knew they weren't going to let him go. Yesung speaks halfway through the ride, "Come on, don't worry dear.. We're not taking you to any place bad". Sungmin hums and adds, "Yes, he is right dear.. This is for your own good". Ryeowook just turns his head their way and shakes his head. He really wished he could strangle his hyungs right now. When the car parks after a good half hour, Ryeowook relaxes in seat and hopes his hyungs will let him go now. However, to his dismay, Donghae now speaks, "this is so you can't hear anything" and he stuffs his headphones in Ryeowook's ear, playing loud music. After that, they take their maknae inside the building, earning good stares from people nearby. They stop in front of a room now and Eunhyuk opens a door, walking in alone at first. Ryeowook desperately waits for the moment s will release him. Eunhyuk walks to the person inside the room and smiles. "Hey.. How are you today?". The person on bed smiles a bit and sits up, "Fine.. Better then yesterday". Eunhyuk nods and hugs him before he whispers in his ear, "we have a surprise for you..". The person looks at Eunhyuk with a confused expression, "A surprise?". Eunhyuk nods happily, "You'll see! But first, I have to cover your eyes". The other raises his brow at him and shakes his head, "No way! I'm not closing my eyes for anything!". Eunhyuk pouts now and takes the other's hands in his, "Please!!! I swear it'll be worth it!! Please, please..." He keeps repeating that until the other snorts and nods out of frustration. He covers the persons eyes with a blindfold and pokes his cheeks, "Now, you're not allowed to remove that until I tell you, okay?". The latter just nods his head, "okay! Get it over with now!". Eunhyuk runs to the door and opens it wide, waving his hands to others who enter the room. They all make Ryeowook sit on the bed who scrunches his nose in disgust at the smell. Ryeowook had his hands tied, his eyes covered with a blindfold also, and even his mouth was now covered by a tape. 'what the heck is happening?!' He thinks to himself for the hundredth time now. Everyone silently leaves the room and before closing the door, they shout happily "Now you can open your eyes!". 'what?!?!??! Are they crazy?! I'm tied up everywhere, how should I do that?!' Thinks Ryeowook as he looks around even though he couldn't see. Kyuhyun lifts his hands up to his eyes and removes the cover. What he sees in front of him surprises him to no limit. His roommate was sitting there in front of him, desperately trying to remove the headphones by bringing up his shoulders and rubbing them against his ears. After a few tries, he gives up, whining cutely. Kyuhyun smiles to himself, amused at the sight. He removes one earpiece from the other's ear and speaks, "Need help?" He smirks as he watches the startled eternal makane. Ryeowook stiffens in his place as he hears the voice he hadn't heard in a long time. He suddenly gets up from the bed and hits a chair, "Aish!!" He kneels to the ground and hold his ankle. Kyuhyun laughs softly, "Ya I'm not gonna bite you. Sit back down if you want me to help you". Ryeowook's heart beat was so loud, he was afraid the other will hear it if he sat closer to him. He stands up and reaches his tied arms around to feel for the bed and sits near the edge. Kyuhyun sighs and shakes his head softly. "You know I can't move very well. You have to be a little near for me to help you". Ryeowook blushes out of embarrassment and scoots closer to him. Kyuhyun reaches across and removes the headphones completely. He then hums and tilts his head, watching his roommate, "You know.. I'm enjoying watching you like this.. I don't think I want to remove anything else.." He laughs as he watches his band mate turn his head toward him, trying to speak. Kyuhyun laughs and cuts him off, "I can't understand you~" He was smiling really wide now and enjoying every sight of the scene before him. Ryeowook points his hands to his mouth and makes furious gestures. Kyuhyun laughs and reaches across, touching the other's eyes gently before removing the blindfold very slowly. Ryeowook was sitting so still and wasn't ready to face the maknae yet. He was wishing Kyuhyun wouldn't remove the piece of cloth covering his eyes. But now here he was, looking at his roommate. His eyes fill with tears as he watches his band mate who was still recovering from the accident that almost robbed him of his life. Kyuhyun looks back at him in the eyes with a very serious expression on his face. Ryeowook's tears now betray him and roll down his cheeks. Kyuhyun gently wipes his tears and whispers, "Don't cry..". The latter couldn't help but cry more and he looks away, bending his head down. Kyuhyun pokes him in the