Operation Love 2

Operation Love!

"Umma~? Why aren't you at work?"  Key and Taemin just finished breakfast and Tae realised key was meant to be gone half an hour ago. "Its my day off~ So i guess you're stuck with me taeby~" Taemin looked confused but then his eyes grew and he remembered. "No umma! Please NO!" "Yes taeby, we're going-" "Nooooooo !" "SHOPPING!" Taemin collapsed to the ground and was wailing on the floor. "Oh get over it tae~ It won't just be us two ~~" Hearing that, taemin stood up and went from upset to really happy. "You talking about who i hope i think you're talking about?" "Yup, Nana Appa!" 

Nana was key's bestfriend and she, SHE was called appa because tae kept calling key umma and she decided tae needed a father figure~ Nana was tall, slender and completely beautiful. All the boys would have fallen for her but they were all gay~ even taebaby~ "YEEEES! APPA IS DA BESTEST!" "haha you're only saying that cus she buys you banana milk~" Taemin stuck his tongue out at key. "well thats cus you dont get me it!" After pinching taemin on the cheek for being so gosh darn cute, key got up from the dining table. "Lets get dressed, we're leaving asap!"  


A few hours later key and taemin were at the coffee shop where they planned to meet nana. Taemin almost collapsed on the seat after their marathon shopping spree. But then he looked embarrassed by something and kept covering his face with menu and glancing at the bar. "Whats up tae?" Key looked where he was staring but saw nothing but other customers. "Omg! Are you serious umma?!" Key got irritated and ruffled tae's hair to mess it up. "YAH!" "Tell me !" "Ok ok just stop shouting, see those two guys at the bar sitting? They keep checking us out." "Oh." Key's cheeks got a little pink after he just managed to spot the guys gawking at them. "Well dont worry Taemin cus they arent looking at us~" key was smirking and turned tae's head behind them where the door was. "Its nana they want" Taemin sighed with huge relief and the boys welcomed nana. "Over here appa!"


 "Haha hey guys~ long time no see~" Nana playfully pouted with a hint of sadness cus it really had been a long time. "Sorry about that Nana~ ive been busy with the fashion designing." "Thats ok kibumbum~" nana and key were the same age so it was natural to act normal with eachother. "And whats my taebaby's excuse hm? I know you dont work~" "Appa you know i cant go out the house without hyung supervision~ remember that one time..." All three of them recalled the events of the time when Taemin started a potential forest fire. Luckily it was dealt with but a few flowers lost their lives in the battle. Nana shuddered, "ok i get that too~ haha anyway i wanted to ask you something bummie~" "hm?" Key looked back to her after he daydreamed the horrific event. "Anyone you like ~?" Nana playfully sang while key looked flustered.


"Where's this coming from all of a sudden? Nobody for your information~" Nana and Taemin looked at eachother and burst into laughter. "Ohhh wow bumbum, tae can you believe it?" "Sorry umma but appa's right~ are you that clueless?"  "YAH WHAT ARE YOU GUYS TALKING ABOUT?!"  As if rehearsed they both replied "Onew!" Which made key go red. Really red. "Wha?! Why would i like onew hyung?! That clumsy, clueless, cute, caring guy..." Key stopped but it was too late, he realised what he just said and buried his face in his hands. "Oh my god."  No words came from nana and tae, not because they were speechless, well they were but because they couldnt breathe from laughing so hard. A few minutes later they calmed down and tae laid his head on key's shoulder. "Umma~ when you gunna ask him out?" "WHAT?! Why would i do that?! I-" before he could rant he was interrupted by Nana.

"Oh stop it bumbum~ we know you love him, we've known for ages~" key looked baffled by that statement and turned from nana to tae who both nodded. "Onew hyung and umma ~ Onkey needs to happen!" Taemin grabbed a napkin and asked a waiter for a pen, then nana and tae came together and started writing. 'OPERATION ONKEY' "ok appa, whats the plan?"

