Operation Love 6

Operation Love!

A/N: So here it is, le next chapter! I tried to show the developing bonds between the two couples~ Honestly i had an idea of a story but now i dont know what to do~~~ this story may be shorter hmm~~ Anyways enjoy this update people :) :) 


"Jonghyun and Minho are together!" Key yelled at the top of his lungs to Onew and Taemin. They both slowly digested what he said after recovering from their temporary deafness and both boys looked at each other, then Key, then back to each other before finally yelling in joy. "Omg im the ultimate matchmaker!" Taemin cheered. "I got my hyungs together!" He celebrated with a mini body popping session while Onew joined him. Key just rolled his eyes and smiled at the goofy pair. 


Meanwhile in Jonghyun's bedroom, Jonghyun and Minho were discussing their relationship. "So if I come home late from work, would you massage me?" Jonghyun asked in a genuinely curious way. "Hm lemme think... Hell no~" Minho retorted while pinching Jong's nose. "Ow ok ok! Your turn~" "Um... If there is ever a time where we sleep in the same bed, would you cuddle with me?" Jonghyun stared blankly at Minho, wondering why he would ask such a dumb question. "Minnie... We're literally on my bed, cuddling right now!" It was Jonghyun's turn to playfully hit Minho and he pinched his . "Ah hyung! That hurt!" "Did you just call me hyung?" "Oh uh sorry, its just I'm not used to calling you just, you." "Well would a hyung do this-" Jonghyun said as he leaned over to Minho's neck and slowly breathed across his nape, making Minho shiver from the sensation. Jonghyun smirked while Minho just rolled his eyes smiling. "Jonghyun?" "Yeah Minnie?" "Lets go." "Go?" "Take me right now."

Jonghyun slowly opened his eyes wide at the calm and casual way Minho spoke those words. (Omg, does Minho actually wanna-) Jonghyun's thoughts were interrupted by him being dragged off the bed by his wrist. "Take me to the living room!" Jonghyun silently exhaled upon realising what Minho really meant and he watched as Minho's tightly fitted backside exited the room, with Jonghyun hungrily approaching. 


In the living room, Key and Onew were silently whispering and giggling to each other while Taemin lay flat on his stomach in front of the TV. Minho walked in and joined Taemin on the ground while Jonghyun sat in between Onew and Key. The two were obviously annoyed at being nudged away from each other. "What you guys up to ?~" Jonghyun playfully sang as the other two let out exasperated sighs. "Well its all our days off so i think we should do something." Onew suggested and Jonghyun eagerly nodded his head. The two eldest boys turned to Key, waiting for his thoughts. "Heck i'm bored out of my mind right now lets do something!" The eldest boys cheered like school kids and Key marched over to the front of Taemin and Minho, covering the TV.

"Umma, you're like kinda in the way!" Taemin said like a diva, which led to Minho agreeing with a diva's classic "mmmhmmm~" "Ok first of all, i'm so proud of my baby divas! Secondly we've decided to do something together to celebrate~" Minho got up and dusted off non-existing dust, "What are we celebrating?" He asked as he furrowed his eyebrows. Jonghyun excitedly got up and pointed at Key, "YOU'RE PREGNANT!" Key, Taemin, Minho, Onew... Heck even you reading slowly twitched their eyes at Jonghyun's statement. They would have laughed it off if Jonghyun didn't sound so serious. "No hyung, i'm not and NEVER will be pregnant, ok?" Jonghyun pouted sadly and went back to the couch, resting his head on Onew. "As i was saying-" key continued "We're celebrating all of us having a day off from work~" A loud "Ohhhh" was heard from all the boys except Onew. 


"So what should we do?" The five boys were sitting on the couch and chairs, surrounding the table and Taemin was too impatient. "How about a game?" Onew suggested which perked up Jonghyun's ears. "Oooh yeah we've been testing the new-" "He meant a non-virtual game Jonghyun." Minho interrupted, already knowing what Jonghyun was thinking. "Yeah, sorry jong~ but i meant a game like hide N seek or something." Onew reassuringly patted Jonghyun's sad pouting back while he looked down. Taemin scoffed, "Hide N seek? Im not 5 hyung!" Taemin angrily pouted and looked down too, almost mirroring Jonghyun. "How about Truth or Dare?" Minho suggested, which resulted in approving nods from the others, except Jonghyun who was still pouting. Minho was close enough to lift up Jonghyun's chin. "Jong, wanna play Truth or Dare?" Jonghyun stared at those charismatic circles of beauty and ended up smiling. "Yeah i do~" Key, who watched the whole thing was suppressing the raging fangirl squeal of doom within.


"Ok well we need a way to pick people randomly, anyone got a bottle?" Key asked to the other four, hoping one would know where to find one. "Store closet, third shelf from the right." Taemin nonchalantly said as the others stared in disbelief. Jonghyun looked at all the others. "Who told Minchkin...?" "Oh please you guys, you aren't exactly the sneakiest hyungs." Taemin grinned at the four while he got up and retrieved one of the empty wine bottles the other four had consumed when partying. "Ok so since i'm the youngest i should spin first because you guys' old frail fingers might snap or something. Ignoring the death glares from his hyungs, Taemin spun the empty glass bottle and it slowly landed on... Key. "Umma! Truth or Dare?" Key thought about it for a second and decided to play it safe the first round. "Truth." "Ok~ are you a ?" If Key had anything he was drinking it would be spitted out by the shocking question. "Why the hell did you ask that?!" "You have to answer Umma or be punished!" Taemin evilly laughed and rubbed his hands while Key was deliberating an answer. In the end he sighed in defeat, "No, im not." This led to Minho, Jonghyun and Onew making an "Oooooh~" sound. Key rolled his eyes and spun the bottle, it eventually landing on Jonghyun. "Jonghyn hyung, Truth or Dare?" "Truth~" He beamed in response. "Are you in a relationship right now?" Key smirked while Jonghyun and Minho slowly got tinted pink from embarrassment. "Yes" was all Jonghyun could say without bursting. He hastily spun the bottle to resume the game and it landed on Onew. "Hyung~ truth or dare?" "Dare! You bunch of chickens~" Onew confidently puffed out his chest. Jonghyun smirked after coming up with one. "I dare you to give key a ."


