Operation Love 11

Operation Love!

A/N: Detail about Taemin finally ! Also i hope you're into this story & of course expect hanging off cliffs ~~


It was cold. Freezing. It was also dark, too dark to really see anything. There was a low hanging light that swung side to side, flashing in front of his eyes. 

Taemin tried to open his eyes but it hurt too much. Even when he did he couldn't see. A blindfold. (Where am i?) 

He tried to stand up but soon felt the tight burn of rope around his ankles. His wrists also restrained behind his back. 

Taemin tried to scream, but he couldn't. There was a sheet covering his mouth. 

Silence... He couldn't hear a thing...

Suddenly he heard the slow steps of a person, coming towards him. The person walked side to side across the room, from what Taemin could hear. 

"You're finally awake? Wonderful." The unknown person said while chuckling. He had a deep voice but it sounded quite youthful. 

"..." Taemin tried to reply but couldn't, the cloth made it hard to even make a noise. 

The man approached Taemin, "Cat got your tongue?" He went all the way up to Taemin and yanked a fistful of his hair. "Need some help?" He said in a mocking tone. 

The man loosened the cloth around Taemin's mouth, to which he instantly inhaled all the air he desperately wanted to breathe.

After a few moments to gain his composure, Taemin spoke up. "W-where am i?" It was only then that Taemin realised his lip was bruised, making it hard to talk. 

The man laughed and continued walking side to side, "Don't worry, you're someplace safe. As long as-" 

"UNTIE ME THEN!" Taemin interrupted the man in an aggravated panic. 

"DON'T YOU EVER INTERRUPT ME!" The man erupted as he rushed to Taemin and slapped him hard. 

"Stay quiet and we won't have any troub-"

"Ta... Me... Hom..." Taemin slowly huffed out. 

There was another rush of the man pacing up to Taemin and he continuously kicked him...



"So what's the first step?" Jonghyun asked Onew, Minho and Key who were all gathered around. All four were contemplating what to do to somehow find out where Taemin is. 

Jonghyun lifted his finger, "Why don't we phone the agency for an address?" Minho his chin and Key was weighing up the pros and cons. 

Onew dismissed their thoughts. "It won't work." The others looked at him in confusion, "Well you know how they've been watching and hearing us? They'll no doubt expect us to go to the agency." 

The others sighed in defeat because it was true, the agency were most likely expecting them to go there. 

Jonghyun groaned in anger, "Well besides that idea I only thought about tracking Taemin's phone but that's dumb!" 

While Jonghyun was sulking and looking down, Onew gasped with wide eyes, "That's it!" 

"What's it?" Jonghyun asked still annoyed. 

"We can track his phone! It's subtle enough without any repercussions... This could work." 

Jonghyun tilted his head and furrowed his eyebrows, "Reper- reaper? Shinigami? WHAT?!" 

Key laughed out loud, "He's saying you had a good idea that shouldn't backfire~" 

"Ohhh! So wait, i had a good idea?! Yeahhhhh~" Jonghyun was fist pumping in victory while the others smiled while rolling their eyes. 

Minho finally spoke up, "But how exactly do we track him?" 

Onew thought for a moment, "I- i'm not sure..." 

Suddenly, Key sprang up in excitement. "THE TRACKER!" Everyone looked at him in complete confusion. "Basically one time Taebaby came home late from the cinema and i was so worried and mad that i put a tracking device in his phone. Course i wouldn't have to have done that if he just followed Umma's-" 

He was cut off by the other three pacing off to the computer that was on a desk next to the living room Tv. Key got pissed off because he was blatantly ignored and took deep breaths. 

(1....2....3... Ok calm key calm) After mentally restraining himself he went to the computer. On the screen was some government looking web page and a box to put in a code. 

"What is this?" 

Onew turned the chair around to face Key, "Its a locator for phones. We just need the tracking ID." Everyone faced Key because he was the one who chipped Taemin.

"Uh gimme a sec" Key replied as he rushed into his bedroom to find the number. On his way off to the room Minho and Jonghyun spotted something. 

Minho faced Jonghyun, "You see what I saw?" 

