Chapter 11

Just Friends

Chapter 11


Andy goggled at Junjin, his heart shattering in his chest. There was no panic yet, since it hadn’t happened yet. But that Junjin even considered something like that made the youngest man feel uneasy. He knew he shouldn’t have been upset, as he had seen this all coming, but all of a sudden he had a feeling that he would have been able to take Junjin.


“You’re planning to propose? When?” Eric questioned.


“Today.” Junjin smiled. “At a place where we met for the first time.”


Minwoo glanced at Andy and noticed the struggling look on his face. Then he turned at Junjin and asked, “Where is this place?”


The tall model smirked and said, “I wanna show it to you.”




Dongwan was washing his hands when Eric entered the lavatory. Their eyes met through the mirror swiftly before Dongwan lowered his head down and took some soap from the small bottle. He knew Eric had something to say to him.


“Are you okay?” He interrogated, voice silent.


“I feel fine. Why?” Dongwan responded with another question.


“How did you and Minwoo happen?”  The younger man stopped washing his hands and looked at the reflection of the model through it. “I’m happy for you. It’s just…”


Dongwan scoffed, “What? I am not allowed to be happy with someone else? Eric, it is fun what we do, but it is just …I need something real. And since you don’t obviously want it with me, why would I stay still and not catch the guy who wants me?”


Eric turned the guy at him.


“Tell me Wannie…” he breathed out. “…are you in love with me?”


Dongwan’s heart began to thud fast in the chest, like in cartoons jumping through the skin, as his eyes set to the older man’s and he just laughed.


“Why would I be in love with you? We’re just friends. And it just .” He said. “Get over it Eric.” He tapped the shoulder and then wiped his hands to a piece of paper.


“I am in love with Hyesung.”


Dongwan stopped by the door and looked over his shoulder, and smiled.


“Go for it Eric.” He whispered.




“What is this place?” Hyesung asked while he wrinkled his nose.


They stood in front of an old shed in the middle of the deadliest part of the forest and just looked around. That place was far from romantic. The place had a bizarre atmosphere, and somehow all of them had a hunch that many people had been murdered in this area of Seoul. Yet, Junjin had the biggest smile on his smile on his face as he ogled at the dead and old cottage in front of them. He inhaled deeply, moldy and humid smell entering his nostrils.


“This is the place where I ran into Yeonghwa.” Junjin explained. “Literally ran.”


The other guys nodded understanding and still could not believe that was the place Junjin wanted to kneel down. Also, what the hell had the two done in a place like that? No one in their full senses would have never come there even in daylight. The place was dangerous.


“It’s…fascinating.” Andy commented.


“Isn’t it!?” Junjin cheered up. “And if we go inside the cottage I can show you the things I engraved to the wall.” He motioned with his arm and pulled Andy with him to the door. “Oh, umm…don’t close the door. It may get stuck.” The two youngest men stepped inside the cottage.


Junjin wrapped his hand around Andy’s, who blushed a bit, and then took him to the wall that had the engravings on it. Romantic rubbish was written inside a heart, when suddenly the door behind them was closed and the place became dark. They heard a cackle outside, and Andy knew it was Minwoo hyung. They both scurried to the door and tried to pry it open.


“Hey!! What happened?!” Junjin yelled through it.


“It just…slipped.” Minwoo replied mischievously.


“It did.” The other hyungs spoke immediately.


“How do we get out?!” Andy screamed, slamming the thing frantically. “You can’t do this to us!! YAH!”


Minwoo just tapped the thing and said, “We will get something to get it open. Bai…”






Andy thumped the door one more time before he kicked it and slumped down to the floor. He crossed his arms onto his chest and pouted while he looked at Junjin, who was trying to make his phone work. When he heaved a sigh and dropped the arm and the phone down, Andy bowed his head and exhaled.


“Stupid Minwoo.” He mumbled.




“Could this get even worse?” The younger man asked and right at that moment, it thundered. “.” The roof was leaking and drops of cold water landed onto the crown of his head as he moved away from the door and wiped the water off.


