Character Analysis

This is Utopia

This is Utopia Analysis and Character Chart

Jaejoong- married to Yuri, doesn’t question the way society is run, he already knows it is wrong. When the opportunity to revolt arises, he takes the safe route and stays neutral, but he continues to help with the rebellion by not using the supplies given by Junsu and not having children. He had the mutation (outside) to slow things down with his mind and almost see it happening before it does. His neutral attitude continues to play, almost as if he is too afraid to speak his opinion. He only wants to learn everything that he missed out on like music and art, but the colony's plan on invading the domes causes him to get caught up in a war that could destroy earth.

Jaejoong looks like he did around his debut, a scrawny little guy with black hair. He was always a follower of others and undertaking the challenges they gave him. Starting from Yunho pushing his (Yoochun’s) plan for outside the domes and surviving and then getting the chip in his head changed, his protests met deaf ears and he submitted. After that there were Changmin’s pressures to train and join the army for the invasions of the domes. Subsequently, he was convinced by Narsha to join in on her own little rebellion. Even slightly after Key is killed, it can be looked at that Jaejoong started to follow the will of the younger Kibum, however, I prefer to see it as Jaejoong simply doing the right thing.

Throughout the story, Jaejoong encounters technology he was not accustomed to like Jiyong’s music, the fountain of water, weightlifting, the watch with a holographic map, checking out food at the supermarket, the kitchen dishwasher and oven, and the weapons. This shows Jaejoong’s continual growth (evolution). He readily accepted the new innovations until Chapter 15: Based on Learning, when he rejects any more of the outside society and burns the history books. Jaejoong’s using of fire to burn the books instead of some high-tech method further shows his step away from the outside world as if in desire to return to the dome life.

On many occasions Jaejoong has thoughts that his life has not changed that much from inside to outside the domes. The best example is right before the invasion in Chapter 16: Based on Awakening and Jaejoong and Yuri have no food or water to give Changmin and that people are becoming sick and hungry, dying easily. This parallel’s the description of dome life in Chapter 1: Based on Survival when the couple has no food or clean water to eat and Jaejoong wakes up ill.

Jaejoong’s physical and psychological evolutions start from the chip in his head being changed. At that point he was physically weak but had gained a massive amount of knowledge. After training with Changmin, his gained strength and his mentality evolved as well. He gained the ability (from the radiation mutating him) to slow down time with his mind. By strengthening his body, he was also able to act on this slowed perception. After his experience with the last remaining animals in the world, Jaejoong takes a step towards his Awakening. Following that trip is the parade when Jaejoong notices something is wrong with the music, then the event with Narsha forcing his memories to come back.

Here he wakes up to the corruption around him. In most cases of Jaejoong physically waking up, he is actually awakening to a broader point. Waking up in Chapter 1 is him returning to a routine that should never be broken, but instead, his sickness quickly disrupts everyday life. Waking up in the hospital in Chapter 5 is him coming to terms with the new world, and in Chapter 6: Based on Following, he even starts to accept the differences. As mentioned before, Jaejoong’s waking from his dream with Narsha is his turning point from waking to a new world to distinguishing between reality and fantasy. His later waking in the hospital is another key point when he is able to see not only the world exactly in front of him, but the world behind the dome walls. The significance is that previous ideas about the domes are replaced with the utopian ideals that the Key and Junsu envisioned, men and women relaxing and enjoying their ual and gluttonous pleasures.

His relationship with Yuri, his wife, is rather fragile. At the start, they were together for mutual benefit. To be married means a solid place in society, even if they didn’t have children yet. Only having children would guarantee easy living. Jaejoong and Yuri married at seventeen and fifteen, respectively, and remained together for eight years. Their society said they had to, so they did. At that time, they were young and willing, eager to help their community grow in population. They struggled together, waiting patiently for their first child to be born and the easy times to come. The key point being that they did it together. When their child was killed they realized the tragedy of their society and sort of backed off from their entire situation. They started to question why they were together and came to understand that their relationship, based not on love but , was wrong.

