Operation Love 3

Operation Love!

All five boys sat down and watched the movie, jonghyun dramatically increasing his skinship with key. It was normal for jong to hug or cuddle someone so he knew he had to kick it up a notch to get onew's attention. However onew was too into the movie so barely noticed a thing. After looking annoyed jonghyun whispered in key's ear. "Lets test him at dinner bummie" 


After the movie ended onew ran off to the oven and got out his beloved chicken. "Its so beautiful. Its my preciouus~ jinki! Dont share with the others. Jinki its yours! But Jinki they need to eat too!" The others witnessed onew finally breaking down into a state of craziness over chicken. They all gathered round the table, jonghyun intentionally sitting next to key and key scooting his chair closer to jong. The test truly began when key started laughing and jong's hair. "Hahaha you're so silly jongie jong~" "I'm serious Keywi~~~" taemin smirked and added to the cauldron of lies. "Are you guys talking about how you two would be the best stars again?" Everyone looked shocked at what the maknae just said but jong and key had to improvise. "Y-yeah~ i think me and key would be the most popular in the world!" "As long as you get a high pixel camera and this jacket ive been dying for i'm in~" 

Minho, who was unaware of the plot just stared at his hyungs, mouth open in complete shock. "Wow guys, you have the weirdest conversations." Taemin laughed evilly once again. "That's typical Jongkey for you~"  The plan worked. Onew looked annoyed beyond belief. They could tell because he was on his phone and he only did that when he wanted to distract himself. Another sign was that he was texting. Onew only ever texts his family or himself on his notes to vent his anger or worries. Jongkeytae exchanged looks and nodded. Stage 1 was a success! 


Everyone had freshened up and headed off to bed but key was too excited about seeing onew get jealous, hopefully over him. His phone buzzed and he checked to find taemin created a group chat called operation onkey; it had taemin, jonghyun, himself and... Minho? 


•Taeman: hey hyungs~ welcome~~ lets start stage 2 keke

•Jongasaur: Minchkin, you should be in bed tsk need me to help you? ;) 

•Bumkey: Ew jong. & yes lets work this out! Quick q: why is minho here? 

•Frogho: What's onkey and why am i here and jong dont be a pedo~_~ 

•Taeman: we need you minho hyung for stage 2 of getting onew and key together! 

•Jongasaur: YAH DONT GET JEALOUS MINHO- lots of me to go around ;D

•Frogho: Ohhh thats why you two were all flirty~~~ & whatever dino 

•Bumkey: Like i'd be jong hyung's boyfriend *vomit emoji* 

•Frogho: oh phew ~ 

•Bumkey: Its a relief that we aren't dating ? 

•Frogho: yeah .. Well no... Uh so stage 2 huh????

•Taeman: (jongho are so next) um well we made hyung a little jealous but we need to turn it up a notch !

•Jongasaur: Are you suggesting i ... You know with key?! Ewwww

•Taeman: yuck god no but something equally shocking 

•Frogho: Typical jong -.-

•Jongasaur: Dont act like you dont want this!

•Frogho: You know i cant see you right?!  Jonghyun stopped gesturing up and down his body after realising this. 

•Taeman: Ok i know who can help... Just a sec...

•BaNana added to group•

•Taeman: There we go! Nana appa! Stage 1 succeeded but we need a stage 2!

•Bumkey: hey nanawanna~

  •Jongasaur: hiyaaa nana ^~^

•Frogho: sup banana split~ 

•BaNana: Oh hey bumbum, jonghyun hyung, minnie & ive got the perfect idea taebaby!  •BaNana is typing•

All four boys lay in anticipation for her plan to be revealed. 

•BaNana: Well we all know about key's love of fashion design?~ well lets use that huehuehue! Well key pretends he needs a new model for his design, have him and onew be in the studio alone. They have to walk through that park to your guys' apartment ne? Now everyone look at the weather! 

•Taeman: oh my god thats brilliant! 

•Frogho: even i think thats romantic!

•Jongasaur: you wont need a stage 3 after this !  Key was busy putting on some mist before sleeping. He scrolled through the bits he missed and checked the weather. (So there's scheduled snow to fall tomorrow night... I dont get how... Oh.)

•Bumkey: ... 

•Frogho: Now that i think about it its a little weird having key in on this xD 

•Jongasaur and Taeman: VERY WEIRD!!

•BaNana: but this way we can make sure it works! You up for it bummie?  Key thought about it? Sure he could easily lie to onew about needing a new model. But the park and the cold and witnessing the snow. He realised that moment would be the breakthrough to love or eternal awkwardness. 

•Jongasaur: Keyyyyyyyy!~~

•Bumkey: Sorry, just thinking. Yes im up for it ... Its now or never! 

•Frogho: We're here to help key~ dont worry. Well three of us are... 

•Jongasaur: Oh shut up minwhore! •Jongasaur left the chat•

•Taeman: oh dear, trouble is starting for you minho hyung~ im tired~~~~ bye guys:*  •Taeman left the convo•

•BaNana: remember key! No coats! You have to snuggle up to him! 

•Bumkey: SERIOUSLY!?!? 0-0 •bumkey left•

BaNana: Minnie~ go check on your man ;)  •Frogho: HE IS NOT MY MAN !  •Frogho left the chat•

•BaNana: this group will have to change to operation jongho soon keke •BaNana left the chat• 


Minho got up from his bed and headed to jonghyun's room. He opened the door to find jonghyun on his laptop composing a new song. "Hyung~ are you mad at me?? Cus it was just a joke~" jonghyun huffed and pouted, pausing his song and taking his headphones out.