side, "Come here" and he pats the spot right next to him. Ryeowook's head snaps up at the request and he does as told. Now he was sitting next to kyuhyun with his back against the backrest. Kyuhyun removes the tape that was covering the others mouth and smiles, "You're welcome". Ryeowook looks sideways at him and smiles warmly, tears rolling down his cheeks again. "I'm glad you're fine.." he whispers softly. Kyuhyun's smile suddenly disappears as he looks away from his roommate, "Y-you never came to visit me.." He curses himself in his head for getting so emotional. Ryeowook felt like his heart was being stabbed and he looks down. "M-mianhae..". Kyuhyun shakes his head and blinks a few times to stop the tears from falling. He reaches across and unties Ryeowook's hands before bringing his own hands back to his lap. Ryeowook didn't know what he should do now that he was completely free. He did what his heart told him to do, he shifts a little and hugs the maknae gently. "I-I'm so sorry Kyu.. I'm sorry.. I was so scared..." he cries softly as Kyuhyun returns his hug. "I'm not forgiving you so easily for not visiting me all this time.. If it wasn't for our awesome hyungs, you wouldn't be here.. You know, I could have died..". Ryeowook tightens his embrace as he hears the maknae's last sentence and pulls back to look at him. "No.. You survived.. That's all that matters" he smiles warmly at the maknae. Kyuhyun pokes his forehead, "I missed you.." Both maknaes blush and Ryeowook leans back against the bed. "I.. I really really missed you too".  Kyuhyun snorts and elbows him "That's why you came to see me everyday". Ryeowook pouts and leans his head on the other's shoulder. "I came once.." Kyuhyun looks at him, clearly shocked. "That was on the first day! I was  more or less dead! So it doesn't count.." He folds his arms on his chest, clearly a little mad at his friend. Ryeowook flinces at his words and looks at the other, taking the maknae's hand in his. "Don't say that.." he whispers and tightens his grip, covering both their hands with his other hand. Kyuhyun looks down at him and sighs.. "I'll be back in the dorm soon.. Maybe in a week". Ryeowook cheers up and rests his head on the other's shoulder again. "We're getting you a bed". Kyuhyun's eyes widen, "Really?! Daebak!!!" Ryeowook nods and plays with kyuhyun's finger "Yes.. But We don't know where we will put it.." kyuhyun frowns and tilts his head down to look at him, "What?! I don't get to share a room with you?" Ryeowook's heart skips a beat and he lifts his head up to look at the other in eyes.." I-I don't know.. Maybe not..." Kyuhyun was about to complain more when the door opens and the mischievous hyungs walk in. Ryeowook quickly lets go of kyuhyun's hands and jumps off the bed. Donghae smirks and winks at the maknaes. Everyone walks to Kyuhyun and hugs him, asking him about his health. "I'll come again tomorrow!" says Yesung as they get ready to leave, "You want anything?" Kyuhyun briefly looks at Ryeowook and back at his hyung, "No.. It's fine.. Thanks..". "You want me to cook something for you?" Kyuhyun's eyes lighten up and he looks at Ryeowook, "Kimchi fried rice! The food here " he pouts. Ryeowook smiles and nods his head. Yesung rubs his hands together before speaking, "Alright! We'll come and check up on you soon, okay? Sleep early" he smiles and hugs the maknae. Sungmin hugs him as well and tells him to stay healthy. Donghae and Eunhyuk hug him together and whisper in his ear, "We'll bring him again if he doesn't come" before kissing his cheek and releasing him. Kyuhyun was blushing and hoped it wasn't so obvious. Ryeowook hugs him and Kyuhyun tightens his arms, "You'll come again, right?" he whispers softly. The latter nods and squeezes him gently before letting go. Everyone leaves and Kyuhun is left staring at the door, a little smile on his lips. He lays back down and desperately waits for morning to come. 

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I'm not sure if this story is finished yet so I'm gonna read it again :D if it's not finished yet... then I really miss your updates! Cause it's one of my favourite Kyuwook fanfics :(
Chapter 14: loved it! <3 very cute story :) :)
Chapter 4: was the fight really abt popularity? :(
Chapter 2: omg love it <3
This story is so cute! :D
Chapter 7 had me squealing over Kyuwook love!
Chapter 14: Aishh Eunhae are so naughty! Kekeke Kyuwook is indeed a cute couple! Happy new year too!~ ^^
Chapter 14: Happy,new.year!
Chapter 14: Aigo lee couple... Theyre so cute kkkk
Ah kyuwook got fans already hehehe
Happy new year
Chapter 14: Aigo lee couple... Theyre so cute kkkk
Ah kyuwook got fans already hehehe
Happy new year
Sweetia #10
Chapter 14: Happy new year