Operation Love 12

Operation Love!

A/N: Hey guys! IM SO SORRY FOR BEING LATE! I normally post weekly but yeah... Here's an extended chapter, TWICE my normal chapter lengths! Enjoy~~~~


"Sunbae? But i don't understand, why are you doing this?!" Taemin was on the brink of tears but he was too proud to show his sadness.

The man laughed out loud, his deep voice echoing through the walls. "Now now Taemin, you really should put your hand up when asking a question..."

Taemin lifted his eyebrow in anger, "How can I?! You TIED ME UP!" Taemin scrunched his face in an annoyed pout.

Taemin's sunbae laughed even louder, "You're just so cute Taeminnie~" His deep seductive tone made Taemin scared but he forced himself to mask it.

Taemin stared at his teacher. It was his favourite teacher, Mr Yagamoto who taught his class Japanese. He was wearing his usual formal shirt and trousers, his usually swiped back hair however was messy and covered his eyes.

Taemin was about to cry, "Why are you doing this sir? W-why..."



"Taemin, i love you."

Speechless. Taemin was completely speechless. His eyes were bulging in fear at the sound of those three words. The three words he always dreamed the perfect guy would say, shattered by Mr Yagamoto.

"I- i uh- Mr Yagamoto i-"

"Shhh shhh Taeminnie, i'll explain myself."

Taemin stopped trying to utter a word and focused his attention on the man.

"Ever since you first started my classes 3 years ago I've always wanted you." Taemin felt completely disgusted, he was way too young for this creep.

"Every day Taemin, you would enter my class with that huge beam of sunshine, lighting my day completely! I felt in the presence of an angel, a cute, y angel."

Taemin screwed his face in disgust, looking down and trying not to be sick.

"When i saw you go into that agency, i thought i finally had the chance to have my way with you."

Taemin looked up in anger, "i told you i don't work there!"

Mr Yagamoto's eyes turned dark, he glared at Taemin but instead of hitting him he approached him.

He lifted Taemin's chin before continuing, "Its a shame, if you did work there we wouldn't have to have gone through all of this. Luckily i caught you before you entered your apartment."

Taemin remembered he was about to enter his building but someone held a bag over his head and injected him with some sort of tranquilliser.

Taemin suddenly looked at Mr Yagamoto, "What about my hyungs?! You didn't touch them right?!"

"Of course not my dearest." He replied with a dark snake like tone. "But i did hire a few.. Friends to watch over them."

Taemin stared in alarmed disarray but it calmed him a little to know his hyungs were safe. In fact he was getting quite aggravated by his sunbae who he thought was an endearing teacher.
"So when can i be set free?"

The man laughed coldly, "You'll be completely free once you've done something for the agency."

Taemin looked confused. "You want me to shoot a prom video?"

Now it was Mr Yagamoto who was taken back a bit. "Prom?" He asked in confusion.

"Yeahh" Taemin said unsure now, "I came to become a model for prom outfits."

"Wow Taeminnie, you really are something." The man was cackling in laughter and it honestly scared Taemin a little. "Kawaii."

The dark sinister tone from that one word made Taemin freeze up on the spot in fear.

"Taeminnie, this isn't a prom agency," Mr Yagamoto said while trying not to laugh, "This is a agency." The switch from laughter to cold hearted was so quick Taemin felt as though his sunbae had become psychotic!

(No... That can't be right... This isn't a prom agency?! What have i done!) Taemin was struck out of his thoughts when Mr Yagamoto had clapped his hands. As if out of nowhere a group of men walked in towards Taemin and his sunbae.

They all looked.. Harmless. They wore dark eye make up and had tight clothing on. Taemin looked at the three of them and recognised one of the guys.

"Kai?!" Taemin yelled in complete disbelief. It was Kai who was the No.1 in that magazine. Taemin thought his old friend was a popular model for prom clothes but he was completely wrong.

Kai turned his head when he heard his name and spotted his old friend, bruised up and tied down. Kai was about to scream and run towards Taemin when he realised if he did it'd make things worse.

Mr Yagamoto turned from Taemin to Kai and pointed at both of them. "You two know each other?"

