Operation Love 7

Operation Love!

A/N: Hope you enjoy this one as much as the others! Im trying to slowly develop their everyday lives with their new found love~ Tell me if you have any suggestions guys :) 


The next morning, all the boys were racing around the apartment, trying their best not to be late for work... Well all except Taemin. 

Taemin got up from his bed after he heard a loud BANG from the kitchen. "Aish what is with these old folk, messing my sleep?!" He kept angrily grumbling to himself as he headed to the bathroom to freshen up. After an awakening shower, he got changed for University. Taemin being the youngest still attended education, but he was close to leaving that "god forsaken pit of crap" which Taemin referred it to. As soon as Taemin walked out his room, he stood witness to the messiest kitchen he's ever seen. Flour on the floor, cracked eggs on the ceiling, pots and pans everywhere. But smack bang in the middle were two flour covered idiots, grinning at Taemin. "Onew hyung, Jonghyun hyung... What the fudgesicles happened?!" Jonghyun covered Taemin's mouth in panic. "Shhh! Do you want key to wake up?" He whispered, sounding as if it was a matter of life or death. In fact it was a matter of life or death because if Key witnessed this scene, let's just say he'd be convicted for mass idiot murder. 


Taemin removed Jonghyun's flour filled hand and put his hands on his hips. "Explain yourselves, grandpa's." Onew interjected, "yah! We're older than you, show some respect" "Oh Keyyyy ummaaaaaa~" Taemin said aloud, causing him to be tackled to the ground by both older boys. "Ok ok! Jeez Minnie, or should i say meanie?" Onew said as he smirked at his own joke. "Get off me baka's!" Taemin whisper yelled as the two moved away. Jonghyun looked confused. "So now you speak Japanese?" "Hai." "Wakata" Jonghyun replied, unsure whether they were playing a game where they speak Japanese. "Explain yourselves hyungs!" Taemin said after growing more irritated. 


Onew sighed, "Basically... Jonghyun was in the kitchen and I walked in and he said" Onew puffed his chest and prepared a low tone. 'Onew hyung! You are no match for me!' Jonghyun scoffed at his stupid imitation. "Anyway he said that and held a spatula to my throat! I could have died! But luckily I got a hold of the flour and then" he pointed at the ground, "you know the rest" Taemin tried his best not to laugh, he really did, but he couldn't help it. "Oh you two hyungs are hilarious!" Onew and Jonghyun just pouted at Taemin. 


Suddenly Taemin went from laughing to ice cold queen. "Clean it up." Onew and Jonghyun were shocked and quickly bowed to the younger. While Onew was sweeping the flour, Jonghyun turned from the dishes to Taemin. "Uh Minchkin? How do we get you clean?" Taemin was confused at the question but headed to the closest mirror... Silence... His eyes bulging at the horrific state he was in. 


His hair was full of sticky egg yolk, his clothes tarnished with flour. That beautiful shower all gone to waste. Taemin was still silent and Jonghyun noticed the same look Taemin gets when he's about to... (Oh no!) "Taemin no wait-" "AAAAAHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!" Taemin screamed loud enough that Neptune needed earplugs at that moment. The whole house was shaking like an earthquake (not really but yeah) and Jonghyun and Onew gasped. They both tilted their heads towards Key's door, their palms sweating and their hearts racing. Key's door knob slowly opened and the two elders froze. 

(What's all that noise about so early?!?!) Key was awoken by the loudest scream he's ever heard. Naturally he thought his Taebaby was in danger so he quickly searched his room for a weapon. After finally deciding on his hairdryer as a suitable weapon, he slowly crept to his door and tried as quietly as he could to open it. As soon as he did he jumped out and aimed his dryer of doom, only to drop it instantly at what he saw. Taemin... All dirty, Jonghyun and Onew dirty too, looking scared as hell... That's when he noticed the kitchen.

To all three boys' surprise, Key calmly put his dryer back in his room, went to the phone and was calling someone. Jonghyun and Onew shared questioning glances at each other. 'Is he calling the police?' Jonghyun mouthed to Onew. 'No i think its the funeral service' Onew replied and both boys nodded in agreement. 


"Oh hey Nana~" The older two sighed in relief. "Yeah you know how we were meant to meet up for your photoshoot with my dress? Yeah well i might run a little late." Key took a pause then, the others assuming Nana asked why, which is what they were thinking too. "I just have to slaughter my hyungs and give Taebaby a bath." Taemin gasped, "Yah im not a baby! Right hyungs?" "..." Key and Taemin turned to where the two boys were standing, only to find they weren't there. In fact Jonghyun and Onew decided to flee the apartment once they heard slaughter, knowing they'd prefer having all their limbs. "Jonghyun, i dont know about you but I'm leaving Korea ASAP. We've crossed a line." "I'm way ahead of you, I've got a plane ready to take me away" After both boys laughed off their stupid remarks, they rushed to a perfume shop and searched for a gift for Key. 


Back at the apartment, Key was on the phone with Nana and Taemin had called his Uni informing them he can't come in today. "Taebaby, Nana says she wants to come and bathe you." Taemin just sighed and pouted. "Im not four umma and appa!" He yelled loud enough for Key and Nana to hear. "Nana giggled and said she was already on her way." Key replied and stuck his tongue out at Taemin. "Aish! Why does everything happen to me?" 

