Operation Love 10

Operation Love!

"Its about Taemin." Key finally said after maintaining composure. Minho and Onew were still confused but got a little worried after realising Taemin wasn't here.

"What happened to Taemin?" Onew asked, hoping it'd be something silly like he's stuck his tongue on a lampost. 

Key fished through his pocket and flicked through his phone, finding the message he was sent by Taemin's phone. He handed the phone to Onew and Minho hastily left Jonghyun's side to also see the phone. 

'From Taebaby: To Key Umma

I F. Y O U. W A N T. T O. S E E. T A E M I N. E V E R. A G A I N. D O. N O T. C A L L. T H E. P O L I C E. 

W E. A R E. W A T C H I N G. Y O U.'

Minho and Onew shared the same feelings as Key and Jonghyun now, except Minho was pissed beyond belief. "Who the has Taemin and what the do they want?!" 

Minho paced around the living room, ready to punch or smash anything in his way. Jonghyun sensed the insane anger Minho had and ran up to him, hugging him from the back. 

"Getting angry won't get us anywhere baby, shh~" 

Minho looked down, forcing his eyes not to start tearing up. "You're right... I'm sorry." He sat back down and the four boys were around the table. 

Suddenly Onew began running towards the curtains, shutting them with force. He ran to every window he could and smashed every curtain and blind shut. Key was shocked by his boyfriend's outburst and he tried to calm him down. 

"Jinks ! Calm down please!" 

Onew continued and even began grabbing vases and picture frames, smashing them on the ground as well. Key was terrified and he hid behind Minho. Minho was a little scared by his hyung but none the less stood up.

"Onew hyung stop!" Onew turned his head to Minho and the others and that's when he saw how scared Key look. (Did i do something) 

Onew took a step towards the others and Key stopped him. "That's close enough!" 

"But Key i was jus-" 

"I don't wanna know! You can't just ruin our apartment Onew!" 

Onew looked around the apartment and saw the broken vases and pictures shattered on the floor. He had a dumbfounded look and picked up something from one of the in tact vases. 

"Look." Onew said and showed the others a black wire that had a microphone. "The bastard who took Taemin rigged the place." 

Key stuttered in disbelief, "Oh uh i uh... Sorry." Jonghyun shot up from the couch for the TV. He bent down and picked up the console. 

"They even rigged my games huh... That's low." If this were an episode of Naruto, Jonghyun would be in Nine Tails' mode right now. He yanked the microphone off and smashed it with his foot. Minho and Key jumped slightly from the loud bang. 

Onew patted Jonghyun on the shoulder in comfort and led him back to his seat. Onew grabbed a notepad from his desk quickly with a pen and came back to the boys. 

"Ok so anger and crying isn't gonna get us Taemin back, but a plan will." 

Jonghyun's ears perked at hearing 'plan' and all he could think about was the part in his video game where the knights planned to save the princess. 

Jonghyun got up and placed his palms firmly on the table. "Ok listen you brave warriors. We're gonna do whatever it takes to save the mushroom head princess!" 

Key rolled his eyes, "This isn't a game pabo~ but i'm with you!" 

Jonghyun did a hearty 'hazaar!' while puffing his chest out. Minho just admired how calm Jonghyun could get when he himself was in distress. 

Minho evilly smirked and turned to Onew. "Should we murder them, captain?" 

Onew was shocked, by Minho's sudden thirst for blood and being called captain! (Captain Onew... I like it.) Onew stopped daydreaming, "Uh hum! Minho goon, i don't think we should murder them..." To this he got a grumpy 'aww no fair!' From Minho and Jonghyun. 

"But i don't oppose to severely damaging them to the point they can barely move a finger." Key was surprised by how serious Onew was saying something so cruel... It kinda turned him on. 

Jonghyun and Minho switched attitudes back to a loud 'hazaar!' and Jonghyun began jumping up and down in excitement.

Minho sighed, "Oh great, he's gonna be like this for a while~" 

Onew smiled at Jonghyun's antics and continued. "Anyways, first lets gather everything we know about Taemin before we left for work." 

Key perked up, "Oh there is so much to say. First he overslept because of a certain incident yesterday~" Onew blushed a little but Key carried on. "There's also the letter we left him with the magazines, tissues and money."

