Chapter 5

Just Friends

Not any kind of . haha ^^

Chapter 4

Andy leaned onto his arms and let out a frustrated sigh. He had given Junjin and his gorgeous boyfriend the last kimchi leftovers. That was not the bad thing; oh no, the bad thing was the fact that he had actually let the two come in to his apartment to get their share.

“Morning Andy!” Hyesung greeted happily as he sat down in front of the maknae. “What’s up?”

The only thought in the younger man’s head was not to tell his hyungs what he had done last night. But then again, Hyesung was the nicest over them all and if anyone, he would understand. Andy was about to open his mouth when Eric appeared and made the slender man scoot on the booth. Hyesung glared at him but then noticed the watch on the man’s wrist and blushed.

“What were you two talking about?” The oldest one asked.

“Nothing.” Andy responded.

“Andy was just about to tell and then you appeared, jerk!” Hyesung snapped.

Eric clenched his fist and bit his lower lip. Then he turned back to Andy and gave him a nod. Ok, now that Eric was there Andy won’t tell anything. He just smiled back and shrugged, as if the thing he had been telling had not been big at all.

“It’s nothing.” The maknae spoke. “Really…just nothing.”

Hyesung flashed a reassuring smirk and then shoved his arm up and called the waitress to their booth. Soon after the eatery’s door opened again and Minwoo and Dongwan stepped in, chitchatting furiously. The three others shifted their heads at them and furrowed their eyebrows. Minwoo sat down next to Andy and Dongwan sat next to Eric and had his eyes at the other man.


“Shh!” Dongwan hushed the others. “What happened then?”

“I just got a call from this guy and he asked if I was interested.” Minwoo said bewildered. “I of course said I was not.” Dongwan looked at him shocked. “Don’t look at me like that. What he asked me to do was way out of my league! And I don’t do stuff like that!”

Eric scowled and glanced at Hyesung and Andy.

“But Minwoo! That is a great opportunity!” Dongwan stated.

“Yes, but I don’t want it.” The older one said nonchalantly. “I want to work with you guys. Besides, I love this job more than that one.”

When the two quieted down, Hyesung finally cleared his throat, raised his eyebrows and asked, “Well?”

Minwoo and Dongwan just shrugged and told the waitress, who had arrived, what they wanted to drink. Enough of work stuff, it was time for breakfast.


“Hyung,” Hyesung lifted his head from the magazine and quizzically stared at Andy. “Now that the others are in the lavatory, could we talk?”

The older one nodded and closed the magazine quickly and placed it onto the seat next to him. He brought his arms onto the table and looked at the maknae. He gestured with his hand and smiled, showing him that he would be shut up the whole time.

“I will make it quick.” Andy responded and looked around.

“Do so.” Hyesung nodded.

The younger guy slipped nearer his hyung, because he needed to whisper. He did not care what it looked like right now because he needed serious help. And if that serious help came from Hyesung, then so be it. The hyung faced Andy.

“I did something stupid yesterday.” The short man prompted.

“What did you do?” Hyesung questioned as quietly. Andy suddenly seemed to remorse what he was about to do. “Come on tell me. It can’t be that bad.”

The maknae heaved a long sigh and said, “I asked Junjin and his boyfriend to come over to get some more kimchi.”

“WHAT!?” Everyone in the eatery turned to look at the loud slender man, who had jumped up from his chair and had dropped his coffee cup. Andy gasped shaken and gulped down the dry lump, looking up at the pretty guy. “YOU ASKED THEM TO COME OVER!?”

Andy nodded.

“YAH!” Hyesung clenched his fist and bit his cheeks.

“I know! I made a mistake! But I said nothing! I just let them go! Hyung! They looked happy! I know I lost. I know that Junjin will possibly even marry this Yeonghwa man or something.” The younger one mumbled. “They just ate the last of the kimchi, ok?”

Hyesung exhaled exasperated and then lifted his finger up. “You better not see him again, or else I tell the other hyungs and we will beat the out of you.” He muttered. “Remember that.”

“I promise.” Andy breathed out.


“I will go back.” Minwoo said with a smile, as he exited the lavatory and left Eric and Dongwan to wash their hands.

Dongwan bade a bye to his friend and Eric grunted something, staring at the shorter man from the mirror. The younger eventually answered the gazing and blinked his eyes bemused. Eric leaned back and dried his hands when he said, “You’ve become close with Minwoo.”

“Mmm.” Dongwan sneered. “He is awesome.”

Eric could have left already, but he stayed, watching how his friend wiped off the water from his hands. The look on Dongwan’s face was strange. He was holding in something and it made him look much older. But when he faced the oldest man of their group, a semi smile plastered upon his face. The tall man reached his hand to the cheek. Dongwan blushed.


“Y-ye?” The short one stammered.

“Is there something you need to tell me?” Eric asked softly.

Dongwan felt his heart skipping a beat, the cheeks becoming much redder, as he was about to spill out something he should not have. Fortunately Eric cut him after the awkward breath had escaped and said, “You should tell me what you and Minwoo were talking about earlier.”

“Oh…” the shorter one breathed out. “I…Minwoo will tell you later.” He helped himself free and advanced the door when he was turned around and kissed.

Eric’s hands were on the cheeks but gradually placed onto the lower body, making the younger one feel absolutely weak and infatuated. The passionate kiss ended and Eric was only puffing hot air against the lips, when he removed his hands, tapped the nose and exited the lavatory. Dongwan stared at the closed door hopefully. But when several minutes had passed, he knew Eric would not come back.

How would he?

The feeling was not mutual.

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Woah....i am sorry to announce bt...i am about to upload the last chapter of this fic.


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kill3rpuppy #1
Chapter 19: Yay a happy ending!! I was really expecting a sad one so I was pleasantly surprised that it was a happy ending. This was a great story!
Haruxxharu #2
Chapter 19: Yassss happy ending ! I love it !
Feel like watching a drama Lol
Chapter 19: HAPPY ENDING~♡ OMO I'm very happy with the happy ending~ I thought you wouldn't make ait as a happy ending~~~ but you did ♡

So... yeomghwa is used? Aww jinnie~ i can not.., :" ㅠ.ㅠ
Chapter 19: lol.. jindy just did it inside the car infront of the restaurant? 0.0
dianti232 #5
Chapter 19: It's a happy ending, I love it.....They all end up with their truelove, what more can I say :D
Chapter 19: I... I..... I was waiting for ricwang!!!!!! ok'll settle me!!!!!! thank you very much for this beautiful chapter!!!!! <3<3<3<3<3<3<3 >///<
esluve #7
Chapter 19: Thank authornim for this story n finally all the couple end up happily w their truelove kkkkkkk mansehh <3<3<3
Chapter 18: Huhu Eric you said you want Wannie after what happened T.T thank God Wannie calmed Minwoo alr~~ hehe

Thx for the update unnie! Update soon^^
Chapter 18: eric...babo...why u want wannie all of sudden.....aigoo....minwoo did not see the part wannie pushed eric away??that explained most of it...that dong wan dont want it anymore...his craves r minwoo now..not eric... n the stubble kiss.....i felt it was me that being kissed...*cchhhhuuuuuu*
cant wait to read more.

thank for updating,sandy^^