<< Minho >> 
Minho was at the hospital, dealing with some files on his latest patient when he received a call from 'Blingosauras ' Minho rolled his eyes at Jonghyun's insisted nickname and answered. "Yeah Jongie?" "Hey babe uh we need a favour." Minho raised an eyebrow, "Two questions. What did you do and who's we?" 
"I didn't do anything! And I'm with Dubu" Minho softly smiled. 
"You two did something at home right?" Minho didn't even need to see Jonghyun to know he was scowling at the phone. "We may have accidentally possibly perhaps messed up the kitchen..." 
Minho was about to reply when a nurse approached him. "Dr Choi, you're needed in room 403." "Thanks Jin~ i'll be there soon~" 

Jonghyun, hearing the little exhange of chatter suddenly got annoyed. "Who was that? Are you seeing people behind my back?!" "Relax babe~ Its just a nurse and you worry too much. "Sorry~ I just don't want to lose you Minnie bear~" Minho heard the aegyo filled tone Jonghyun was using, which he only used with Minho. Minho scanned the area around him and went back to his phone, "Jongie-kins you know I can't resist your cuteness~" "You're cuter Dr Honey bun~" "Well thats true~" "YAH!" "Kidding Kidding!" Both boys ended up laughing and Minho suddenly remembered his awaiting patient. "Oh gotta go baby~ love you mwah~" 

The phone cut and Jonghyun just stuttered. "But Minho i-i didn't tell you why we needed you!" Onew rolled his eyes. "You got distracted" "You'd be too if Key were like that..." Just then both boys, who were at a cafe, stared at each other in realisation. "YES!" They both yelled, earning glares from other customers...


Back at the apartment, Key and Nana were in the bathroom with Taemin. To the general person this might have seemed sensual but it was far from it. Taemin was in the tub full of bubbles, which he used to make beards. "Look umma appa! Im a man see!" He gleefully grinned which didn't help his manly persona. Nana was applying shampoo to his puffy brown hair and Key was scrubbing his arms. "As your appa I should beat your for being so clumsy earlier." Nana said in a cheerful tone, which made Key chuckle. "Believe me, Taemin felt my wrath before you came." "I still have the scar! Right here-" Taemin was about to stand up to show his scar but was forced down by Key and Nana. Nana smacked his head. "Yah! I dont wanna see you ok?!" "Ouch ok ok!" *SMACK* Key slapped his head too. "OW! Umma what the hell?!" "Don't disrespect your appa! What do you say?" "Uh... Ouch ok ok, Appa~?" Key hummed in approval and went back to Taemin's arms, much to his relief. 


The rest of the day, Key, Nana and Taemin watched TV, Taemin's favourite animes, movies, played games and even ordered pizza. Just then the front door opened and in walked Minho. Nana jumped up and ran to give him a huge hug. Since Key, Nana and Minho were the same age they were the closest out of the rest. "Hey Minhoo~~ How was work?" "Nana~ it was fine~" "Good good, now tell me all the juicy secrets about you and Jonghyun hyung?" "Huh?" Minho was shocked by the sudden change in subject. "What's there to tell?" "Have you two... You know... Done the dance?" Minho got a little embarrassed by that and covered his cheeks. "Yah~ of course not! Its barely been a week!" Nana sighed in sadness which made Minho and her laugh. "Ok but you swear to text me as soon as you get funkayyy?" Minho ignored the embarrassment this time. "Sure~" Nana grinned and waved goodbye to all the boys as she headed off home. 

It was getting late and Minho had joined Key and Taemin on the couch. "So where are our boyfriends?" Taemin smiled, "They ran after they messed the house up~" "They're still not back?" Minho was getting a little worried. Key just stayed normal, "I have this effect on people where they run scared for days on end, this is no biggie~" Just then the front door opened and all three boys turned to see the older hyungs walk in, Onew wearing an oversized trench coat. Jonghyun went to the lights and flicked them off. He then pressed play on his phone, which played slow, sensual music. The three boys on the couch were following Jonghyun with their eyes in utter curiosity at what he was doing... And then it happened. 


A/N: So here is the next chapter! I'm sorry but i just love cliffhangers ~ 

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blozee #1
Chapter 16: finally new chapter! <3 i love it as always ;> can't wait for next ♥
Sadirmiah #2
Comment your thoughts guys ! <3
blozee #3
Chapter 15: ohmygawd this is amazing! are you going to update next chapters? bc i love it so much ♥ ♥
Queenoftheworld209 #4
Chapter 14: That last part was hilarious! I love clueless Taemin!
Chapter 14: one of my guilty pleasure stories and yes im still here!!!
JongHolic #6
Chapter 13: owhhohoho cant wait to the chapter !!!
Sadirmiah #7
Sorry if i'm being delayed guys! I'll try hard to get these chapters rolling ~
JongHolic #8
Chapter 10: Ahhhhhhh!! I need moarrr ;o;!!! can't wait for the next chapter author nim!
JaeYong_TY #9
so, os the nana here the one from afterschool/prange caramel,
or no?

cuz i dunno
Fluffirlove #10
Chapter 8: ohhhhhh left us hanging this is getting to be to much to handle THE FEELS can't wait for the next update.