Kai laughed and waved his hand in a flicking motion, "Never heard of this guy in my life. He must be a fan of our magazine."

Taemin felt completely betrayed. He and Kai knew each other for years and years, they did everything together back in school. Taemin controlled the urge to cry and looked down in defeat.

"Kill me." Taemin said in such a cold tone that all the other guys were shocked. "Please sunbae.. Kill me." A stream of tears were flowing down his puffed up cheeks as Taemin continued to beg Mr Yagamoto to kill him.

Just as Mr Yagamoto was gonna rush up to Taemin and beat him, Kai went very close to Mr Yagamoto.

"Sunbae~ Let me handle this ok?~" Kai said in a highly seductive tone a he kneeled in to blow hot air on his sunbae's neck. Mr Yagamoto got completely as he allowed Kai to go but not before smacking his behind.

Kai then hastily approached Taemin. (Disgusting old man) He got on one knee and felt a little nervous. "Taemin-ah?" Kai said in a hushed whisper which sounded like the old Kai to Taemin.

Taemin looked up at his old friend and gave him a bitter smile, "Kill me Kai."

Kai knew that if he spoke quietly enough Mr Yagamoto and the others would not hear him but they did look curiously toward Kai.

Kai was a little panicky but soon thought of a solution. "OH SO YOU LIKE TO BOTTOM HUH?!" Kai said it loud enough that it received gleeful dark smiles from their sunbae.

Taemin looked completely confused, "what are you talking about?" He sai in a low tone.

"Taemin. I'm getting you out of here."

"Wait what?"

"I can't let my best friend end up as lowly scum. I dont know how you wound up in this place but i've got a plan." Kai said with a small reassuring smile.

Taemin was debating in his head whether what Kai was saying was true but the memories of his old friend made him trust Kai.

Taemin finally craked a small smile, "I'm in."

Kai smiled back but switched to his normal self after telling Taemin to 'follow along'. Kai returned to Mr Yagamoto, "He's in as you heard just now. But i think we need to get him cleaned up and new clothes."

Mr Yagamoto glanced at the bruised up boy and sighed, "You're right," he turned to the other two men, "You two, wash him up and later Kai and I will get him clothes from the mall."

Taemin's ears perked up at the sound of the mall and a brilliant idea to escape crossed his mind. (The mall!)



Meanwhile with the other 4 boys back at the apartment, they had all finally decided on a plan.

"Jonghyun and I are going to drive into the car park and act as casual by passers. Minho, you'll be stationed at the electric supply of the car park and be ready to cut the lights. Key will be at the mall watching for any disruptions around the area. Ok?"

Jonghyun, Minho and Key hummed in agreement at the eldest's plan. Jonghyun put his hand up, "Yes Jonghyun?"

"How long will we be separated?"

"Well if it runs smoothly like 10 minutes. With problems it could be hours."

Jonghyun pouted and turned to Minho, "Guess we won't see each other for a while~"

Minho smiled at his childish hyung, "Don't worry babe it won't be that long~" Minho knelt in and kissed Jonghyun so passionately, the two of them speaking with their mouths to reassure each other.

Key laughed at the pair of them, "You guys are so sappy~ Me and Onew can last a few hours apart~"

Onew was pouting sadly, "But i wanted a goodbye kiss too..."

Key rolled his eyes, lifted up Onew's chin and kissed him. Onew was completely surprised but happy too, he felt as though he was energised!

"Ok! Lets go you guys~" All four of them huddled together, put their hands in a pile and shot them up screaming, "Operation Save Taebaby!"



Onew was driving while the other three were getting ready to position themselves. Onew parked up at the mall's entrance first and let Key head up to the building's third floor. Once he got there he opened up a duffle bag that contained large binoculars which could let him see right across to the parking lot.

Key scanned the area of the floor and noticed a few people in a group. Key quickly called Onew who was still at the mall entrance.

"Ok i see three, no four guys talking to each other, they're by the 3rd floor elevator."

"Any of them Taemin?" Onew asked in a concerned tone.

"Nope... Wait one of the guys is walking somewhere... He's kneeling down to a fifth person... Oh my God!"

Onew felt panic upon hearing how distressed Key sounded. "What happened Bummie? You ok?!"