"Totally. Couldn't miss that" 

"Mmm" "Mmm" They both hummed in agreement with each other while Onew flicked between the two and finally spoke up. "What did you see?"

In unison they replied "Key's limp." It was true, when Key ran he walked lopsided as if in pain. Onew turned a crimson red and absorbed his face onto the computer, trying to ignore the other two's smirking faces.

"I FOUND IT!" Key yelled and rushed back (With a limp still) to the others. He put a bottle of nail polish on the desk which had the inscription of 'TID'

Jonghyun beamed at the red bottle and jumped up and down patting Key's shoulder. "Oooh! Oooh are we painting our nails?!" 

"No dino hyung!" Key said while smiling 'cause Jonghyun looked too excited for a grown man. 

Minho interjected, "Wait, you like nail polish?" Jonghyun nodded his head.

"Yeah! I love cosplay! Me and Key do!" 

"Oh really?" Minho said as he went into deep thought. Onew similarly daydreamed about Key cosplaying. 

Key let out an over exaggerated cough to get everyone's attention and he picked up the bottle. "As i was saying, its not nail polish anymore-" as he said this he opened the lid of the bottle. "Ya see? TID is my Taemin Idiot Detector." He pulled out a mini scroll of paper and handed it to Onew. 

Onew unravelled the roll and saw a long list of numbers. "Daebak! Someone knows how to reuse stuff!" Onew complimented with a focused face as he inputted the sequence of numbers. 

'Processing data: 15%...43%...76%...98%....100%'

The screen showed a map of Seoul and a red highlighted beacon. The beacon was located on a parking lot near the mall.

"Bingo!" Onew yelled in victory as the others marvelled at the screen. "He's at the parking lot just opposite the mall." Onew said and the others joined in the smiling.

Key went to the shoe rack, put on some shoes, grabbed his keys and was about to storm off for Taemin. Jonghyun quickly grabbed him back, which pissed Key off. "Yah! Let me go!" 

"No! We can't just waltz in there! They know what we look like!" Key calmed down a little and turned to Jonghyun. 

"Go on." Key said. 

"Well i think we should go in disguises and come up with a plan to save Taemin without risking anyone's safety." Jonghyun said while ruffling his own hair. 

Onew got up from the chair and towards the two, "Jonghyun's right, we need a plan Kiwi~" 

Minho joined in to, "Plus they've been watching us so we can't go as ourselves." Everyone nodded and hummed in agreement. Key let out a huge sigh. 

"Back to the drawing board." As he said this Key took off his shoes and went back to the couch. 



Taemin spat out the millionth ounce of blood, his eyes still dowsed in darkness and his body restrained. Time after time he was smashed against the cold gravelly floor while the unknown man repetitively abused him. 

The man went to Taemin and lifted his chin, "Since you're still alive, i'll congratulate you with being able to see." The man untied the bandages on his eyes. 

Seeing light so quickly stung Taemin's eyes and it took a while before he adjusted to the light. He looked around and noticed he was at a parking lot, it was night and there were a few cars here and there. 

Then he finally got to see the man responsible for all of this. Taemin gasped, "Sunbae?" 

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blozee #1
Chapter 16: finally new chapter! <3 i love it as always ;> can't wait for next ♥
Sadirmiah #2
Comment your thoughts guys ! <3
blozee #3
Chapter 15: ohmygawd this is amazing! are you going to update next chapters? bc i love it so much ♥ ♥
Queenoftheworld209 #4
Chapter 14: That last part was hilarious! I love clueless Taemin!
Chapter 14: one of my guilty pleasure stories and yes im still here!!!
JongHolic #6
Chapter 13: owhhohoho cant wait to the chapter !!!
Sadirmiah #7
Sorry if i'm being delayed guys! I'll try hard to get these chapters rolling ~
JongHolic #8
Chapter 10: Ahhhhhhh!! I need moarrr ;o;!!! can't wait for the next chapter author nim!
JaeYong_TY #9
so, os the nana here the one from afterschool/prange caramel,
or no?

cuz i dunno
Fluffirlove #10
Chapter 8: ohhhhhh left us hanging this is getting to be to much to handle THE FEELS can't wait for the next update.