Everyone was shocked by the statement except Minho who was laughing... A lot. "What?! A ?!" Onew questioned in rage as he too got a little embarrassed by the thought of dancing like that on Key. "Do it or be punished appa~" Taemin said, evilly smirking alongside Jonghyun. Key was still in shock. (Onew, giving me a ? Right now?!) Onew slowly sighed and got up from where he was sitting. He headed towards Key and sat on his lap, the two boys being face to face. Onew mouthed an 'I'm sorry' as Minho began the music. Onew placed his hands on Key's shoulders and began to move his hips to the music, slowly gyrating his pelvis in front of Key. Key got so flustered he tried looking anywhere except at Onew, slowly getting physically aroused by the actions. Onew turned around and shot put hid bottom, pivoting it side to side in Key's face. Key yelled at every muscle in his body to not be tempted and ignore it. Eventually the music stopped and the three other boys were wiping away their tears from laughing so hard. "Oh my gosh its over! Sorry Key~" Onew said as he quickly returned to his seat. Onew grabbed the glass bottle and spun it, with it slowly landing on Jonghyun. "Ohoho, Karma is a huh Jong? Truth or Dare?" "Hmph, Dare! Give it your best shot~"


Onew smirked as he mustered up a diabolical idea. "You have to take off your jeans and have your underwear showing for the rest of the game." Jonghyun rolled his eyes as he got up, ed his jeans and tossed them to a side. "That was easy hyung~" Onew was still smirking though, but because of Minho. Minho couldn't help but glare at Jonghyun toss his jeans aside to reveal toned muscly legs and tight black boxers, squeezing against Jonghyun's groin and . Jonghyun casually dismissed the dare and was now lying on his side, with his backside facing Minho. Minho was slowly growing an internal problem (If you know what i mean~) as he couldn't help but stare at Jong's firm bottom. 


The rest of the game consisted of Taemin running across the neighbourhood confessing his love, Minho having ice cubes down his back, Key putting on makeup disgustingly and posting it online, Onew having to watch the others eat chicken and Jonghyun having to sing a ballad. Eventually the boys disbanded to their bedrooms as it got late and Key walked with Onew to his room. Onew had a large bed and Key decided he wanted to sleep with his boyfriend because he felt like it. "Today was fun huh bummie~" "yeah it was~" Key replied as he slowly yawned. "I need my beauty sleep~ Night Jinks~" Key said as he turned the lamp off. Onew placed a quick peck on Key's forehead, "Night baby~" 

In Jonghyun's room, Minho and Jonghyun were similarly sharing the same bed as part of a fun sleepover. Jonghyun was still in his underwear but then took his shirt off and slipped under the blankets, leaving Minho at the doorway, staring in disbelief. "You coming Minnie?" (Hmm what?) "oh right, yeah." Minho slowly took off his top and jeans too, both boys being under the blanket in their underwear. "i didn't know you slept in your underwear too, i thought i was weird." Minho said smiling at Jonghyun. "Hehe yeah i do it too, its too comfortable not too!" The two boys were smiling and staring at each other, their toned shoulders being revealed. Minho turned to his side and stared at the ceiling. "Jonghyun?" "Yeah MinMin?" "Oh nothing never mind its stupid~" "Wae? Tell meeee ~ please~~" Jonghyun used his aegyo, slowly caressing Minho's hand with his own. "Its just its a little weird that we become boyfriends today and already we're in a bed ." "Hehe well don't worry~ i won't do a thing Minnie~" Jonghyun replied as he pinched Minho's cheek. "Unless.." Jonghyun said after a while, "unless you want something to happen?" Jong asked, his tone low and seductive as he moved his hand from Minho's cheek to slowly go down his chest. Minho ignored the tingling and turned around. "Nope!" He said as he squeezed his eyes, trying to relieve his racing heart. Jonghyun chuckled and kissed Minho's back. "Night froggie~" "Night Doggie~" The rest of the night was peaceful serenity~ 

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blozee #1
Chapter 16: finally new chapter! <3 i love it as always ;> can't wait for next ♥
Sadirmiah #2
Comment your thoughts guys ! <3
blozee #3
Chapter 15: ohmygawd this is amazing! are you going to update next chapters? bc i love it so much ♥ ♥
Queenoftheworld209 #4
Chapter 14: That last part was hilarious! I love clueless Taemin!
Chapter 14: one of my guilty pleasure stories and yes im still here!!!
JongHolic #6
Chapter 13: owhhohoho cant wait to the chapter !!!
Sadirmiah #7
Sorry if i'm being delayed guys! I'll try hard to get these chapters rolling ~
JongHolic #8
Chapter 10: Ahhhhhhh!! I need moarrr ;o;!!! can't wait for the next chapter author nim!
JaeYong_TY #9
so, os the nana here the one from afterschool/prange caramel,
or no?

cuz i dunno
Fluffirlove #10
Chapter 8: ohhhhhh left us hanging this is getting to be to much to handle THE FEELS can't wait for the next update.