Operation Love 9

Operation Love!

The next morning, Taemin slowly woke up to an unfamiliar place. It was all dark with a little bit of the sun cracking through the blinds.

(Am i in Narnia?) Taemin shot up from the bed and hoped he would be greeted by Aslan, but sadly it was just the apartment.

More specifically it was Jonghyun's room. Taemin tried to remember what happened that led him to here so he thought about what Jonghyun would want from him. (Was it cus i cheated on a game? No.. Did we play a game where we swap beds?) 

Taemin gasped. His mouth was open after he thought of the most logical conclusion. He'd been kidnapped and by Jonghyun. Taemin face palmed himself at the stupid thought and noticed the flannel on his forehead. 

The last time he had one was because Onkey were together and freezing. It finally clicked. Onew, it was his stupid oversized thing! Images flashed Taemin's mind of that insanely massive bulge and his nose started to bleed a little. 

He finally got up, washed up and went to the living room. Empty. "Where are those old timers?" Taemin checked the kitchen, bedrooms and bathrooms but found nothing. In fact the other boys had left the house for work hours ago and Taemin had overslept. 

Taemin sighed in exhaustion on the living room sofa and spotted a note on the coffee table. It was letter titled 'To Tae maknae' and was on top of a couple of magazines and a box of tissues. Taemin, confused by the items, went to pick up the letter and opened it.

' Dear Taemin/Minchkin/Taebaby/Cutie Pie,'

Taemin mentally vomited but continued reading...

'As your hyungs we have decided that we solve your yaphobia. Jonghyun, Onew, Key and I all agree that you need to be cured ASAP! The magazines are from my personal collection ;) they'll help you get used to intimate things AKA Onew Hyung's huge sausage. The tissues are for your nosebleeds which will definitely come considering the magazines i picked for you ;D Oh and there's some food in the fridge and here's some money for food later~~ 
Hope you get well soon Minnie! 
Sincerely, Minho and co.' 

Taemin gathered some information from this. One bit being that he doesn't know what the heck yaphobia is. He felt reassured that the tissues were for nosebleeds and not anything else...

The 'money for food later' they gave was a lot. Taemin chuckled evilly because he always gets spoiled by his hyungs. Then there were the magazines...

Taemin glanced at one of the covers, which showed a tanned muscly man flexing his body and that was enough to make him have a 'problem downstairs'. "I don't know how long it will take. I don't care how long it takes! I've got to cure this disease! I'll make you proud hyungs! I'll show you i can stop bleeding and fainting!!!" 

Taemin shed a tear in triumphant pride, which nobody was listening to because he was alone...
He put the letter down and decided to face his fear straight away. He grabbed one of the magazines and slowly exhaled. "Ok Taemin you can do this." 

Men. Every single page had men. Not just normal men, oh no. This one in particular was showing the top 100 best male stars in korea. Taemin noticed they all had barely any clothing and were staring at him with hungry eyes. 

He picked the magazine's double spread up and turned it at multiple angles. Every time he turned it, the eyes of the men kept staring at him. (Who do they think they are staring at me?!) He decided to do a staring contest with one of the pictures, but soon realised he could never win... Which didn't stop him from calling No. 12 a cheater. 

Every person he went through made his issue harder to handle as he got closer to No. 1. He finally reached the page that would reveal the No. 1 star and he was in complete shock! 

At Jonghyun's game designing company, he was in the middle of adding the crisp detail to one of the characters in an upcoming RPG when the assistant walked in his office. 

"Jonghyun sunbae, Mr Jung is holding a board meeting and he said its compulsory." She nervously lifted up her glasses. 

Jonghyun sighed, "Just as i was gonna develop the better parts of this man... Ok i'll be there. When is it?" 

The assistant awkwardly gulped and showed her watch to Jonghyun. "Uh now sir." Jonghyun sighed again and got up, walking past the assistant to the board room. The assistant, being a little curious, looked over to Jonghyun's computer screen and her glasses went foggy. He was creating what looked like a husky, male character. She didn't know what game it was but she was definitely gonna buy it. 

"Ahh Jonghyun! Glad you could join us!" His boss said, sitting around an oval table with fellow designers and writers of the company. Jonghyun bowed then took his seat. 

"Ok so now that we're all here I can tell you why i bought you here." Everyone focused their attention to Mr Jung. "Well we've been working on this new RPG and i really want it to touch the heartstrings of our players. Basically the current main characters we have are rubbish." 

There was a hussle of rumbling and of the coworkers wondering what was wrong with the male and female protagonists this close to the game's launch. One worker, the designer for the female character raised her hand. "What is it  exactly that makes you see them as rubbish?" 

"The characters lack any emotion! I don't feel any connection when i look at these marvellous looking characters! What i'm trying to get at is that I want representatives for these characters. Real people who can take on the role of the male and female to show the public the true emotions behind them." 

Everyone hummed and nodded in understanding and agreement. One of the developers spoke up, "But who do you have in mind?" The boss sighed and ruffled his hair. 