But they had to stay together, and if they are together, they might as well help the other live. Their lives depended on the other doing well. So while Yuri felt no loving attachment to Jaejoong in the first chapter, she felt the concern of a mother and wife when she knew her sick husband was in danger of being kicked out, therefore she was in danger of being kicked out. They had become lifelong partners in a fight with each other and their government.

When they were blasted out of the domes, a leash was removed and they could move freely again. They didn’t need each other so they didn’t stay together. It took a little time for that to sink in, but it became really obvious the more Yuri studied about the things she missed out on like medicine, and the more Jaejoong recovered his health and found new interests that didn’t protect what they used to have. It was a mutual split, and they still felt a great friendship with the other, the person that knew them best and they understood more than themselves.

Like a friend, Jaejoong discusses his worries with Yuri as if they hadn’t spent eight years in a torturous relationship. Yuri listens for the same reasons, concern built in after so long. When Jaejoong needs her, she is ready to go back. Things aren’t as she expects them to be, like the medicine practice being uncaring and indifferent; Siwon’s company isn’t the best, and sudden loneliness is unwelcoming. She saves Jaejoong from the parade because she honestly misses him.

When Narsha makes Jaejoong remember about their dead child, he builds up a love with her. (This is also an example of Jaejoong “Awakening”). It is practical to love someone you lived with for many years and who would have been the mother of your child. Yuri cares for Jaejoong because she has never seen him so broken and defeated. The man who risked his life to care for her so long ago, she now is returning the favor. “I want to love you, can I love you?” Now they both sort of feel the need to love the other, for no real reason other than they trust each other, their company is loved, and they have the same goal now. Stop this war completely, they are all wrong.

When Jaejoong ran home to change clothes and train with Taemin, his kissing Yuri on the nose and saying ‘I love you’ is him giving their marriage another try. Yuri is just the same, wanting his warm embrace and to feel like she had an important duty again. Before she helped protect their lives with their getup, she likes to feel needed. They help each other feel these things unconsciously. Their relationship continues to show this when they start doing more things together and share more embraces as in Chapter 15: Based on Learning when they hold hands and in Chapter 16: Based on Awakening when they actually have with each other.

By Chapter 17: Based on Revolution, their relationship has been fully repaired and is even better than in the beginning. Jaejoong watching Yuri as she sleeps and then waking her up in the same manner as he did in Chapter 1 when their relationship still appeared loving. He uses almost the exact same words but with a more loving connotation. Now that he has experienced color, sunlight, and beauty, he is able to compare her to sunshine and with florid colors. He even says that she is more attractive than the things he came to find beautiful in the outside world.

This final development only came around because of their need to unite together against a distinct evil and their mindset that their survival depended on eliminating this danger.

Yuri- married to Jaejoong, nurse, interested in science and other biology things. Separates from Jaejoong when their bond becomes useless. (Name comes from a Korean friend, not any idol).

She has a backseat role for the greater part of the fic, mostly because she is a woman and women do not have a proper place in society, even outside the domes, as seen by Narsha’s ostracism. Her desires to have further education are set aside for what is best for her husband because that is her duty as a woman. She has always been more civilized and refined than the other women. Those living in the domes went around in minimal clothing for easy and child care while those living in the outside world took on a snooty attitude as if they were better just because they weren’t even though they appear less educated than Yuri, and the only education ever mentioned is the military school where men are in the top ranks. In comparison to Narsha, a woman from the outside world, Yuri is calm and collected, as well as simpler and easier to handle. Narsha is dangerous while Yuri is safe for Jaejoong. (Further ism is seen with the ion in the palace and with GaIn becoming a wife to a Governor and not a Governor herself).

From the very beginning she is the one to push Jaejoong on. In order to avoid worrying Yuri, Jaejoong forced himself to act strong and go to work. His need to keep Yuri alive drove them to keep running away from the blast from the domes in Chapter 5: Based on Discovery. After their collapse, Yuri insisted that the rescue team aid Jaejoong instead of her because he took the brute of the damage. Later Jaejoong’s devotion to being a good friend and husband caused him to excel in his training. The memories of her relationship with Jaejoong before their child was killed drives Jaejoong to reject the outside world as well as the domes. Finally, Jaejoong’s desire to protect Yuri come the invasion ties up her influence.