Jonghyun, after hearing about the items, turned his head to the counter where they left the stuff. He ran over to it and noticed that the magazine was open on a certain page, the tissues had some smeared with blood and the money was all gone. "Guys over here!" Jonghyun called the others over, who all rushed over and gathered around the counter.

Minho picked up the bloody tissues and placed a finger on the blood. "Its fresh, so Taemin was here recently. And the blood has no signs of tissue or bone marrow so it must be his nosebleeds." Key let out a huge sigh of relief, his previous thought of someone hurting Taemin residing. 

Onew picked up the magazine on the page that it was opened on. It was the 'No. 1 male star' and it showed a fairly young looking guy who looked rather innocent. Onew skipped through the interview questions and finally noticed that at the bottom, there was a number for the agency No. 1 worked at... It had multiple circles around it. "Taemin must have called!" 

Everyone else was scanning the bloody tissues so were utterly confused by what Onew said. Key went over to him, "Who did Taemin call?" 

"Look here! This is the agency this guy works at! Taemin must have tried to face his fear head on." Key whole heartedly laughed out loud. "No way would my baby do something like that!" 

"Maybe he would." Came a reply from Jonghyun, who was by the counter ogling the letter. "Look, Minchkin wrote to us on the back." The others huddled around Jonghyun as he read the letter sent from Taemin. 

"Dear Hyungs, i've decided to get rid of my disorder completely! I'm gonna join this agency and become a better person so i can get used to multiple topless prom models. I just got off the phone with them and they said i could meet them for some audition... Idk really but hopefully these prom stars can teach me to stop fainting!

I love you all, don't get old and wither away! ~Taemin~"

The hyungs were all silent, the mood in the room switching to completely tense. Key grabbed the letter and scanned his finger through the sentences quickly. He then pointed at a certain word and faced the letter to the other three. 

"Taemin wrote prom." 

Jonghyun smiled a little, "Oh so it wasn't me that got it wrong!" 

Minho furrowed his eyebrows, "Wait. He didn't write ?" 

"Mhm" Jonghyun replied. 

"No~ There's no way he thought those guys were PROM stars!" 

Onew looked over the piece of paper and grinned, "Looks like he did~ That pabo." 

Key jokingly punched Onew's arm, "See! I told you he wouldn't do something like that!" Onew lifted his hands in the air surrendering. "Im sorry bummie~" He then went to Key's ear and whispered something Jonghyun and Minho couldn't hear. 

Key was giggling like a school girl, Onew was smirking and the other two were still confused. 

Jonghyun rolled his eyes and fetched his phone, putting it back to the threatening text. "PEOPLE! TAEMIN HAS GONE TO AN AGENCY FOR STARS WHO HAVE THREATENED US ! WE NEED TO FIND HIM!" 

Jonghyun was exhaling loudly while the others silently looked at each other in guilt. They all muttered a 'sorry' and gathered round again. Jonghyun shared eye contact with the other three and finally broke the silence. 

"So what's the first step?" 


A/N: So are you mad? Confused? Worried? Hopefully you are 'cause i want this story to dip into a little darkness :3 of course with humour! ;D the next chapter will detail Taemin's experience 'cause i'm sure you guys are curious. (Hopefully) ^~^

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blozee #1
Chapter 16: finally new chapter! <3 i love it as always ;> can't wait for next ♥
Sadirmiah #2
Comment your thoughts guys ! <3
blozee #3
Chapter 15: ohmygawd this is amazing! are you going to update next chapters? bc i love it so much ♥ ♥
Queenoftheworld209 #4
Chapter 14: That last part was hilarious! I love clueless Taemin!
Chapter 14: one of my guilty pleasure stories and yes im still here!!!
JongHolic #6
Chapter 13: owhhohoho cant wait to the chapter !!!
Sadirmiah #7
Sorry if i'm being delayed guys! I'll try hard to get these chapters rolling ~
JongHolic #8
Chapter 10: Ahhhhhhh!! I need moarrr ;o;!!! can't wait for the next chapter author nim!
JaeYong_TY #9
so, os the nana here the one from afterschool/prange caramel,
or no?

cuz i dunno
Fluffirlove #10
Chapter 8: ohhhhhh left us hanging this is getting to be to much to handle THE FEELS can't wait for the next update.