Spending The Day Together

Friendship of Ryeonggu and KyuKyu

SJ dorm: 

Most of the members had gone off to their schedules or some other things they had planned. The dorm was only occupied by Donghae, Eunhyuk, Ryeowook, and Kyuhyun. The 4 were sitting in the living room deciding to watch a movie. Donghae wanted to watch Titanic which they all had seen at least 2 times together now, so no one agreed to that. Ryeowook really didn't care as long as the movie wasn't boring. Eunhyuk wanted to watch a comedy. However, everyone forgot to ask what kyuhyun wanted to watch and he didn't say anything either. After a few minutes of arguing, Donghae got up and decided to go on a walk rather then fight for nothing. With Donghae leaving, Eunhyuk took charge and started to surf the net. Ryeowook noticed Kyuhyun sitting quietly beside him and nudged him. "You have any movie you wanna watch?" Kyuhyun looked at him and smiled shyly. "I like horror and adventure. I don't know if you're up for that.." He knew he was right because as soon as he had mentioned his preferences, Ryeowook started to shake his head. Eunhyuk had been looking for about 10 minutes now and he still couldn't figure out what he wanted to watch. "You know what?! I give up! I'm going out too". With that, Eunhyuk got up and left as well. The two maknaes now looked at each other and smiled. "I guess that leaves us only" said Ryeowook as he grabbed the remote and handed it to Kyuhyun. "You play something and I'll get us some snacks". Kyuhyun nodded and took the remote. While Ryeowook was in kitchen, Kyuhyun opened a drama he had already seen but wanted to watch again. He played the first episode and paused it, waiting for his bandmate. Ryeowook came back with a bag of chips and a bowl of popcorns. He looked at the tv screen and smiled widely. "OH MY GOD!! I love this drama! How did you know I wanted to watch it?" He plops down next to Kyuhyun on the couch and hands him the bowl. Kyuhyun smiles at him, "I didn't know. I played it because it's one of my favorite drama". He leans back into the couch and puts his feet on the table. As soon as Kyuhyun puts his feet up, Ryeowook smacks his chest "Ya! Put your feet down!" Kyuhyun looks at him but puts his feet down. Now Ryeowook also leans back and Kyuhyun plays the drama. Both maknaes watch at least 5 episodes before Kyuhyun had to pause it because Ryeowook was now crying loudly. Kyuhyun pats his head and laughs softly, "oh come on! It wasn't that sad.. She just broke up with him, that's all". Ryeowook wipes his tears and looks at the maknae. "H-He loved her! She shouldn't have left him!" Kyuhyun shakes his head lightly before putting an arm around his shoulders and patting lightly. "It's okay.. It's just a drama". Ryeowook narrows his eyes at him but stays quiet, leaning closer to him. Kyuhyun smiles and takes the bag of chips from him. He removes his arm from around Ryeowook's shoulders and picks the chips, bringing them to Ryeowook's mouth. The latter looks at him but opens his mouth. Kyuhyun feeds him a few times before playing the drama again. It was 10 PM now and their fellow members hadn't returned yet. The maknaes had finished watching the drama and now Kyuhyun was picking on his roommate for crying throughout the drama. He laughs a little, "You cried on every single scene!" Ryeowook smacks him for the nth time now but remains seated where he is. "No! Not every scene! J-Just a few.." He mumbles because he knows it too that he cried a lot while watching the drama. Kyuhyun sits up on the couch after turning off the tv and looks at the clock. "when do you think they'll return?" Ryeowook also sits up while facing kyuhyun and shrugs "I don't know.." He feeds Kyuhyun the chips before eating them himself. Kyuhyun looks around before making a shocked expression and looks at Ryeowook, "I think they went out to party alone without us! I mean we are the maknaes so they probably didn't want us around.." He ends with a small pout on his face to which Ryeowook couldn't help but smile. "Hmm. Maybe, but I don't think so Kyu.." Kyuhyun was grinning so wide now that Ryeowook asked him, "What are you smiling about?" Kyuhyun grins even wider, showing his perfectly straight teeth. He points to his fellow member and says cutely, "You just called me Kyu". Ryeowook rolls his eyes but smiles warmly and sticks his tongue out at him. "Kyu is easy to say.. Kyuhyun takes a lot of effort". Ryeowook doesn't know exactly when Kyuhyun moved but there he was, hugging him tightly. "T-Thank you Ryeowook-ah.. Thank you for accepting me". Ryeowook blushes a little and returns the hug, feeling a little awkward. "You don't have to thank me.. We're in the same group so we have to get along". Kyuhyun pulls back and nods, the hint of pink fading from his cheeks as he stands up from the couch. The door bell suddenly rings and both look at the door. "I guess they're back now" says Kyuhyun as he walks to the door. Upon opening the door, Kyuhyun finds half of his bandmates standing there. They all greet each other before going into the living room and heading for their rooms. As soon as Kyuhyun sits down again, the door bell rings again, signaling the return of remaining members. He grunts and looks at Ryeowook who laughs and feeds him more chips. Kyuhyun munches loudly on the chips before he walks to the door again. Donghae, Eunhyuk, Sungmin, and Yesung had returned now, half drunk. Kyuhyun shakes his head and thinks about what the leader had said about not entering the dorm when you're drunk. Kyuhun signals for Ryeowook to come help him. They walk their hyungs to their rooms and settle them in their beds. 