During his time away from Yuri, Jaejoong showed a leniency towards bad decisions that resulted in his mistreatment from Changmin. This is comparable to the later events when Jaejoong calls for Yuri and not Changmin when he is injured after he collapses because of the nuclear explosion. Yuri and Jaejoong’s reuniting parallel’s Jaejoong’s “Awakening” when he clearly sees the world for what it is and is able to make objective choices.

Key- Ruler of the domes due to an inheritance from his father Kim Kibum and he will give the domes to his son Kim Kibum. He keeps sector 1 rich to promote the idea that life is just the way it needs to be. “Give the people what they want. If they want a show of tears and remorse, start the water works and pass out the tissues. It doesn’t matter what the topic is, I will make them believe every word that comes out of my mouth.”

This Lord has the mindset that he really is a divine being, that his very existence is holy. His ideas stem from the set belief that Kim Kibum is the savior of the people. Kibum is supposed to be a parody of Jesus Christ and the reaction some people have towards him. The conflict between old Christianity and the Almighty Key is similar to Christians discarding Judaism. Siwon’s role is to show that while Key is worshiped and the religion of the state is him, the old values still live.

He has different faces depending on how close he is (physically or mentally) to a person or persons. The sectors far away see him as a power hungry monster that doesn’t care for their needs. That is not that case, Key is simply too far away to be able to do anything for them, that is why he has the bureaucracy is place, so that leaders he trusted would be able to solve the problems far away. The people in his sector see him as a divine man because he visits them every Sunday in celebration and helps their economy by actually interacting with shops. Key is actually a graceful figure, coming face to face with the people and promising them services that he is able to provide. At the same time, it is guaranteed that they will live better because, as his advisor, Minho, and the other servants in the palace see, Key can’t stand to see poverty for selfish reasons. Homeless people are beggars and annoying, trash and hunger are not gruesome sights, and dull grays and silent airs are boring.

His servants work hard and are loyal to him because he saves them from the poverty that shouldn’t exist, as in the case of Junsu, GaIn and the hopeful Ricky and Alexander. This factor leads to GaIn acting as a spy and Ricky taking Heechul to Key, overall helping Key have better chances at winning the war. The case of Key picking Alexander off the streets is a present time telling of how Junsu was taken in and cared for and eventually was rewarded, as seen with GaIn and Ricky’s goal.

When Jaejoong invades the Palace, it is noted that the flowers do not smell good even though they are in bloom at this time of early summer. Through this, the theme of society declining because of beauty being defiled comes to play. This is a crucial point in the fall of Key’s era, and the flowers foreshadow his death in the following chapter. Paralleling this is Jaejoong finds the beauties of the outside world sickening to him now, and later in that Chapter, 17, Jonghyun is assassinated.

Junsu- was abandoned in the streets of Sector 1. Key brought him up and allowed him to live a rich life to keep his sector rich. Junsu was a strong follower of Key and to repay him for his kindness he wanted to help control the restless outer domes. Key granted him the power to rule over sector 7453. Now being held captive by Jonghyun and tortured by the soldier, Taemin.

Looking like the Intoxication era, Junsu starts off as the villain in the fic, but later his role is diminished by the opposing oppressors. Initially, Junsu followed theme #2, oppression and revolution destroy art. His rule over sector 7453 led to it being a considerable hellhole with no color, music, or happiness. The sector has distinct social classes (shown through Jaejoong and Yuri’s living conditions compared to Yunho’s) and Junsu is the cause for it. His strict rule of survival of the fittest and demand for children give Jaejoong and Yuri many hardships, thus he takes a negative role. His little catfight with Yuri in Chapter 2: Based on Possession added to that.