Nana thought for a moment then her eyes lit up. "Ive got it! We test Onew oppa!" Taemin got all excited at the thought of it while key stayed silent... And red. "But what can we do that would seem subtle but get us answers..." Just then a light bulb glowed on taemin when he thought of an idea, turns out it was the cafe turning the lights on cus it was getting dark. "Ok i gotta write this stuff down before i forget" taemin covered the napkin, preventing the curious nana and key from seeing a thing. "Ok ok now i can tell you hehe~"

key finally found the will to speak again. "Wait stop! What if i dont like him that much? What if he doesnt like me? What if he figures it out and then it'll be awkward between us..." Key was on the verge of tears at that point, but his eyes were wide open after Nana slapped him across the face. "YAH!" "Bummie, seriously we already know onew likes you... Its so obvious! The way he spends those extra few seconds staring at you without it being weird. The quick glances he steals. The way he always asks you what you think of about things." 

Key was crying now, but tears of mixed joy and worry. Taemin wiped away his own tears and suddenly jolted to life. "Oh yeah my idea! Ok with operation onkey definitely ago, we can test his feelings through different stages. 1) the jealousy test!" "Ah brilliant taebaby~ so you want your appa to be in love with umma?" Nana said while dramatically winking at key. "No no you cant appa! Everyone knows key's gay so we need a guy." Key suddenly had an idea. "I know who would make him jealous. Someone his sorta age that he always competes with..." After scrolling through any possible people in their heads, tae and nana had no clue. "Seriously? You call me the clueless one?! Jonghyun hyung, duh." The other two felt offended but also got excited! "YES!" 


After discussing for hours they came up with three stages of testing onew and now key and taemin were headed home to prepare stage 1. They entered the apartment to find jonghyun and minho sitting on the couch watching a movie while onew was cooking what looked like a full chicken. Taemin noticed the two on the couch were watching a horror and saw how jonghyun would get scared and quickly grip minho's arm hard. Minho seemed scared to and both were holding onto eachother for dear life. (I am so hooking those two up after onkey) 

The movie was over and taemin and key had to sneak jonghyun away without seeming suspicious. Key and taemin exchanged paniced looks but finally taemin thought of something. "Jongie hyung~~" "yeah minchkin?" "Remember you said we could play together today? Lets playyy hyungieee~" Jonghyun recalled the morning and got up from his indented seat on the couch. Jonghyun and tae walked off to tae's room while key decided it'd be best to act natural and talk to minho. 


"So what do you wanna play minchkin?" Jonghyun was sitting on tae's spinning chair, surprisingly enjoying the twirling. "Well... Its gunna sound really weird but i need a favour..." "Hm? Whats up?" "Operation Onkey!"  Around the same time as that conversation, key sat next to minho who was starting up another film.

"Minho~ how was work?" "It was fine, how was yours?" "Oh i had a day off! Took taebaby out with Nana~" While the two were talking onew had been in the kitchen on his phone. He kept hearing their conversation and for some reason it bothered him. At the same time as this taemin finished explaining their plan. "So you up to it hyung?" "What? Messing with Onew and getting those two together? Heck yeah im in!" "GREAT- now go flirt with umma." Taemin sounded almost demanding but he really just wanted to test onew now.  Both boys went back to the living room and turns out minho had put another horror movie on. Taemin and jong and key looked at eachother. (Perfect!) 

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blozee #1
Chapter 16: finally new chapter! <3 i love it as always ;> can't wait for next ♥
Sadirmiah #2
Comment your thoughts guys ! <3
blozee #3
Chapter 15: ohmygawd this is amazing! are you going to update next chapters? bc i love it so much ♥ ♥
Queenoftheworld209 #4
Chapter 14: That last part was hilarious! I love clueless Taemin!
Chapter 14: one of my guilty pleasure stories and yes im still here!!!
JongHolic #6
Chapter 13: owhhohoho cant wait to the chapter !!!
Sadirmiah #7
Sorry if i'm being delayed guys! I'll try hard to get these chapters rolling ~
JongHolic #8
Chapter 10: Ahhhhhhh!! I need moarrr ;o;!!! can't wait for the next chapter author nim!
JaeYong_TY #9
so, os the nana here the one from afterschool/prange caramel,
or no?

cuz i dunno
Fluffirlove #10
Chapter 8: ohhhhhh left us hanging this is getting to be to much to handle THE FEELS can't wait for the next update.