Junjin kept fiddling the phone, hoping he could find connection if he maneuvered on the other side of the room. He managed to get one bar and text to Yeonghwa that he was stuck in a cottage and could not call or speak. The guys’ eyes met and suddenly they began to chuckle like maniacs.


“God, I was supposed to propose today.” Junjin said amused. “But again, I am with you.”


Andy giggled and looked at the small flood in front of the door, before he glimpsed at the older man and hugged his calves. They were both cold, but it was much easier to endure it when you ignored it, and therefore it was great to talk about something. Andy tapped his feet to the ground and the soaked dirt sloshed underneath them.


“He starts to believe we have something going on.” Junjin commented.


“But that is absurd.” Andy said, though his heart jumped and cheeks had a bit of red on them. “We have nothing going on. You’re my friend.” He gestured towards him with his arm.


“Really?” The shorter lad lifted his head from the knees. “I am really your friend?” Junjin questioned.


Andy chuckled and nodded, staring at the face in the darkness. He stood up, stretched and then advanced the older man, sat down next to him and leaned his head onto his shoulder. That helped a bit, and they absorbed the warmth from one another. Andy closed his eyes and hugged the calves again. Junjin was breathing slowly, ogling at the door when he abruptly shifted his head at the younger man.


“Your kimchi is the best kimchi I’ve ever eaten by the way.” He complemented.


“Really?” Andy tossed his head at him. “You think so?”


The tall man nodded and his lips. “It’s like…I could feel that you had made it with love.” He explained. “I really liked it.” He smiled, face couple centimetres apart from Andy’s. “I…really liked it.” Junjin murmured, looking into both of the eyes individually and then commenced leaning in. He could smell the scent that had lingered around him after their date. “I like…”


“…you.” Andy whispered as he closed his eyes and heard a silent scorn.


Their lips butted together as if they were the main couple in a drama and when the moment intensified, Junjin cupped the face and parted his lips. The younger man replied to that and softly brought his warm tongue closer to the exit. When the tip had grazed the other man’s lower lip and the low groan had escaped the other mouth, Andy moved closer and started moving the lips.


The hands were warming his cheeks, whilst his were only holding the collar of the older man. But shortly Junjin slipped his hands behind the neck – some strands of brown hair dancing on the back of his hand - and made Andy angle his head and give more access to his mouth. The salivated lips met and the loud and sloppy noise around the shed became more audible, when the old lock creaked and the two guys stopped kissing.


“Did you miss me?” Minwoo exclaimed amused as soon as he stepped in and the two guys had withdrawn from one another.

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Woah....i am sorry to announce bt...i am about to upload the last chapter of this fic.


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kill3rpuppy #1
Chapter 19: Yay a happy ending!! I was really expecting a sad one so I was pleasantly surprised that it was a happy ending. This was a great story!
Haruxxharu #2
Chapter 19: Yassss happy ending ! I love it !
Feel like watching a drama Lol
Chapter 19: HAPPY ENDING~♡ OMO I'm very happy with the happy ending~ I thought you wouldn't make ait as a happy ending~~~ but you did ♡

So... yeomghwa is used? Aww jinnie~ i can not.., :" ㅠ.ㅠ
Chapter 19: lol.. jindy just did it inside the car infront of the restaurant? 0.0
dianti232 #5
Chapter 19: It's a happy ending, I love it.....They all end up with their truelove, what more can I say :D
Chapter 19: I... I..... I was waiting for ricwang!!!!!! ok'll settle me!!!!!! thank you very much for this beautiful chapter!!!!! <3<3<3<3<3<3<3 >///<
esluve #7
Chapter 19: Thank authornim for this story n finally all the couple end up happily w their truelove kkkkkkk mansehh <3<3<3
Chapter 18: Huhu Eric you said you want Wannie after what happened T.T thank God Wannie calmed Minwoo alr~~ hehe

Thx for the update unnie! Update soon^^
Chapter 18: eric...babo...why u want wannie all of sudden.....aigoo....minwoo did not see the part wannie pushed eric away??that explained most of it...that dong wan dont want it anymore...his craves r minwoo now..not eric... n the stubble kiss.....i felt it was me that being kissed...*cchhhhuuuuuu*
cant wait to read more.

thank for updating,sandy^^