His relationship with Key is contrasted with his relationship with Jonghyun by how Jonghyun tortures Junsu while Key treated him well. Junsu absolutely loves Key and does not question his methods, he has faith in him, and Jonghyun absolutely does not care and hates Junsu and Key without question. It is very clear that Junsu is also a victim when he is stripped of power and dehumanized more than had been seen throughout the fic by Chapter 8: Based on Absolute. The beginning of the chapter where Jonghyun proceeds to torture Junsu founded by, as Jonghyun says, “A feeling that I was born with. I can’t deny it. This is who I am.” Through Junsu’s implied narrative, he makes it clear that Key has never acted so cruelly before.

Junsu’s return in Chapter 18: Based on Justice is the return to normalcy. He takes up the role of governor again and even says the announcement for the Almighty Key’s death the same way he announced in Chapter 1 that it was time for the workers to wake.

Yoochun- He inherited his position of governor from his father and also learned to hate Key as he grew up. The outer colonies aren’t satisfied with the way life is because they are so far from Key and his wealth and they don’t like that. Yoochun is the leader of the rebellion and helps sectors by bringing in illegal goods.

Because his father was against King Kibum, Yoochun was automatically against him as well, and he also had ist values like his father. He followed in his father’s footsteps as if he knew his fate. This is similar to how the younger Kibums will always take over their father’s position

In Chapter 2: Based on Possession, I described Yoochun as having a lot of charisma but still being young (when I say his uniform is loose fitting) and with long wavy hair. I pictured him similar to the Beginning era. In Chapter 14: Based on Tasks, I used the same method of describing Yoochun from how he appeared when he walked up to a podium. He still had strong charisma, but now he has grown up and matured, shown by his defined muscles and uniform fitting.

This is an example of Yoochun going through a simple evolution. It parallels how in the first part of Chapter 15: Learning, Jaejoong has built up muscles and is also maturing. Yoochun’s rise in leadership is parallels Key’s leadership and also Jonghyun’s, especially that part about leading the people into a war based on revenge. In the end, Yoochun and Jonghyun’s part in the war comes back on them and they both die.

Yoochun also gives examples how oppression destroys art when he returns to his sector in Chapter 4: Based on Time and he enjoys the heartbeats of his people, the closest his has ever been to music. The same can be said for Chapter 14 when the people march and cheer together in a rhythmic unity.

Each and every act of Yoochun’s is a represents the people coming together and forming a destructive sea, like a tsunami of rebels. Yoochun sees the people as uniform and moving in wavelike manners, sweeping over cities and crashing over them, finally pulling stragglers into their ranks. The very act of rebellion is a surge of power on their part, like a storm surge.

Yunho- friend of Jaejoong, rich but defies Junsu because Junsu is forcing him to have an arranged marriage when he loves his robot. Uses all his resources in hope of Jaejoong becoming a part of the rebellion inside the domes. Has basic and advanced knowledge concerning history and technology.

With the Mirotic era appearance, Yunho’s role in the fic is rather pathetic. Other than giving Jaejoong his library and aiding Yoochun’s rebellion, he did not do much. Instead, Yunho represents the upper class in society. His family has been wealthy since present day Earth. His position was set in stone, so he was allowed to break a few rules. His unorthodox relationship with the C0-PAN10N is a great example of love not being based on or desire but on unity and helplessness. Yunho doesn’t want to conform to societies wishes, he wants to live his own life, and his predicament sends him into a doomed relationship with the android.

Yunho’s death similarly demonstrates the theme of war based on revenge backfiring. Yunho sought change because he had been denied to right to love his android, selfish reasons, so he was killed off in the revolution. At the same time, it shows that society will not change to accept his relationship, no matter how much he wants it to. Lastly, Yunho’s affection toward a nonhuman uses the motif Extinction.

Changmin- Blind man in charge of rescue team under Jonghyun. Has super senses so he doesn’t even really need to see. Gets Jaejoong up to health and convinces him to join the war cause. One of the first in command under Jonghyun.

Also looking like the Mirotic era, Changmin is the representation for oppression and revolution destroying beauty (the arts) and the defiling of art leading to the decline of society. Going by the theme, the oppressive rule of the Governors causes Changmin never getting sight. Later, the revolution has Changmin bidding to Jonghyun’s will, as in Chapter 13: Based on Deception when Changmin runs through the maze meant to harm the blind. In this scene, Changmin races through obstacles that a normal blind man would find troubling but also obstacles that a seeing man would hinder. He simply kicks the artistic pottery away as he continues through the maze.

