Operation Love 1

Operation Love!

5 boys are all roommates, living together because they've been friends since school. They all had jobs except for the youngest Taemin and they decided to live together in fear of losing one another. As you can probably tell, the combined income of the other 4 boys meant they could get an apartment with a little more... prestige.


Minho was a doctor, at 21 being the youngest doctor in his clinic. Key was a fashion designer and insisted (forced) the others to wear some of his own designs. Onew owned a takeout shop which specialised in selling fried chicken with a huge picture of onew photoshopped on a chicken as the banner of the shop called "Jinki's chicks " Finally Jonghyun was a game designer, part of creating new games in a big company.


Taemin being impatient and lonesome always rotated between somehow meddling in the others' jobs. He would go to Minho's clinic faking a broken arm or leg, laughing hard when Minho would walk in, roll his eyes and walk out again.

He would "help" key out by modelling his designs, while secretly adding his own signature accessories in various spots. Key found a sticker of banana milk on the collar of a shirt he made and that was the end of Tae's modelling.

With Onew, Tae would waltz in using his aegyo on Onew while asking for free chicken. It almost always worked but one time he accidentally called Onew 'Appa' which made him feel depressed. Onew is 4 years older than Tae so its only natural he would feel highly offended. Tae got no chicken that time but instead a teary Onew which made him feel like crap... 

When it came to Jonghyun, Taemin sneaked into a screening of an unannounced game once and posted on fb: "Saw the new Call of Duty game, its rubbish" Which led to a comment from Jonghyun saying: "I dont think you realise how dead you are minchkin." Jonghyun got 3 likes from key onew and minho while tae just got flagged by jonghyun.


  It was a regular day in the apartment, everyone rushing around off to their jobs while tae would groggily walk to the kitchen in snail mode. Minho grabbed a bunch of files and held a piece of toast in his mouth. "buhye minhnhi" he said as he rushed out the door. "yeah bye hyung... If thats what you said." Taemin counted exactly 2 minutes and queued in a rushing Onew and Jong, who he memorised had the same start times. Jonghyun was readying a coffee while tae watched him. "what game you working on today hyung?" "haha i can't tell you that minchkin, but we can play when i get back" jonghyun replied with a wink and a grin. Onew noticed and swiftly slapped tae's backside and clenched his cheek. "Back off! This is all mine" Taemin went from groggy to shocked to full on pissed, "what the onew! Im not a slave!"  "right right, sorry minmin i got a little carried away" taemin tilted his head towards his hyung. "Onew?" "yeah ?" "YOU CAN LET GO OF MY NOW" it took onew a few moments to realise he was still gripping the cheek and immediately moved back, but when he did he slipped on a sticky piece of jammy toast. "that ing minho, leaving stuff around for me to die" Jonghyun, witnessing the whole scene ended up on the floor too, laughing his off. Onew and Jonghyun left quickly after realising they were running late and they both entered the elevator. Jonghyun was pouting in a sulky way which got Onew worried. "What's wrong Jamong?" "Just a little jealous of all the couples i see every day." "Yeah me too, maybe we're soul mates jongie~" "Ok like, ewwwww!" Jonghyun overdramatised his ew by sticking his tongue out and fake vomiting. After laughing hysterically Onew raised an eyebrow at Jonghyun. "Jong, what's stopping you from finding someone?"  "Well its not like people hold up huge signs saying 'hey im gay and single' hyung" Jonghyun pouted and crossed his arms. "Well do you like any of our roommates?~" onew playfully sang while smirking at jonghyun. "... No..." Jonghyun turned to his hyung. "Anyone you like? Well besides me~" Onew used his furious chicken chop of justice on a smirking jonghyun. "Its a secret dino hybrid~" They both went their separate ways and off to work after laughing away their agony.


Back in the apartment, Key finally got out the bathroom with a towel around his neck and having been satisfied with drying his hair. Key then went to the kitchen and prepared some coffee while getting pissed at the state of the floor. (Toast, jam, god knows what else. Those idiots) "Hey umma~" "Hey TaeBaby, who messed up the kitchen?" Knowing Taemin, Key knew he would get a 100% honest answer.  "It was onew hyung and the frog-man hybrid" "Oho is that so?" Key bit his lips to try to stop himself from swearing the house down while grabbing a knife and chopping vegetables to relieve his stress. "Those ungrateful, careless pieces of..." Taemin could only hear low murmurs at this point, no doubt key vowing to sacrifice his hyungs' souls to satan. Being the angel tae was he didnt want his hyungs to die so he used his secret weapon. He pouted and strut out his belly, dramatically rubbing while shouting "UMMA~~~ I HUNGRY>~<" Key put down the knife slowly, then POUNCED on the maknae. "AW MY BABY TAE IS SO CUUUTE! Dont worry umma will feed you!"  "YAY THANKS!" With a satisfied grin and key focusing on making him breakfast Tae thought about what just happened. (I saved the hyungs but did i really just wanna be fed? Oh Tae, so evil!)  Key was distracted when he heard Taemin's signature evil chuckle. "Uh Taemin? You ok?" "Huh? Yeah im fine~"


A/N SOOO this is my first ever fic and i've never posted on aff before so sorry if its bad!~ please tell me what you honestly think & if its too short or long or weird etc. THANKS


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blozee #1
Chapter 16: finally new chapter! <3 i love it as always ;> can't wait for next ♥
Sadirmiah #2
Comment your thoughts guys ! <3
blozee #3
Chapter 15: ohmygawd this is amazing! are you going to update next chapters? bc i love it so much ♥ ♥
Queenoftheworld209 #4
Chapter 14: That last part was hilarious! I love clueless Taemin!
Chapter 14: one of my guilty pleasure stories and yes im still here!!!
JongHolic #6
Chapter 13: owhhohoho cant wait to the chapter !!!
Sadirmiah #7
Sorry if i'm being delayed guys! I'll try hard to get these chapters rolling ~
JongHolic #8
Chapter 10: Ahhhhhhh!! I need moarrr ;o;!!! can't wait for the next chapter author nim!
JaeYong_TY #9
so, os the nana here the one from afterschool/prange caramel,
or no?

cuz i dunno
Fluffirlove #10
Chapter 8: ohhhhhh left us hanging this is getting to be to much to handle THE FEELS can't wait for the next update.