Ryeowook, Kyuhyun, & Donghae's room:
After putting Donghae to bed, the two maknaes sit on the other bed and lay back. "I told you they were partying without us!" Kyuhyun says proudly as looks at his roommate. Ryeowook looks sideways at him and laughs a little. "I guess you were right". Kyuhyun pretends to look offended, "You guess? Guess? You saw them! We had to put them to beds and we're the maknaes, not their babysitters!" Ryeowook laughs and sits up, "I was joking. You were right mister genius". Kyuhyun smirks and gets up as well, leaning close to his roommate "I know, thank you! Since I was right, do I get a reward?" Ryeowook looks at him and furrows his brow, "what reward? You didn't do anything special you know.." Kyuhyun frowns and plops back down. "At least I knew what they were doing while you didn't and for the record, I haven't spent much time with them. I still guessed it right so that means I should get a reward!" Ryeowook smiles and looks down at the maknae, wondering how many times he had smiled today just because of his silly dongsaeng. "okay.. What do you want as a reward?" Kyuhyun's eyes suddenly light up and he sits up, taking Ryeowook's hands in his. "Please let me sleep with you. Donghae hyung kept kicking me last night and today that he is drunk, I don't know what else he'll do" he tries to look as innocent as possible. Ryeowook was surprised by the request but he knew his hyung's sleeping habits. He squeezes Kyuhyun's hands in his and smiles, "okay you can share the bed with me". Kyuhyun jumps happily on the bed and slips under the covers. "Thank you Ryeowook-ah". The latter just smiles again and gets on his side of the bed near the window. What both maknaes didn't realize was that their hearts were beating loudly and their cheeks were tinted red. However, they did notice how warm the bed was with the presence of the other even though the weather was really cold nowadays. Both maknaes lay facing each other and talking in low voices in order to not disturb their sleeping hyung. "Which member do you think is the nicest?" asks Ryeowook to which kyuhyun just smiles and without thinking twice, he points at his roommate. Ryeowook blushes deeper and swats his finger away. "Don't lie!" Kyuhyun pouts and hits him lightly, "I'm not! Seriously, you're the nicest! At first, I thought Donghae hyung was the nicest and he is, but you're more sweet. You asked me what movie I wanted to watch and you let me play one of my choice. I felt really happy". Ryeowook smiles shyly and pokes him "Thanks! I'm glad.. Umm okay now who do you think is the hardest to get along with?" Kyuhyun had to think hard for this one because he honestly didn't know. Everyone was hard to get along with but two stood out the most in his mind. "I think Heechul Hyung and Kangin Hyung". Ryeowook nods to show his agreement. "Was it the same for you?" asks Kyuhyun. Ryeowook nods again "Yea, it was hard to please Kangin and Heechul hyung. But heechul hyung quickly started to like me because of my amazing cooking skills". Kyuhyun's opens his mouth a little in shock and props up on his elbows, looking down at Ryeowook. "You can cook?! How come you didn't make me anything yet?" Ryeowook rolls his eyes at the maknaes and pulls him back down on the bed "You just joined! I'll cook for you sometime, just tell me if you're hungry". Kyuhyun smiles and nods before pulling the blankets closer to his body. "Thank you Ryeowook-ah". Ryeowook ruffles his hair and smiles, "You keep thanking me today.. You know, you don't have to thank me." Kyuhyun smiles back and takes Ryeowook's hand in his. "I'm just grateful that I met and have a great friend like you". Ryeowook smirks and raises his brow, "friend? Who said I'm your friend?" Kyuhyun pouts and tightens his grip on Ryeowook's hand. "Don't say that! I know you're my friend". Ryeowook laughs softly and tightens his grip too, lacing his fingers through Kyuhyun's. "Your hand is really warm" say the both maknaes together and laugh. "Goodnight Kyu" says Ryeowook as he closes his eyes. "Goodnight Wookie". Ryeowook's  eyes flutter open and he stares wide eyed at his roommate. "Wookie?" Kyuhyun smirks, "yea I'm Kyu so you're Wookie". Ryeowook smiles and nods slightly before closing his eyes again, "okay.. Goodnight Kyu". "Goodnight Wookie". As the maknaes fall asleep, hand in hand, both don't feel cold for the whole night. The two lay on  one bed facing each other and at some point in the night, both had snuggled closer to each other and slept in each other's arms. 
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I'm not sure if this story is finished yet so I'm gonna read it again :D if it's not finished yet... then I really miss your updates! Cause it's one of my favourite Kyuwook fanfics :(
Chapter 14: loved it! <3 very cute story :) :)
Chapter 4: was the fight really abt popularity? :(
Chapter 2: omg love it <3
This story is so cute! :D
Chapter 7 had me squealing over Kyuwook love!
Chapter 14: Aishh Eunhae are so naughty! Kekeke Kyuwook is indeed a cute couple! Happy new year too!~ ^^
Chapter 14: Happy,new.year!
Chapter 14: Aigo lee couple... Theyre so cute kkkk
Ah kyuwook got fans already hehehe
Happy new year
Chapter 14: Aigo lee couple... Theyre so cute kkkk
Ah kyuwook got fans already hehehe
Happy new year
Sweetia #10
Chapter 14: Happy new year