Changmin’s original role was one of many blind men in a society of blind that was surrounded by art and color, but who could not enjoy it. The colors of the flowers were useless to them, the sunset, and any physical arts. Obviously I did not take that direction with the fic.

His inability to appreciate the physical beauty around him while being in a high position under Jonghyun follows the theme of defiling beauty leading to decline. It can be said that Changmin is one of the key factors in Jonghyun’s downfall. He focused on training Jaejoong for war instead of letting him enjoy the wonders of the world. This is also revolution destroying art.

Increased senses are because of evolution outside the domes. It makes up for his lack of sight, which means he lives almost as a normal man but with important aspects missing from life. In a way, Changmin lives much like those in the domes, not knowing beauty, art, or colors. By Chapter 18: Based on Justice, Changmin’s rejection of art pushes him away from the change in society and he has to flee, he no longer has a place in this world. The world Jonghyun created was one that had art, but never embellished it. The new world took art and let it flourish, and Changmin could not fit in.

Jonghyun- leader of the outside world. The first Jonghyun was forced out of the domes and created a new home. Later, he united other exiles and then started colonizing the land around the domes entirely; the domes take up a majority of the land on earth though. Hates Key with a burning passion, always has, always will. Leads war against the domes.

As the title states, Jonghyun’s first appearance in Chapter 8: Based on Absolute is the direct representation of absolutism in the fic. There has always been a Jonghyun, and this Jonghyun has always hated the Kim Kibum legacy. It shows in Jonghyun’s speech to Junsu for why he hates him. He just does, it is part of him, and there is no question of it. His speech also gives away the first clue that Jonghyun isn’t merely a loved leader; he is an absolutist ruler, almost like a fascist dictator over those outside the domes. “I am the person that tells them when to stop shocking your mind, to stop dumping water on your face, to feed you, to clean you, to let you speak. I am the one that people adore, that people honor and respect. I am the person that people choose; I don’t force myself with this power. I am the leader Jonghyun.” The statement contradicts itself immediately. He says he has power over the people, and then he says that the people have the power to keep him on top.

As mentioned with Changmin and Key’s description, Jonghyun also leads an oppressive society parallel to Key’s domes; however, his rule comes with dire consequences. Jaejoong, who had been enthralled by the music Jiyong created and the animals at the zoo, found living outside the domes just as disgusting, if not worse, than in the domes. By allowing the destruction of the arts, his war efforts were doomed to fail. The people were suffering from the rationing and the restricted living conditions that played into many reluctant citizens. Narsha is the best example of the refusal to go to war.

Jonghyun’s main role was to parallel Key, Junsu, and Yoochun. When Yoochun sent Heechul to Jonghyun, he tried to capture him. When Heechul went to Key, he was captured. (At the same time, Yoochun struggled to find out who was spying on him and it was Key’s GaIn). Yoochun started planning for invasion, Jonghyun started planning for invasion. Key enjoyed entertainment, Jonghyun enjoyed entertainment. Key has a sort of parade every Sunday, Jonghyun has a parade to celebrate his visit. Yoochun had Yunho, Kyuhyun, Kevin, Kiseop, Kangin, Shindong, and Dongho; Jonghyun had Changmin, the rescue team (Yesung, Donghae, Henry, and Ryeowook), and the soldiers (Seungho, Seungri, Chansung, L.Joe, and Taemin). Even Jaejoong’s memories parallel to the present Jonghyun. In his dream, Jaejoong remembered taking food from Yoochun and Junsu informing Key and the soldiers destroying their home, acts of cruelty to the innocent. In the next chapter, Jonghyun is described laughing at a blind man trying to manage his way through a maze of fake doors.

His immense cruelty towards everyone not beneficial to his cause marks him as the main villain of the fic even though he originally starts off as a savior to the refugees. Jonghyun’s “beautiful” appearance is corrupted by his ambitions and can be related to his death.

