
Old Friends

"Teacher, I'm just wondering how many other famous friends you got hiding..."  


"or other jobs you got hiding..."  


"Well as interesting as those conversations sound, it looks like class is done. Please hand in your homework tomorrow no exceptions! Also remember that essay due Friday? The due date is moved up to Thursday as I wont be in Friday. You have two days to finish it!" She smiled sweetly just to annoy her students a little more. She sat at her desk staring at all the work she had to grade, she groaned as she picked up her pen.  


"Well act like you’re a little excited to see me." She heard a voice from the door.  


"Excuse me?" Chorong looked towards the door to see a young woman removing her sunglasses.  


"I saw you on Naeun's show... I asked for a favor" The girl played with the brim of the hat that sat on her head. "Not a lawyer, a teacher. Miss Park... Miss Park Chorong..."  


"Listen I'm not in the mood to be teased." Chorong stood up from her chair grabbing her bag, clearly ignoring the stack of paper. "Now if you have a point to finding me I'd state it now, because I'm just on my way out.  


"Rong~" The girl whined before removing her hat showing her old friend who she really was. "I can't believe you forgot your Bom-ah" She pouted before walking towards the teacher.  


"Yoon Bomi." Chorong's mouth stayed agape. 


"Oh please don't be start struck..."  


"Trust me I'm not, I'm just wondering how a dork like you became famous."  


"How did a beautiful girl like you become a teacher." Bomi smiled taking a step towards the older girl. Chorong eyed the girl wondering how this Bomi, and the Bomi she had been friends with were the same person.  


"Yeah I'm a teacher I get it okay. I'm not an actress, I'm not a singer, I'm not a lawyer..." 


"Hey nothing is wrong with being a teacher. Honestly I regret not becoming one like I said I would, I took this crazy path because it was offered to me."  


"At least you got somewhere in life." Chorong said under her breah 


"Hey Chorong... Can I have your number?" Bomi placed her hat back on her head.  



Chorong put her hair up in a messy bun trying to get comfortable after her awkward day at school. She looked down at her phone noticing the screen had lit up, she groaned as she reached to pick up the phone call. She looked at the contact reading Dork, before closing her eyes and answering the phone.  


"Hey Chorong? It's me Bomi. I was just thinking you shouldn't save my number under Yoon Bomi you know just in case." 


"You really don't need to worry about that... Is this all you called for?" Chorong as she slumped down in her seat.  


"Well no I just wanted to talk. But if you don't want to that's okay too." Bomi awkwardly coughed at the end of her sentence. Chorong smirked to herself because she knew Bomi clearly didn't know how to talk to the older girl now.  


"What would we talk about? Life... law... Music"  


"You're still not funny."  


"Thanks I know. So how did you become super star Yoon Bomi?" 


"Someone approached me after graduation. I guess they saw this joke video I made with Namjoo... and anyway they saw potential."  


"One person I haven't had the pleasure of meeting is Namjoo."  


"I thought we were talking about me?" Bomi laughed awkwardly before clearing her throats. "I mean I don't know, she writes music for artists now."  


"So I'm the only one who failed." Chorong sighed as she was now fully laying down on the couch.  


"You know I wanted to be a teacher... I wouldn't let what other people think of you define you. You're you, and you've done the best. Just because others want you to be something doesn't mean you have to be. I think that’s what I've learned most about this experience." Bomi paused before taking a deep breath. "I missed you... As crazy or silly as that seems. You were kind of like the glue that kept us together, once you left we all just forgot what we meant to each other... I'm sorry I didn't call or write."  


"I didn't call or write either." Chorong reminded the young girl.   




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Chapter 16: Ohh the preview from the previous chapter weaved into this one so well!! It's very beautifully written and sad aw~ Keep up the good work author. Looking forward to the next chapter :)
hccc49 #2
Chapter 16: Angst but i hope they will get together soon like chomi! Naeun really loves eunji
Eririn #3
Chapter 16: Angst...:( But it was a beautifully written update.
hccc49 #4
Please update again
frenzymenzy #5
Love ur update author *thumbs up*..
hccc49 #6
Chapter 15: Nixe update haha
Eririn #7
Chapter 15: The preview sounds mysterious and exciting. Something big is gonna happen right?
Choheri #8
Chapter 15: Well..i want to have like this date..soo cute <3 update soon <3
Eririn #9
Chapter 14: Cool truck! I found this chapter funny. Nice how they are all getting along nicely xD
hccc49 #10
Chapter 14: Please please update again you write a really awesome story :))!