"No im not angry, why would i be angry at someone who hates me?" He sarcastically rambled. "I dont hate you goof! I just like teasing you~" "Well its not always simple teasing minwhore." "Well im sorry, i didnt know~ did you know it hurts when you call me a ?" Minho started holding a plush kerero doll.

Jonghyun was a little shocked. "Oh sorry, i guess i didnt realise either~"  The tension between them got deep, the two never opened up like this. "This is too mushy for me now get out my room minmin~" minho smiled at hearing that nickname cus that showed jong was happy again. "Night jongjong~" jonghyun smiled at hearing the lame nickname and minho cheerily left for his own room.


  The next day everyone woke up to the realisation it was onkey day... Well everyone except Onew. It was Saturday so jonghyun, minho, onew and key all had the day off. Usually this day would be their chance to chat about everything and anything while relaxing, but there were other plans...


All 5 boys were eating breakfast and taemin nudged key to subtly bring up the modelling. "Oh no!" Key got everyone's attention. "I have to go into work to finish this last minute outfit and i have no model!"

As if rehearsed taemin stepped in, "i'll do it umma!" "No way ! I dont need more stupid stickers on my designs thanks." Everyone was looking at Onew to offer himself but he was busy whispering to his chicken (he had chicken for every meal of the day) 

Key knew what he had to do. "Well jonghyun hyung you cant be it cus you're too short." Everyone was wide eyed at the sensitive insult key gave and Jonghyun looked like a beat puppy.

Key mouthed to him it was part of the plan and that's when jong stepped in. "Well i dont wanna model your tacky clothes anyway." Key felt a low blow there but knew it was for the plan.

"Minho, you cant be it either." Minho realised it was his turn to get slated. "Why not?" "You're too ugly for my clothes." Everyone, even onew was shocked. Minho put his face in his hands and looked down, defeated.


Jonghyun quickly reacted by hugging him and his back. "Leave him alone! Minho is beautiful!" Taemin was confused as to whether jonghyun was acting along or really meant it, but the jongho fanboy inside knew that he meant it. 

Onew finally spoke up, looking annoyed. "Ok i dont know whats gotten into you guys but as your elder i advise you get along before i kick your asses. Now key, i'll be your model since they can't now lets go." Onew grabbed key by the wrist while him and everyone else was wide eyed at the sudden outburst from their hyung. Key was hastily dragged out the apartment, barely able to wave goodbye to the other three.


It was late in the afternoon and key and onew were at the studio, onew trying to stay as still as possible. "Thanks for helping me with this hyung~" "no problemo kimmie~ i hope im not too short or ugly~" key got a little embarrassed and guilty for calling minho and jong those words. "Not at all hyung~ you're just the right height and not ugly in the slightest~" "aw thanks honey~" onew was giggling as he pretended key was complimenting him as if on a date. Key just grinned, "you're welcome hyung~" "oh btw, kibum..." "Yeah?" "You can call me jinki ya know~" onew grinned while key realised he kept calling onew his hyung which was weird for him. "Right right~ well Jinks lets get you outta this outfit and go home~" "yay home time!"


Onew chuckled, acting giddy like a child while carefully removing the fabrics. Onew took off the chest piece and key stood there with wide eyes. Onew had his top half revealed to key, showing off his toned abs. Onew noticed key's glare at him and lifted an eyebrow. "Take a picture it'll last longer~" Just then key whacked out his phone and actually took a pic. "Wha?! KEY DID YOU ACTUALLY TAKE A PIC?!" "You said to, jinki~" key stuck his tongue out and ran down the flight of stairs to the entrance while onew quickly got his normal clothes on and chased key.


Key managed to run across the street to the park and hid behind a tree. Onew luckily saw where he hid and smirked. (Time to scare him now) Onew sneakily went the long way round to the same tree and was now faced with a hiding key who was looking over the other side towards the entrance of the studio.  "BOO!" Onew yelled and tackled a screaming key to the ground, resulting in them rolling down a small hill on the grass.

Onew managed to overpower key and pinned him to the ground while sitting on his stomach. Onew snatched the phone and looked at the screen to find the picture... But it was too late. The pic had been sent to a group chat between all the other boys and... Nana too?! Onew was furiously embarrassed but that all faded when he looked closer at the phone in his hand. "Key... What's onkey?" 

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blozee #1
Chapter 16: finally new chapter! <3 i love it as always ;> can't wait for next ♥
Sadirmiah #2
Comment your thoughts guys ! <3
blozee #3
Chapter 15: ohmygawd this is amazing! are you going to update next chapters? bc i love it so much ♥ ♥
Queenoftheworld209 #4
Chapter 14: That last part was hilarious! I love clueless Taemin!
Chapter 14: one of my guilty pleasure stories and yes im still here!!!
JongHolic #6
Chapter 13: owhhohoho cant wait to the chapter !!!
Sadirmiah #7
Sorry if i'm being delayed guys! I'll try hard to get these chapters rolling ~
JongHolic #8
Chapter 10: Ahhhhhhh!! I need moarrr ;o;!!! can't wait for the next chapter author nim!
JaeYong_TY #9
so, os the nana here the one from afterschool/prange caramel,
or no?

cuz i dunno
Fluffirlove #10
Chapter 8: ohhhhhh left us hanging this is getting to be to much to handle THE FEELS can't wait for the next update.