Metaphorically speaking, blah blah blah, bull.

Remaining characters
Kyuhyun- works for Yoochun, similar role as Minho, an advisor.
Minho- Advisor to Key and his right hand man. 
Siwon- the preacher in Sector 7453. Does the prayer service before Yuri and Jaejoong’s exile. Is later found and lives outside the domes.
Leeteuk- the astounding doctor that could heal anyone, even though he lost prestige as more people became ill.
Shindong- a muscle man for Yunho, therefore for Yoochun. Same as Kangin.
Kangin- Same as Shindong.
Heechul- an important spy for Yoochun to find out what was happening outside the domes and with Key. He was the first to leave the safety of the domes and return, despite what Yunho says in early chapters because of ignorance.
Kiseop- Computer expert that helps Yoochun program things, also changed the chip in Jaejoong’s head from transmitting the ruler’s orders and tracking him to storing the Jung Library.
Kevin- Doctor that works for Yoochun, the one to initially cut into Jaejoong’s head for the chip. He shows how technology has stayed the same, if it is not worse.
Dongho- parallels Taemin, a young apprentice for Kevin and therefore Yoochun
Hangeng- entertainer (dancer) for Key’s court, not originally from Sector 1, so he speaks a different language.
Onew- entertainer (dancer) for Key’s court
Yesung- heads the rescue squad in Changmin’s place.
Donghae- On the rescue squad under Changmin, same as Henry and Ryeowook.
Henry- same as Donghae and Ryeowook
Ryeowook- same as Donghae and Henry
G-Dragon/Jiyong- musician outside the domes whose purpose is to entice the rescued, entertain the people, and create a general mood.
Eli- Zookeeper, works for Changmin to recruit the rescued.
GaIn- one of Key’s es, actually a spy for him. Marries Jokwon as a reward. Shows ism.
Kibum (Super Junior) - Key’s father
Kibum (former U-KISS) – Key’s twelve year old son and the new leader.
Seungho- Highest ranking soldier in Jonghyun’s army.
Seungri- high ranking soldier in Jonghyun’s army.
Chansung- high ranking soldier in Jonghyun’s army.
L.Joe- high ranking soldier in Jonghyun’s army.
Taemin- high ranking soldier in Jonghyun’s army, wins favor with Jonghyun and sticks close by him. In charge of watching over Junsu and torturing him. Finds Jaejoong by Narsha and helps him. Later trains Jaejoong’s body.
Ricky- a servant of Key’s, closet one to be a Governor after GaIn. Parallel’s Junsu’s past.
Alexander- parallels Junsu’s past, a beggar Key took off the streets and made a servant.
Narsha- Feminism, radical that wants to overthrow Jonghyun because she thinks he is worse than Key.
Sungmin- delivered food to Jaejoong during Yuri’s pregnancy. Worked for Yoochun in the illegal trade. Was killed by Key’s soldiers.
Jokwon- Key’s eldest son and the Governor of Sector 1. Husband of GaIn.

To be honest, many of the characters were chosen partly because they fit and partly because they are my friend’s biases. Kyuhyun, L.Joe. Taemin, Donghae, Sungmin, Henry, Kiseop.

My original idea spurred from Jaejoong and Yuri discovering the wonders of the wild after being exiled by their totalitarian government. The more I thought about it the more excited I grew. There are so many different elements that can be added to a dystopian fic and I think I only added the bare minimum. In fact, I wish I could do a bunch of spin-offs about the other characters even if I don’t have anything to add. I would never do that though, I wouldn’t have any readers.

The journey for writing ‘This is Utopia’ began when I couldn’t hold in my desires to write this fic. In biology we were going over evolution and survival of the fittest and all that stuff and how 99% of all species are now extinct and I was awed. In English we were reading numerous novels about Revolution and Dystopia. I loved them. In another class there was something about what people need to survive and human geography –I can’t quite remember, it was over a year ago.