"Yeah i am, but Taemin isn't. 3rd floor Jinks, hurry!"

As soon as he heard Taemin's name, Onew rammed the car's engine and rushed off to the parking lot, with Jonghyun and Minho being tossed around from the impact.

He reached the ground floor and Minho was next to head out. He located the switch panel and lay down a briefcase which contained various tools, one being wire cutters for the electricity. Minho then called Onew, "Hyung i've found the electric supply and i'm ready whenever."

"Good, i'll send you a text and as soon as you get it kill the lights ok?"


"Ok everything's running smooth right now~" Onew said with a relieved sigh. "Jonghyun you ready?"

"Hai!" Jonghyun said, feeling as if he were part of his favourite anime. Onew smiled and continued to drive up the varying ramps.

(1st floor... 2nd... 3rd!) He slowly drove through and parked up in a dark corner. He and Jonghyun then got out and headed towards the elevator.

As soon as they were about to turn the corner Jonghyun's phone buzzed in his pocket. He stuck his arm out to stop Onew from walking on while he quickly answered the call.

"Key? Whats up?" Jonghyun said in a hushed tone.


"WHAT?!" Jonghyun yelled which made Onew jump in panic and shove his hand on Jonghyun's to shut him up. Jonghyun flicked the hand away, "Hyung they moved somewhere."

"WHAT?!" Onew screamed, just like Jonghyun, as the two rushed around the corner to see no presence of anyone.

Jonghyun put his phone back to his ear, "Any idea where they went Key?"

"Well all i saw was them going in the elevator so i'm not sure."

"Ok well lets just-" Jonghyun was interrupted by Onew's phone ringing. He lifted it up to find it was Minho.

"Hey, whats up?"

"They're right here!" Minho said in the loudest whisper he could. While Minho was searching through his tools he heard the *ding* of the elevator and quickly hid behind a pillar nearby.

"Hyung, its the guys and Taemin, they're all here!"

"Ok, stay hidden we're coming!"

Onew cut the phone and grabbed Jonghyun's phone off him. "Kiwi, keep an eye on Minho's position, they're all over there."

"Roger." Key cut the phone and changed his binocular position to the ground floor.

Onew and Jonghyun headed for the elevator and bashed the ground floor button, eagerly awaiting the lift.

Minho quietly watched as the men dragged Taemin to a car and started driving towards the exit. Just as Onew and Jonghyun arrived, the two of them and Minho watched as a car cruised out of the parking lot.

Onew quickly rung Key. "Key they've left the parking lot in a car, can you spot them?"

Key did notice a car but just assumed it was a civilian. "Ok well there are a lot of cars around and i can't see them good enough."

Onew sighed, "Ok well we've got a good visual." All three boys headed out the lot and kept an eye on the large blue car. The car drove down the road near the parking lot and took a turn. But then it stopped and parked and all three of the boys gasped.

"Key! They're headed for the mall!"

"What?! Oh hell yeah time to save my Taebaby!" Key abruptly cut off, packed his equipment and rushed to the escalators.

Onew, Jonghyun and Minho crossed the busy road, never losing sight of the blue car. They acted nonchalantly as they saw a group of men casually exiting the car alongside that familiar innocent maknae.

Onew and Jonghyun resisted the urge to just run there and grab Taemin while Minho held them back.

"Guys we need a plan, we can't just rush over there! What if we lose Taemin?" Onew and Jonghyun calmed down upon hearing this and apologised.

The three turned back to the group and continued to watch...

Taemin didn't want to get out of the car but Kai had explained that because the mall is such a busy place he could easily slip free and escape this nightmare.

Mr Yagamoto parked up and turned to Taemin, "Taeminnie, don't think about escaping while we're here ok my baby?~" His dark sinister tone was masked by the fake, jolly teacher Taemin used to think he was.

Taemin sighed, "Yes, sir."

"Good. Now lets go."

They all got out of the car casually and Taemin decided not to resist or it may lead to him being tortured again. He stepped out the car and looked up at the familiar sight of the mall, where he and his hyungs would go shopping and have great times.

(I think i'm getting delusional... That person looks like Key umma) Taemin looked at the feline-like man and realised it really was Key!
(Wait why is he sprinting?)

