The Third-Floor Bedroom


Spoiled bratty Zelo, lonely miserable Jino, connected not by fate, but by the third floor bedroom. It all started when someone left the window open. 


This is a collab thing, sort of, with my Mariaboo. Similar to The Harp but under different circumstances, I have written a short story based on the cover photo. Due to the nature of the assignment, there are a lot of unusual words that make it seem like a thesaurus vomited on the fic. Not to worry, I plan on editing it soon. 

There are two sections, for now. The first part is Zelo and his views on the world. The second part is Jino and how he deals with his life. These two parts are parallels and connect at the end. Should be interesting to read. 


Excerpt from the Zelo section-


Curiosity took over Zelo, and he asked Jino questions that he’d normally never ask even his brothers, personal questions about his family, his feelings, and his views on the world. It was odd for Zelo to comprehend at first, but there are other people out there in the world and they don’t all live a spoiled life like he did. By the end of their impromptu session together, supposedly Zelo had learned some life lesson (probably Jino too, if it concerned liveliness and friendship) because deep down in Zelo’s heart, he was grateful for his brothers and never feeling true loneliness. 


Eventually... Eventually my Maria will put up the other section. Eventually...


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Chapter 1: I enjoy the thesaurus vomit. It is fun to read. I am writing in simple sentences. That means I am brain dead from figuring out and remembering meanings to seldom used words.

LOL. I actually quite enjoyed this, and look forward to any updates that may come about in the future. ^___^