Old Friends

Hey lovely readers, wel hopefully i still have readers! i've been so busy lately, with all this stuff going on. Anyway i wont make excuses i've been a terrible author. So if you're still here comment! and i'll write a new or a few new chapters for this weekend or the begining of next week. Make sure you give me some ideas of what YOU think may happen next. I want to hear the readers input! okay love you guys. Again i'm so sorrrrryyy <3



Yeah your author gots a tattoo... wooo so bad . (please sense this sarcasm) 

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Chapter 16: Ohh the preview from the previous chapter weaved into this one so well!! It's very beautifully written and sad aw~ Keep up the good work author. Looking forward to the next chapter :)
hccc49 #2
Chapter 16: Angst but i hope they will get together soon like chomi! Naeun really loves eunji
Eririn #3
Chapter 16: Angst...:( But it was a beautifully written update.
hccc49 #4
Please update again
frenzymenzy #5
Love ur update author *thumbs up*..
hccc49 #6
Chapter 15: Nixe update haha
Eririn #7
Chapter 15: The preview sounds mysterious and exciting. Something big is gonna happen right?
Choheri #8
Chapter 15: Well..i want to have like this date..soo cute <3 update soon <3
Eririn #9
Chapter 14: Cool truck! I found this chapter funny. Nice how they are all getting along nicely xD
hccc49 #10
Chapter 14: Please please update again you write a really awesome story :))!