chapter 4 - Birthday

Yunho / Yesung Oneshots

just a random fic that i wrote in my boring class today... hope you like it...(:


Yunho was so anxious. Today was his birthday. After almost five months he had a relationship with Yesung, he really wondered what kind of surprise that Yesung would give to him.

He really wanted Yesung to be the first one that said happy birthday to him. So he waited for Yesung since the clock showed 00.01 AM in his birthdate.

But after waited anxiously for hours, Yesung hasn’t sent him a birthday message. While almost all of his friends and family have congratulated him. Tired and annoyed, he gave up.

Morning came and Yunho abruptly reached for his cellphone. Still, no message from Yesung.

He felt a bit angry. He never thought that the older could be this ignorant.

He started the day with all grumpy. Changmin just kept quiet, because he knew how sensitive the leader could be when he was in bad mood.

Yeah, Yunho always showed his manly and responsible side of him. But indeed, he could be really childish.


Yunho slumped his body in the couch tiredly. He was really exhausted because of today’s packed schedule and a surprised party that be held by his friends and familys. No Yesung there, just FYI.

He almost fell asleep when his phone vibrated continuously.

He checked the caller ID. It was Yesung.

His annoyance raised again.

It was 11.44 PM. His birthday almost passed, why did the older has to bother himself to call him now?

He was unsured to answer the call or not when there was a knock on his  front door.

He approached the door and opened it half-heartedly.

Yesung was standing outside his door, smiled beautifully at him.

“Yunnie,” Yesung greeted him cheerfully.

Yunho looked at him in surprise, “Sungie-Hyung?! What are you doing here?”

“Let’s go,” Yesung grabbed Yunho’s wrist and pulled him outside.

“Wait, Hyung! My shoes,” Yunho said.

Yesung sighed but let his hand go and tapped his foot impatiently as Yunho tied his shoe laces.

Once the shoes were tied up tightly, Yesung pulled Yunho after him.

“Where are we going, Hyung?” Yunho asked confusedly.

“Ssh, just follow me,” Yesung answered briefly.

Yesung dragged Yunho toward his car. Then drove them to God knew where.

Yunho, still dumbfounded, just kept silent in the passenger seat.

Yesung took a glance at him and flashed him a smile. Then he the radio.

Yesung sang along the song that was played.

When there was a song from one of girlsbands, Yesung moved his body, tried to copy the original dance as best as he could and allowed in his driving-position.

Yunho, who was felt so annoyed at first, started enjoyed the performance that Yesung showed.

Yesung, that now sang Gee happily, looked so adorable.

When he sang that song cutely and a bit flirty, Yunho couldn’t hold his chuckle and a warmth of happiness spread to entire of his body.

How lucky he was for having such an adorable and cute lover like Yesung, Yunho thought.

Absorbed by the show that Yesung performed, Yunho didn’t realized that the car has stopped.

He raised his brows as he recognized SM building in front of him.

“What are we doing here, Hyung?” Yunho asked.

But Yesung just leaned forward and pecked Yunho’s lips. Then he out of the car and left Yunho with no other choice but followed after him.

Yesung brought him to rooftop.

Yunho guessed that Yesung must be prepared a surprise for him there.

So he felt so anxious and his heart beat fast as they opened the door.

The door opened and what he saw caught him off guard.

There’s was no surprise or unsual sight of the rooftop.

Just usual rooftop where they often visited when they have free schedule.

“Hyung?” Yunho called.


“What actually are we doing here?” Yunho asked.

But Yesung just smiled softly.

“Hyung, you dragged me here on the middle of the night to nothing? What were you thinking about?” Yunho blew out in anger.

He was so tired, he thought Yesung came to make him felt better. But all Yesung did just make him  more annoyed.

“Yunho,” Yesung started, but was cut of by Yunho.

“Hyung, you don’t say happy birthday to me. Do you even remember that today is my birthday?” Yunho raised his voice.

“I waited for you, Hyung. I want you to be the first one that congratulated me. but you don’t even call me or send me a message.”

Yesung cupped Yunho’s face and kissed him gently.

His soft lips pressed gently to Yunho’s. For seconds, Yunho just stayed still. Bt finally he gave in and kissed Yesung back.

Through the kisses, Yesung tried to show how much he loved the younger. And Yunho received the unspoken message.

They parted for the air. Both of them fluttered and flushed.

“Yunnie, I don’t want to be the first one that congratulated you for your birthday,” Yesung said.

Yunho raised his brows confusedly.

“What I want is that I’m the last one that congratulate you. I also want to be the last one for all the things that relate to you. Including being the last one that you love for the rest of your life,” Yesung continued.

Yunho was startled, but the he smiled as he absorbed what the mean of Yesung’s words.

“Hyung, I love you,” he hugged Yesung tightly.

And Yesung laughed his angelic voice.

“I love you, too. Really love you, so don’t even try to doubt my feeling toward you,” Yesung said.

“Never, Hyung, never.”

Yesung leaned backward, “But, I’m sorry Yunho. Today I was so busy, so I didn’t manage to make a surprise and present for you.”

Yunho smiled, “It’s okay, Hyung. Your love is the biggest present for me.”

Yesung chuckled, “Then, I’ll give you all my love. Now, look up.” Yesung pointed the sky.

Yunho gasped, he could see a clear sky above them. Full of bright stars. It was so beautiful.

“I’ve watched weather forecast, and they said today we have a clear view of sky. So I thought if we went to high building, we could see the stars. And I’m right,” Yesung said proudly.

Yunho, looked at Yesung carefully.

Yeah, definitely he was the luckiest man in the world, because he had all of Yesung’s love for himself.

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410 streak #1
Chapter 15: It's not fair for his lover actually
410 streak #2
Chapter 13: Soooo... Yunho is dead now? But! I want a happy ending! T^T
410 streak #3
Chapter 11: I'm glad it ended well
410 streak #4
Chapter 9: woah! Sungie did something wrong to Yunho. He should have been more open with Yunho. But well, I understand his feeling, that wasn't easy at all
410 streak #5
Chapter 8: wow, that's super fast! XD it would be funny if Sungie was a killer and tried to kill Yunho XD
410 streak #6
Chapter 7: I love how Sungie being so patient towards Yunho who don't want to be fall in love with anyone <3
410 streak #7
Chapter 6: oh! you made my day better even after reading My Only Hope! Cute story!
410 streak #8
Chapter 5: he cheated and you still want him? you're so stupid Sungie! T^T Just move on, be the best of you, and let them know that you're happy without them! T^T
410 streak #9
Chapter 4: >_______< Sungie being romantic <33333
410 streak #10
Chapter 3: aaaaw~ XDDDD cringe but lovely! XD and Leeteuk teasing Sungie was amazing, he did a great job by worrying his dongsaeng, such a great hyung!