Actually writing the story was pretty hard. I had high expectations for this because of everything I had read. As I was writing each chapter I struggled. I knew what I wanted but not how I wanted to express it. In many cases I planned out an entire chapter only to start writing and completely throw out my ideas for something out. For instance, Jaejoong meeting Taemin was unplanned; he was really supposed to go to the Zoo that chapter. Somehow Taemin and Narsha were formed. This is one of the real main reasons I updated slowly, dissatisfaction with my own words. Also I was really lazy.

Undankbar made the wonderful poster! I don’t think I ever credited her, but she made it! (As if you guys couldn't read the name on the Poster already).

Thank you so much my subscribers, comment-ers, and even silent readers. I am proud of this fic and I hope you guys liked it too~♥

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Do read the review for the fic by going to the bottom of foreword!


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Chapter 1: I'm only in the first chapter, but I was hooked already.The plot and the setting are laid out quite intriguingly. Your details of this utopian world made it convincing and realistic. Genius! And your characters are introduced in such a splendid way that I'm still reeling from shock ( dont get me wrong, it's just that hard to find good writers here). Lol.

Next chapter~
thesupremegoddess #2
Chapter 1: You probably won't even read this, but I'll comment anyway. I think that a lot of people on AFF are so used to subscribing to the fics that have a high number of views or subscribers (just my observations), assuming that it will be good since everyone else likes it. In the process, a lot of people miss out on some really good fics that haven't been given a chance. I started your story, and it is extremely enticing (this plot is a refreshing change from the usual cliched plots) - it's mind boggling as to how fics like this are passed over while others with atrocious grammar or undeveloped characters gain so many readers. Anyway, sorry for my long comment, just wanted to let you know that you're a good writer.
meisjoi #3
Can i have the PDF?? i just want to read it on my phone. please. someone recommended this story to me and seeing the comments... can't wait <3
This. Is. Amazing. Really.
Kris-C25 #5
oh my gosh! :O

at first, I just dropped by and just wanna peeked in

but as I read through the chapters .. I WAS LIKE O-O

wow that was damn amazing! (sorry for the damn word I was just freaking happy)

must agree to krixtalify

well, she had said it all

but I need to say that YOU REALLY WRITE THAT GOOD!
:) I mean, you have a different plot among the writers I've seen here...

actually, I'm not that picky when subscribing but when leaving a comment, I tend to be very picky ...

YOU REALLY DESERVE TO GET 5 stars and two thumbs up for this kind of story! :)

I somehow wish it could get featured! :) this is an incredible one type of story!

sorry for a very long comment
but .. you really deserve it! kyaa<3 two thumbs up for your awesomeness
Your comments just make me so happy, I have no words~♥
And just so you know, I don't really read any fanfictions that don't have the couples I ship, but your, YOURS, YOURS IS THE BIGGEST EXCEPTION I WILL SACRIFICE WHATEVER TO MAKE.<br />
<br />
And okay, back to my fangirl self, SQUEAAAAAAAK G-DRAGON!!<33
I-I just need to kick you right here and now. <br />
<br />
<br />
I will kick you for writing such an amazing story and keeping me in the dark, hidden from the wonders of this fascinating story. Okay just kidding, I won't kick you but you got me so stunned when I just started the first chapter. It was literally something I had never seen in a fanfiction before. The concept itself is so deep that this should become a novel. Actually, it reminds me a bit of the book "The Giver". It wasn't the same but I remembered an ideal society where freedom of expression did not exist and the system was terrifyingly rigid.<br />
<br />
The fact that you were able to create an ideal society of your own to integrate into the futuristic world is jaw-dropping. Arranged marriages, the thick barricade between the rich and the poor, the clash between rigid and unchangeable ideals and free and creative thoughts...<br />
<br />
I just need so much more of this story right now.<br />
<br />
This story is simply amazing and deserves to be featured a thousand times. You have taken fanfiction writing to a whole new level. Among the many same repeated stories of cheesy puppy love, this truly is mind-blowing to read.<br />
<br />
Update soon or I will not forgive you- I mean, update soon because I NEED THIS among the many fanfictions I've read that is just...incomparable to such greatness.
thanks a million
JaejoongPrincess #10
This is pretty good!!! I like it!!!!