Key rushed down the escalator and spotted the group of men by the entrance. As soon as he saw them a switch in Key's emotions flicked to pure rage.

He sprinted as fast as he could at one of the men, he didn't care which it was.

Taemin watched as his Umma fully charged at Mr Yagamoto, who was busy keeping an eye on Taemin to realise Key was running at him!

In a flash, there was a loud bang of Key slamming his fist into Mr Yagamoto's face, who couldn't dodge the blow and flew far back into the gravel.

Key huffed in rage as he eyed the other three men, "Give me Taemin or so help me i will ing kill you all." The cold hearted tone froze the other three men, who slowly backed away from around Taemin and went to Mr Yagamoto's side.

"UMMA!!!!" Taemin screamed in joy as he ran up and clutched onto Key for dear life.

"My sweet Taebaby! Are you ok?"

"I am now~"

Just then Onew, Jonghyun and Minho approached the scene with a pair of police officers. Onew pointed at the four men, "They're the kidnappers."

The police officers apprehended the men and cuffed them, with Mr Yagamoto being knocked out cold.

Taemin, who witnessed it all ran up to Kai. "Kai! Will you be ok?"

Kai looked at him and smiled reassuringly, "haha yeah, this actually happens a lot with sunbae~"

"Ok good well take ca-" Taemin was cut off as three large bodies surrounded him in a comforting hug.

"We missed you Taemin!" Onew, Jonghyun and Minho said while holding back their tears... Well Jonghyun cried like a baby then.

"I missed you too, grandpa's~" Taemin was also crying, so happy and relieved to be back with his hyungs.

Key approached them, "Ok we've all had a long day, lets go home~"

"Neh!!" All four boys replied and they all laughed and headed back to their apartment.


On the way home Taemin told them everything that happened from the prom agency to his sunbae to to the torture etc.

"So wait," Key said after hearing the story, "All of this wouldn't have happened if it weren't for that damn magazine."

Minho looked at Taemin guiltily and bowed his head down, "Sorry Taemin~"

"Its ok hyung~" Taemin meant it 'cause it wasn't Minho's fault that Taemin called them up.

Jonghyun was sat next to Minho and upon noticing how sad he looked he wrapped Minho around his arms.

"Its ok baby~ Want me to make you feel better?" The last part he said as a seductive whisper in Minho's ear, who perked up instantly.

"Yes baby i think you should~" The two of them leaned in for a kiss and stared at each other with lustful eyes.

Taemin laughed and then put his chin on Key's shoulder. "Its all thanks to your brute strength Umma~"

Onew laughed, "Haha yeah who knew you could be so savage Bummie~"

Key looked at Onew with a smirk. "I can be savage in other circumstances too~" The light purr of Key's voice made Onew feel bolts of excitement run through his veins.

"Please please show me."

Taemin scoffed at Onew and Key's lustful stares and looked away from Jonghyun and Minho's passionate kissing. He looked at the window and sighed, "Home sweet home i guess~"


A/N: So as you may have guessed the next chapter will involve doing the dance with no pants! For both pairs! If you want to shield your innocent eyes ignore my next chapter hehe~






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blozee #1
Chapter 16: finally new chapter! <3 i love it as always ;> can't wait for next ♥
Sadirmiah #2
Comment your thoughts guys ! <3
blozee #3
Chapter 15: ohmygawd this is amazing! are you going to update next chapters? bc i love it so much ♥ ♥
Queenoftheworld209 #4
Chapter 14: That last part was hilarious! I love clueless Taemin!
Chapter 14: one of my guilty pleasure stories and yes im still here!!!
JongHolic #6
Chapter 13: owhhohoho cant wait to the chapter !!!
Sadirmiah #7
Sorry if i'm being delayed guys! I'll try hard to get these chapters rolling ~
JongHolic #8
Chapter 10: Ahhhhhhh!! I need moarrr ;o;!!! can't wait for the next chapter author nim!
JaeYong_TY #9
so, os the nana here the one from afterschool/prange caramel,
or no?

cuz i dunno
Fluffirlove #10
Chapter 8: ohhhhhh left us hanging this is getting to be to much to handle THE FEELS can't wait for the next update.