"That's where i need your help. Any suggestions?" The table was full of mini conversations about possible models, the development for advertising and also what they'll have for dinner tonight." 

That's when Jonghyun's eyes grew wide as he thought of the perfect representatives. "Mr Jung! I know the perfect two people! They're gorgeous!" Mr Jung laughed at the excited state Jonghyun was in. 

"Haha that's good! Bring them in next week for auditions!" Jonghyun nodded and bowed then ran off back to his office. He scrambled through his coat pockets and finally found his phone. 

He quickly went to his contacts and began writing a text to Minho. 

'Minnie, babe you won't belieeeve it! ^~~^ I think i got you a temp. job as a male model for one of our main characters!!~~~ kekeke isn't that great!? xxxxxx' 

He sent the text and then flicked through his contacts again and landed on Nana. 

'Nanaaaaaa~~~ Guess what?! :D i got you a temp. job as a model for one of our main characters!! ^_^ kekeke i hope you can do it ! ~'

Jonghyun grinned at the messages and calmly put his phone away. Just as he was about to put it back he got a message. (Wow those guys are fast!) But it wasn't Minho or Nana.

Jonghyun's mouth was wide open and he dropped his phone in shock...

Key was currently working the stitching for the frills on one of his latest designs. After repeatedly being poked by Key's sewing needle, the model who was helping him stormed off in outrage. Key just rolled his eyes, "its not my fault you had cankles." 

He went back to his work station and was joined by his fellow designer and friend Woohyun. Woohyun sipped his coffee and spoke up, "You stab another model?" 

"Its not my fault she's best friends with McDonalds."

"What about the other 20 or so?" 

"Too short, too tall, too fat, too ugly to even touch, too erted, too smelly to go near, too rude to control not killing, too insane to not be afraid-" Key would have stated all 20 reasons if Woohyun didn't interrupt him.

"Ok ok you made your point. Besides at least we know one model who's perfect." Key blushed a little but it wasn't obvious since he was red from anger. 

"If you're referring to Onew, then you can stop referring." 

Woohyun just laughed, "No but seriously Keybum congrats on scoring! How is he huh?" 

"Thanks Woobum and he's fine~" 

Woohyun smirked, "Key you know what i actually meant." 

Key just rolled his eyes and walked away to the toilets because he really couldn't handle his flustered cheeks. 
After cooling down his face and heart, he flicked through his phone for any new messages. 

A new daily challenge on a game, a new status update, a retweet and ... Key screamed and dropped his phone on the floor in horror! He lost control and began hyperventilating and crying, but soon gained clarity enough to call Onew. 

Later on that day, it was the evening and everyone had finished work. Key had sent a text to all the boys to meet up at their apartment as early as possible, which Minho left work early for as he figured the worst had happened. 

Key, Minho, Jonghyun and Onew were now sat in the living room, with Jonghyun and Key looking extremely depressed. Minho was ruffling Jonghyun's hair to calm him down while Onew was cuddling Key. 

Onew and Minho did not receive any sort of message besides the one of Key telling them to rush home so they were completely unaware about what was happening. 

Minho caressed Jonghyun's fringe, "Jongie, what's wrong?" Jonghyun didn't reply and buried his face in Minho's chest. 

Onew tilted his head to a puffy eyed Key. "Babe, what happened?!" Onew and Minho exchanged confused and sad glances at each other and finally Key seemed to gain composure. 

"You ok now Key?" Onew asked in the most worried voice. 

"Yeah i'm fine now, but something's happened." 

Jonghyun also gained composure and sat straight, holding Minho's hand. "I think Key and I got the same message." 

Key and Jonghyun shared glances of complete heartbreak as they recalled the words of the text. 

Key sighed loudly and finally decided to tell the other two.

"It's about Taemin." 


A/N: This is where the story gets a little darker and to me juicier! Enjoy ~ 



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blozee #1
Chapter 16: finally new chapter! <3 i love it as always ;> can't wait for next ♥
Sadirmiah #2
Comment your thoughts guys ! <3
blozee #3
Chapter 15: ohmygawd this is amazing! are you going to update next chapters? bc i love it so much ♥ ♥
Queenoftheworld209 #4
Chapter 14: That last part was hilarious! I love clueless Taemin!
Chapter 14: one of my guilty pleasure stories and yes im still here!!!
JongHolic #6
Chapter 13: owhhohoho cant wait to the chapter !!!
Sadirmiah #7
Sorry if i'm being delayed guys! I'll try hard to get these chapters rolling ~
JongHolic #8
Chapter 10: Ahhhhhhh!! I need moarrr ;o;!!! can't wait for the next chapter author nim!
JaeYong_TY #9
so, os the nana here the one from afterschool/prange caramel,
or no?

cuz i dunno
Fluffirlove #10
Chapter 8: ohhhhhh left us hanging this is getting to be to much to handle THE FEELS can't wait for the next update.